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Holy Communion


Holy Communion Poll  

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[quote name='Gal. 5:22,23' date='21 June 2010 - 01:24 PM' timestamp='1277141070' post='2132243']
This reminds me of a quote from St. Francis of Assisi. He was asked, "Brother Francis, what would you do if you knew that a priest celebrating Mass had three concubines on the side?" Francis replied, "When it came time for Holy Communion, I would go to receive the sacred body of my Lord from the priest's anointed hands."

I try to keep this in mind when my personal opinions or frustration with liturgical abuses tempt me to take my eyes off of Our Lord in Mass. But it's difficult, it's really really difficult.

! Best post of the thread!

I love St. Francis... thanks for sharing that story!

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[quote name='zunshynn' date='13 June 2010 - 12:53 AM' timestamp='1276408421' post='2128015']
I wouldn't ever change lines because I preferred one priest over another, or because I disliked one. I would only do that if I happened to know that a priest is unwilling or will be upset by distributing Holy Communion on the tongue.[/quote]
Same here. I answered Yes to the first question .. but not because I don't like the priest .. but because I specifically know a couple that do not like distributing Holy Communion on the tongue actually :/

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  • 4 weeks later...

[quote name='john654' date='21 June 2010 - 07:41 AM' timestamp='1277120510' post='2132136']
I quit my job, sold my house and moved out of California to protect my family from the parish I attended for 50 years.


Wow. I hope you like the parish you are in today...

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I know this has already been mentioned by others, but in my case despite preferring to receive from a priest, I never had much of a problem receiving from an EMHC. That is until I began receiving on the tongue and I ran into the problem of EMHCs nearly dropping the consecrated host out of inexperience or illness (trembling hands), being too short, and there was even one particularly bad experience when I was at a graduation mass - and of course they just have to use the high school grads as EMHCs. I was set to receive from a girl a few years younger than me that I had grown up knowing, after she saw that I was planning to receive on the tongue she quietly said the words "I hate you" before sort of flicking the host into my mouth. I know that she was uncomfortable and probably trying to joke about it but I was absolutely horrified, completely thrown off, and just genuinely saddened by the whole thing. Especially after that encounter I've been more cautious about the manner in which I receive depending on the line I'm in...but when it comes down to it, I should be so consumed with trying to prepare myself to receive Our Lord that the manner of reception or the identity of the minister doesn't belong anywhere on my radar, but unfortunately it sometimes does become an issue.

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='frassati' date='23 July 2010 - 12:55 PM' timestamp='1279907723' post='2146858']
I know this has already been mentioned by others, but in my case despite preferring to receive from a priest, I never had much of a problem receiving from an EMHC. That is until I began receiving on the tongue and I ran into the problem of EMHCs nearly dropping the consecrated host out of inexperience or illness (trembling hands), being too short, and there was even one particularly bad experience when I was at a graduation mass - and of course they just have to use the high school grads as EMHCs. I was set to receive from a girl a few years younger than me that I had grown up knowing, after she saw that I was planning to receive on the tongue she quietly said the words "I hate you" before sort of flicking the host into my mouth. I know that she was uncomfortable and probably trying to joke about it but I was absolutely horrified, completely thrown off, and just genuinely saddened by the whole thing. Especially after that encounter I've been more cautious about the manner in which I receive depending on the line I'm in...but when it comes down to it, I should be so consumed with trying to prepare myself to receive Our Lord that the manner of reception or the identity of the minister doesn't belong anywhere on my radar, but unfortunately it sometimes does become an issue.
I'm so sorry to hear about your experience. :( I would be floored as well.

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A question for all you smart people:

When did it become "allowed" to receive the Body of Christ in the hands rather than the tongue? What prompted this change? What was the reasoning behind it, and for what reason do people reject this practice? ([u]aside from[/u] Tradition) Why is the tongue a more "worthy" body part than the hand? I am not trying to cause a debate, just trying to understand. Thanks :)

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[quote name='sixpence' date='23 July 2010 - 02:51 PM' timestamp='1279911090' post='2146919']
A question for all you smart people:

When did it become "allowed" to receive the Body of Christ in the hands rather than the tongue? What prompted this change? What was the reasoning behind it, and for what reason do people reject this practice? ([u]aside from[/u] Tradition) Why is the tongue a more "worthy" body part than the hand? I am not trying to cause a debate, just trying to understand. Thanks :)

no one wants to answer my question!! ppthhht!! I shall move it to a new topic in the Questions board! hmph! :P

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I was at this one Church where the preist and the decon only give out Communion. :mario: But there was four other people who gave out the Blood of Christ. :yahoo: In this case, I really like this. :bart:

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' date='19 June 2010 - 01:39 PM' timestamp='1276969142' post='2131504']
So if more than one are mentioned within a fairly short period of time, you just keep bobbing? I've always wondered. I'm not in the habit, because I was never taught. :(

Yep :) But it's more of a slight nod so I think most people don't notice unless they know what's going on. My priests usually also nod for the Pope and our patron saint

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  • 3 weeks later...

[quote name='elizabeth09' timestamp='1280199324' post='2148542']
I was at this one Church where the preist and the decon only give out Communion. :mario: But there was four other people who gave out the Blood of Christ. :yahoo: In this case, I really like this. :bart:

That is how it is at the OF Masses at the parish I attend in Indianapolis. There are two priests who distribute hosts onto the tongues of kneeling parishioners at the communion rail; only a few people receive on the hand and there are a few elderly people who cannot kneel. They also have a couple of EMHC distributing the Precious Blood in the front corners abutting the sanctuary.

And for the record, I prefer to receive the Blessed Sacrament kneeling and on the tongue from the priest or deacon. In cases I am at a parish where I am unfamiliar with where the priest will be distributing from, I find it best to simply sit near the back and to get into whichever line the priest giving out Communion to. I really prefer not to receive from EMHC anymore.

Edited by Veridicus
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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='sixpence' timestamp='1279911090' post='2146919']
A question for all you smart people:
You're in the wrong forum, that's probably why you didn't get a response. :D

[quote]When did it become "allowed" to receive the Body of Christ in the hands rather than the tongue? What prompted this change? What was the reasoning behind it, and for what reason do people reject this practice? ([u]aside from[/u] Tradition) Why is the tongue a more "worthy" body part than the hand? I am not trying to cause a debate, just trying to understand. Thanks [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif[/img]

Good question. Since it is an extraordinary event, one would have to wonder why a minor physical difference would matter. People touched Jesus when they wanted to be healed, he said to them "It is your faith that has healed you." Touching or how didn't seem to matter then, it was what was going on in their soul and mind that was important.

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