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laetitia crucis

[quote name='vee8' date='17 June 2010 - 10:05 PM' timestamp='1276826741' post='2130721']


Because as Dominicans, we [i]are[/i] the Spanish Inquisition. :evil: ;)

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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='17 June 2010 - 11:01 PM' timestamp='1276833698' post='2130760']
Because as Dominicans, we [i]are[/i] the Spanish Inquisition. :evil: ;)

And your chief weapons are fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and... nice red uniforms I suppose <_<

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='vee8' date='18 June 2010 - 09:52 AM' timestamp='1276869164' post='2130855']
And your chief weapons are fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and... nice red uniforms I suppose <_<

So, I see you've been expecting us?


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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='18 June 2010 - 08:56 AM' timestamp='1276869371' post='2130857']
So, I see you've been expecting us?


No :mellow: because NOBODY expects the inquisition :P

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='vee8' date='18 June 2010 - 01:08 PM' timestamp='1276880903' post='2130937']
No :mellow: because NOBODY expects the inquisition :P


Ya got me!


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[quote name='vee8' date='18 June 2010 - 01:08 PM' timestamp='1276880903' post='2130937']
No :mellow: because NOBODY expects the inquisition :P



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laetitia crucis

[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' date='18 June 2010 - 04:17 PM' timestamp='1276892278' post='2131020']



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Thanks for the laugh, silly Monty Python people. :)

Chiara, I'm discerning too and I really identified with "I am intimidated by making initial contact." In my case I only wanted to contact places that I'd have a really good chance of joining. Then I got a spiritual director who told me you really can't find out much about a community unless you visit, and he made me call and visit any place I had any interest in. Making contact was tough, but it was through visiting all those orders that God led me closer to the right place and helped me learn how He would speak to me. I don't think I could have discerned the right order for me without "wrong" orders to compare it to. Everyone's different, of course.

If you're not sure about whether to ask a certain priest to be your director, you could ask for one appointment first: "Could you meet with me some time? I'd like to talk with someone about discerning religious life..." Then you and the priest could get to know each other more, and at the end of the meeting you could ask him if he thinks you need a regular spiritual director. That's just one possible approach.

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Does anyone know whether the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate are cloistered? I see they have they Handmaids who are not cloistered, but I can't tell whether the other Sisters are?

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[quote name='Chiara_' date='20 June 2010 - 12:15 PM' timestamp='1277054141' post='2131756']
Does anyone know whether the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate are cloistered? I see they have they Handmaids who are not cloistered, but I can't tell whether the other Sisters are?

Based on the description of their apostolate on their Web site [url="http://www.marymediatrix.com"]www.marymediatrix.com[/url] it appears that the Sisters are not cloistered.

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='Chiara_' date='20 June 2010 - 01:15 PM' timestamp='1277054141' post='2131756']
Does anyone know whether the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate are cloistered? I see they have they Handmaids who are not cloistered, but I can't tell whether the other Sisters are?

There are two branches of the [url="http://marymediatrix.com/religious-life/sisters-of-the-immaculate"]Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate[/url] -- one semi-contemplative, one completely contemplative. All Sisters that enter are formed in the semi-contemplative branch, but then may be sent to the contemplative houses. (Which I believe [i]are[/i] cloistered. These houses are called the "Houses of the Colombaio" (sp?).)

There is more information available in Italian about the Colombaio houses, though not much that I could find in English. (I googled: Colombaio dell´Immacolata.)

There may be some PMers here that will know more about the contemplative branch of the [url="http://marymediatrix.com/religious-life/sisters-of-the-immaculate"]Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate[/url], and you can always contact the U.S. Vocation Director as well (Sr. M. Consolatrice, FI -- she's wonderful! :love: )

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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='20 June 2010 - 04:03 PM' timestamp='1277067801' post='2131812']
There are two branches of the [url="http://marymediatrix.com/religious-life/sisters-of-the-immaculate"]Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate[/url] -- one semi-contemplative, one completely contemplative. All Sisters that enter are formed in the semi-contemplative branch, but then may be sent to the contemplative houses. (Which I believe [i]are[/i] cloistered. These houses are called the "Houses of the Colombaio" (sp?).)

There is more information available in Italian about the Colombaio houses, though not much that I could find in English. (I googled: Colombaio dell´Immacolata.)

There may be some PMers here that will know more about the contemplative branch of the [url="http://marymediatrix.com/religious-life/sisters-of-the-immaculate"]Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate[/url], and you can always contact the U.S. Vocation Director as well (Sr. M. Consolatrice, FI -- she's wonderful! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/love.gif[/img] )

Thanks for all the extra information! I shouldn't even have bothered trying to get the answer from their Web site. Someone here always knows the answer from personal experience!

Note: One thing I did find interesting on the Web site is that the Sisters consider wearing the habit one of their forms of penance. I guess the habit may be penitential at times (such as when the weather is 100 degrees and humid!) But, based on the posts in VS, many posters who were formerly in religious life didn't consider their habit a penance at all!

Edited by IgnatiusofLoyola
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laetitia crucis

[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' date='20 June 2010 - 05:35 PM' timestamp='1277069719' post='2131824']
Thanks for all the extra information! I shouldn't even have bothered trying to get the answer from their Web site. Someone here always knows the answer from personal experience!

Note: One thing I did find interesting on the Web site is that the Sisters consider wearing the habit one of their forms of penance. I guess the habit may be penitential at times (such as when the weather is 100 degrees and humid!) But, based on the posts in VS, many posters who were formerly in religious life didn't consider their habit a penance at all!

Their habits are [i]super[/i]-hot. :sweat: When possible (through donations), their habits are made from as much wool as possible. Ideally, it would be 100%; however, that's generally too expensive. Plus, they also wear long sleeved turtlenecks under their habits. And sandals (without socks ;) ) all the time. (Yet, if the environment is too severe, they will wear socks and occasionally I've seen some of the friars wear shoes -- like [url="http://airmaria.com/?sn=109&vp=12294&prefx=rovr&plyrnb=1&ttl=Roving%20Reporter"]when they go hiking up a mountain[/url].)

While visiting in the middle of summer last year, I had wondered how the Sisters didn't pass out while kneeling in prayer while in their (non-air conditioned) chapel. (I don't think I've ever sweat so much in my life. :sweat: Truly, I believe it's the grace of God that prevented me from passing out. This must be the "grace of vocation" all of these Sisters must have all the time! :saint: Imagine all those souls saved!) Also, in hotter climates (like Africa and the Philippines), the Sisters' habits are made from a lighter weight material.

Ah, and they each wear a brown scapular under the habits, and a rosary (one of the plastic ones) around their neck under the habit.

:scratchhead: That's all I can remember at the moment. :lol:

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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='20 June 2010 - 05:14 PM' timestamp='1277072044' post='2131839']
Their habits are [i]super[/i]-hot. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/sweat.gif[/img] When possible (through donations), their habits are made from as much wool as possible. Ideally, it would be 100%; however, that's generally too expensive. Plus, they also wear long sleeved turtlenecks under their habits. And sandals (without socks [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif[/img] ) all the time. (Yet, if the environment is too severe, they will wear socks and occasionally I've seen some of the friars wear shoes -- like [url="http://airmaria.com/?sn=109&vp=12294&prefx=rovr&plyrnb=1&ttl=Roving%20Reporter"]when they go hiking up a mountain[/url].)

While visiting in the middle of summer last year, I had wondered how the Sisters didn't pass out while kneeling in prayer while in their (non-air conditioned) chapel. (I don't think I've ever sweat so much in my life. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/sweat.gif[/img] Truly, I believe it's the grace of God that prevented me from passing out. This must be the "grace of vocation" all of these Sisters must have all the time! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/saint.gif[/img] Imagine all those souls saved!) Also, in hotter climates (like Africa and the Philippines), the Sisters' habits are made from a lighter weight material.

Ah, and they each wear a brown scapular under the habits, and a rosary (one of the plastic ones) around their neck under the habit.

[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/think_head.gif[/img] That's all I can remember at the moment. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/lol.gif[/img]

Oh, okay, that helps make things clearer. One thing that surprised me was that the Web site mentioned that part of the penance was that the Sisters wear their habits all the time. Don't most religious sisters/nuns wear their habits all the time, even to bed in some Orders? Do you think they're referring to wearing some kind of habit in the shower, for example?

For someone who has only met 2 or 3 Religious Sisters in my life (at least in person!), I have looked at a LOT of Web sites of religious Orders. This Web site was different than most in how much it emphasized penance, including no vacations (which probably isn't THAT unusual) but also no indulging in "worldly amusements," as well as mentioning physical penitential practices.

Also, nowadays, many Orders on their Web sites show lots of pictures of Sisters/nuns smiling, to illustrate that that the members of the Order are happy and content in the religious life. On this Web site, there weren't a lot of pictures of Sisters smiling.

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' date='20 June 2010 - 06:25 PM' timestamp='1277072712' post='2131842']
Oh, okay, that helps make things clearer. One thing that surprised me was that the Web site mentioned that part of the penance was that the Sisters wear their habits all the time. Don't most religious sisters/nuns wear their habits all the time, even to bed in some Orders? Do you think they're referring to wearing some kind of habit in the shower, for example?

For someone who has only met 2 or 3 Religious Sisters in my life (at least in person!), I have looked at a LOT of Web sites of religious Orders. This Web site was different than most in how much it emphasized penance, including no vacations (which probably isn't THAT unusual) but also no indulging in "worldly amusements," as well as mentioning physical penitential practices.

Also, nowadays, many Orders on their Web sites show lots of pictures of Sisters/nuns smiling, to illustrate that that the members of the Order are happy and content in the religious life. On this Web site, there weren't a lot of pictures of Sisters smiling.

Hmmm... :scratchhead: I suppose for some people, wearing the habit at all times would be considered a penance, though like you said, many of us PMers (that have been in religious life) didn't find it to be so. :idontknow: The FSIs also have a type of habit they wear to sleep, too -- I thought that was really neat! It reminded me of a part in Mother Francis' book "A Right to Be Merry" when she's talking about getting up in the middle of the night to pray the Office of Readings.

I do not believe the FSIs wear a habit in the shower. (That's one question I didn't think to ask... :hehe: )

In real life, I can assure you the FSIs I've met are very joyful. I've always heard that Franciscans are known for their "Franciscan Joy" and after meeting these Sisters...I'm convinced, really, it's true. So true. As cheesy as it might sound, these Sisters radiate the joy of Christ, though not in that superficial I-smile-just-because-I-have-to way, you know? I guess the only way I think of putting it is that they have an [i]authentic [/i]joy about them. It's unmistakable. :saint: And wonderfully contagious!

Here are some pictures I took during my visit with them last summer: [url="http://s802.photobucket.com/albums/yy305/laetitia_crucis/FSI/?start=all"]FSIs in New Bedford, MA[/url] :photo:

Edit: Spelling typo. :annoyed:

Edited by laetitia crucis
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