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laetitia crucis

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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='08 June 2010 - 07:13 PM' timestamp='1276046038' post='2126028']
Thank you all for the "Congratulations" and especially for the PRAYERS! :notworthy:

I've been praying the 30 Novena to St. Joseph and highly recommend it:


laetitia - I am SOOOOO Happy for you!!!! That just made me SMILE THIIIIIIIIIIIIISS Big!!!

:bigclap: Yay for Momma Mary and St. Joseph!! What a beautiful day indeed for you!! I will offer Holy Mass for you dear one.

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

St. Joseph has been such an amazing intercessor for me as well! Thank for this 30-day Novena. When I read the first lines, I thought, "Hmm should I pray it now?" and then saw the, "Can be prayed at anytime" and thought - why YES I will then! :)

Love in Christ,


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laetitia crucis

[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' date='08 June 2010 - 08:49 PM' timestamp='1276044560' post='2126018']
I'm so excited for you!!!!! (But, we're going to miss you, too)

[quote name='TeresaBenedicta' date='09 June 2010 - 01:33 AM' timestamp='1276061605' post='2126239']
Selfishly, this was the second thought that went through my mind as well!! At least the first was excitement!!!

And lc, what a shame, you're going to miss the Deathly Hallows-- both of the movies!!!

If it is any consolation, please know that I'll be missing PM, and especially the VS a LOT! :sadder: When I entered the convent the first time, I would frequently wonder how people were doing here and keep them in my prayers. When I came home for my first home visit, this is the first (and probably only) place I stopped in to check out, though as a lurker. :ninja: There's something so... truly beautiful (at least I think so :sweat: ) about being able to share one's vocation journey with others along the way. It's hard to find in person, but to be able to find it here... such a blessing, truly.

I watched [i]Half-Blood Prince[/i] on the way to England in November and loved it! Maybe when I come home for my first home visit (as a postulant, right before becoming a novice -- God willing!) I'll have permission to watch [i]Deathly Hallows[/i]... :idontknow: Here's hoping! Haha! If not, then perhaps I'll have to read all the books again before I enter, just in case. [i]The Lord of the Rings[/i] is on the "Must Read Before Entering" list, too. :nerd:

Now... if I could somehow get all the episodes of [i]Star Trek[/i] in.... :whistle: At [i]least[/i] the Original Series and TNG. :hehe:

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='vee8' date='08 June 2010 - 10:54 PM' timestamp='1276052043' post='2126116']
Speaking of prayers I actually just finished a novena for you, along with other intentions, to St Therese :blush: I started it when you said you found her book, and finished it today. I wasn't going to say anything but with such amazing news I thought I would let you know in case you want to credit or thank her for anything because she would deserve the thanks not me.

I ignored St Joseph until this past Christmas when I saw the movie The Nativity Story on tv. In it Joseph is quite young and there are scenes that present things from his view which really made me think about, and appreciate him for the first time. Since then I've been very happy to pray to Joseph and to encourage others to do so as well, especially those in vocation discernment land.

Awwwwww! :blush: Thank you so much, vee8! -- AND of course, I thank St. Therese a million times over! ;) She always manages to sneak herself (and all the graces she brings) into my life. That Therese... she's [i]good[/i] and a sly one at that. :evil: :lol:

I've been wondering about seeing [i]The Nativity Story[/i]. It came out while I was in the convent the first time, but I remember reading reviews about how it really emphasized Joseph's role... that sparked my interest. For me at least, I feel like it's be really difficult getting to know him, you know? There's so little written about him in the Gospels, so I'm always trying to find other sources. Plus, like you said, he's extremely helpful to those in vocational discernment land. I've hand so many religious tell me to entrust my vocation to him over the years! (However, call me a Mama's Girl... I was reluctant. :paperbag: Hah!)

[quote name='melporcristo' date='09 June 2010 - 01:48 AM' timestamp='1276062507' post='2126243']
laetitia - I am SOOOOO Happy for you!!!! That just made me SMILE THIIIIIIIIIIIIISS Big!!!

:bigclap: Yay for Momma Mary and St. Joseph!! What a beautiful day indeed for you!! I will offer Holy Mass for you dear one.

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

St. Joseph has been such an amazing intercessor for me as well! Thank for this 30-day Novena. When I read the first lines, I thought, "Hmm should I pray it now?" and then saw the, "Can be prayed at anytime" and thought - why YES I will then! :)

Love in Christ,


:D :D :D

Thank you for offering your Holy Mass for me, Melissa -- that makes me even a bit verklempt! :sadder: <-- happy!

God is SO good, right? Just "WOW!" I mean... I'm still in shock here. But I'll keep praying to St. Joseph no matter what! Hahaha!

It's really beautiful to see just how many orders/community have a special devotion to him.. all the Carmelites, the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (JTheresa and alrichey's future community), etc. Pretty cool. :smokey:

[quote name='tnavarro61' date='09 June 2010 - 02:18 AM' timestamp='1276064295' post='2126259']
congratulations! have you found your words? :D :D :D

Still so shocked. Hahahaha!


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What blessed news- I am so happy for you! And isn't this the order that VA was discerning with? Does anyone have any news of her?

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='regina_coeli' date='09 June 2010 - 08:37 AM' timestamp='1276087078' post='2126287']
What blessed news- I am so happy for you! And isn't this the order that VA was discerning with? Does anyone have any news of her?

Yep -- this is the same order VA is discerning with. :) From what she had last posted here in VS about her discernment (quite a while ago -- I miss seeing her around! :sadder: ) she is to be entering this September 8th. However, since that time I haven't heard anything from her or about her. :idontknow: I hope she's doing well. :pray:

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Acceptance on 6/8/10 nice? I am not a number freak just a math teacher ha ha.
How happy I am for you, Laetitia Crucis. You are so blessed and will receive many, many prayers!
God bless you and all your future SISTERS!

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[quote name='Kathgirl' date='09 June 2010 - 05:17 PM' timestamp='1276118239' post='2126458']
Acceptance on 6/8/10 nice? I am not a number freak just a math teacher ha ha.
How happy I am for you, Laetitia Crucis. You are so blessed and will receive many, many prayers!
God bless you and all your future SISTERS!
Or did I mess up lol? Was it June 9th instead of June 8th?
Either way your news is awesome!!!!! :))

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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='09 June 2010 - 08:53 AM' timestamp='1276088005' post='2126289']
Yep -- this is the same order VA is discerning with. :) From what she had last posted here in VS about her discernment (quite a while ago -- I miss seeing her around! :sadder: ) she is to be entering this September 8th. However, since that time I haven't heard anything from her or about her. :idontknow: I hope she's doing well. :pray:

Her blog seemed to say, a few months ago, that she had been in definite Internet retirement, out of which Lilllabettt momentarily pulled her by tagging her for something and to which I presume she has since returned.

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What a lame person I am!!! I meant to say

[center]:banana: [font="Impact"][size="6"][color="#000080"][font="Century Gothic"][font="Book Antiqua"]Congratulations, LaetitiaCrucis![/font][/font][/color][/size][/font] :banana:[/center]

[center] :lol: [/center]


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[size="6"]CONGRATULATIONS LC!!!!![/size]

:clap: :yahoo: :clap:

I can't imagine how excited you must feel!!!

As we all know the Dominicans are great! And to have Saint Joseph as a patron... well, that's icing on the cake!!!
As you said, I never really had a great devotion to Saint Joseph either, but since all the sisters in our community are consecrated with his name, I figured I should learn more about him. I read Joseph of Nazareth, and it was really really good. It gave as complete of a portrait of him as possible. Highly recommend it. I really can't remember the name of the author though, I read it on an Opus Dei retreat, but I think it was an Opus Dei priest. Wouldn't surprise me. And they have a new movie about him!!! It looks really good any one seen it?

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='Thomist-in-Training' date='09 June 2010 - 09:19 PM' timestamp='1276132762' post='2126554']
What a lame person I am!!! I meant to say

[center]:banana: [font="Impact"][size="6"][color="#000080"][font="Century Gothic"][font="Book Antiqua"]Congratulations, LaetitiaCrucis![/font][/font][/color][/size][/font] :banana:[/center]

[center] :lol: [/center]


Awwwwwww! :blush: Thank you for the beautiful balloons! (And for the bit of info on VA, too!) :D

[quote name='TradMom' date='09 June 2010 - 09:46 PM' timestamp='1276134364' post='2126563']
+Praised be Jesus Christ!

Blessings and prayers. A life of great happiness awaits you!



Thank you so much for the prayers, TradMom! :blowkiss:

[quote name='JTheresa' date='09 June 2010 - 10:39 PM' timestamp='1276137568' post='2126582']
[size="6"]CONGRATULATIONS LC!!!!![/size]

:clap: :yahoo: :clap:

I can't imagine how excited you must feel!!!

As we all know the Dominicans are great! And to have Saint Joseph as a patron... well, that's icing on the cake!!!
As you said, I never really had a great devotion to Saint Joseph either, but since all the sisters in our community are consecrated with his name, I figured I should learn more about him. I read Joseph of Nazareth, and it was really really good. It gave as complete of a portrait of him as possible. Highly recommend it. I really can't remember the name of the author though, I read it on an Opus Dei retreat, but I think it was an Opus Dei priest. Wouldn't surprise me. And they have a new movie about him!!! It looks really good any one seen it?

:woot: :yahoo: :woot:

Note to self: Look for the book [i]Joseph of Nazareth[/i]. I should read that. :yes:

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I really like that picture at the top of the charism page on their website. Is that a painting they have there or just art they put on the site? Also, I really like the chapel. Very English.

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