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How Long Should You Wait...


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So there is this religious order I'm trying to contact for the first time, I emailed them on Sunday, and was wondering how long I should wait before trying to contact them through another means, such as writing a letter without seeming too pushy?

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I remember when I first wrote to the community I entered (it was "snail mail"!) ... I waited AT LEAST a month to hear back! I got so discouraged - I was like, "OK, Lord, this must not be where You want me..."

Turns out, the Sister who mailed it forgot to put postage on it! SOOO...it got sent out, then got sent back to the convent, then she had to send it out again WITH postage! :lol: So it all took a little bit of time.

I would recommend calling. Some communities are very busy and sometimes a thing like an inquiry via e-mail or a letter can "fall through the cracks" -- I don't think it would be too soon to call.

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='CherieMadame' date='03 June 2010 - 10:01 AM' timestamp='1275573688' post='2123126']
I remember when I first wrote to the community I entered (it was "snail mail"!) ... I waited AT LEAST a month to hear back! I got so discouraged - I was like, "OK, Lord, this must not be where You want me..."

Turns out, the Sister who mailed it forgot to put postage on it! SOOO...it got sent out, then got sent back to the convent, then she had to send it out again WITH postage! :lol: So it all took a little bit of time.

[b]I would recommend calling. Some communities are very busy and sometimes a thing like an inquiry via e-mail or a letter can "fall through the cracks" -- I don't think it would be too soon to call.

I agree with CM's suggestion. :)

Also, I've always preferred making "first contact" via the phone. This helps give me a better feel for the Sisters and really hear in their own words about their way of life, if that makes sense. And if you get nervous about talking on the phone to Sisters, I'd recommend writing down some questions you might have before you call -- I did this when I first began contacting Orders/communities back in the day. :sweat:

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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='03 June 2010 - 10:12 AM' timestamp='1275574343' post='2123130']
Also, I've always preferred making "first contact" via the phone. This helps give me a better feel for the Sisters and really hear in their own words about their way of life, if that makes sense. And if you get nervous about talking on the phone to Sisters, I'd recommend writing down some questions you might have before you call -- I did this when I first began contacting Orders/communities back in the day. :sweat:

Haha, I used to be so afraid, I would write down the simplest things like, "Hi, my name is ____ and I was wondering if I could speak to the Vocation Directress about vocations?" "Hi, Sister, I've been discerning religious life for ____ years, and I found your community from ______. I was wondering if you could tell me a little bit about your life, and whether or not I could possibly set up a time to come visit your community?" Then I'd write down each question I had ... as the call progressed, I got a little more comfortable, but I mean I used to write down EVERYTHING!!! :sweat: :lol:

Thankfully, I'm a little less timid now, but I sure understand what others feel like if they get nervous!

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The entire contact that I've had with my potential community has been ridiculously difficult, LOL!!!

The first time I tried calling the vocation director, it took me 3 tries before I could get the call to even go through!!!! (Talk about discouraging, considering I was nervous to the point of almost being sick each time I worked up the courage to call!!!)

When I wanted to begin the application stage, it took [i]another[/i] three calls and two weeks before I was able to get in touch. (This time the convent was [i]super[/i] busy and one sister down, so I definitely understood.)

Then afterwards, there was a five week span when I didn't receive anything after two sent e-mails!!!

So, needless to say, LOL, I know what you're feeling. Offer it up to God and abandon your will to His.

Give it a week, and then make a phone call. You should be golden. ;)

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[quote name='Shana' date='03 June 2010 - 08:37 AM' timestamp='1275572278' post='2123117']
So there is this religious order I'm trying to contact for the first time, I emailed them on Sunday, and was wondering how long I should wait before trying to contact them through another means, such as writing a letter without seeming too pushy?

I know nothing (obviously) about the Order you are applying to. That said, my gut feel would be to wait at least a week, maybe a little longer, particularly since your original email was on a Sunday, when many Orders try to do as little work as possible.

I'm saying this because, many people older than their 20's/early 30's, are on a different "timetable" when it comes to the Internet, and don't always answer emails immediately. Sometimes they consider emails to be like letters, which by custom, aren't always answered immediately.

Plus, although your vocation is your first priority (a wonderful thing!), it may not be the highest priority right now for the Vocation Director--although I'm sure it's very important to her. For example, the Vocation Director may be overwhelmed with other responsibilities right now, or have a cold, or be on retreat, etc.

For what it's worth--about 2 cents. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.gif[/img]

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I tried to make a first contact thru email and got no response. After some time, I wrote a very short letter, rather shorter than my email, which said basically "I am a young woman interested in knowing about your way of life. Thanks" and included my email address, and then I got a response back by email as soon as they got the letter in the mail! Apparently the email address I'd been given for them was simply missing a punctuation mark! So don't assume you're deliberately being ignored, calling or sending a letter to try again is fine either way and not pushy.

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I called and left a message. I tried calling a few times before but noone picked up but I didnt' leave a message this time. I'm not applying at this point, lol, just inquiring for more info. The order isn't even established yet, but they look legit. From their facebook updates it looks like they are looking for a convent to live, lol! The are the Sisters of the Real Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, here's basically all the info I've found on them but I'd intrigued to know more:

Project to form the emerging community of future consecrated ReligiousCatholic Sisters in the Archdiocese of Chicago. Monastic/Active. 4thVow to; "Proclaim & Defend the Truths of our Catholic Faith".Spiritual Founder; Servant of God, Father John A. Hardon, S.J..Apostolate to evangelize and catechize using the Sacred Fine Arts suchas music, writing, art, architecture, culinary arts. Live in convent,habit of long black tunic and cappa with long white/black veil. Pray& chant the entire Divine Office, associated with a parish andparticipate in the life of parish.

They are on facebook, they've got some pictures up:


Looks like it could possibly be right up my alley being a Theology of the Body artist but I still feel very drawn toward the Daughters of St. Paul of course!

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[quote name='CherieMadame' date='03 June 2010 - 07:01 AM' timestamp='1275573688' post='2123126']

I would recommend calling. Some communities are very busy and sometimes a thing like an inquiry via e-mail or a letter can "fall through the cracks" -- I don't think it would be too soon to call.


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Calling doesn't seem to work, I haven't go through and left a voicemail but no response. How long should I wait before I write a letter and send via snail mail? A month?

I know they are still getting established because they are very new but on their facebook page is does say that they are now accepting inquirers into their way of life.

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[quote name='Shana' date='07 June 2010 - 10:41 AM' timestamp='1275921714' post='2125167']
Calling doesn't seem to work, I haven't go through and left a voicemail but no response. How long should I wait before I write a letter and send via snail mail? A month?

I know they are still getting established because they are very new but on their facebook page is does say that they are now accepting inquirers into their way of life.

Well, did you try sending them a Facebook message? It looks like they update that page pretty often, right?

Just mail them a letter now, it only costs, what, $.99 these days?( :sweat: the rising costs of postage are driving me nuts) and they will not be annoyed. Do it. Put it in the mail tomorrow.

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Are you sure it's not overkill? Trying to contact them through email AND phone AND mail AND I sort of have been active on their facebook page in a time span that has been just over a week? Should I wait a week before sending a letter? I don't want to come across as a psychopath, lol.

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='Shana' date='08 June 2010 - 11:51 AM' timestamp='1276012316' post='2125655']
Are you sure it's not overkill? Trying to contact them through email AND phone AND mail AND I sort of have been active on their facebook page in a time span that has been just over a week? Should I wait a week before sending a letter? I don't want to come across as a psychopath, lol.

Perhaps they'll think of you as the persistent widow or the persistently knocking neighbor asking for bread? :sweat:

That's how I hope God thinks of me... I keep knocking. And knocking.

And knocking.


"Are we there yet?"


"How about now?"

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Well, snail mail takes a few days to get there anyways, so I think you're okay. You're just trying to find the best way of getting a hold of them. They'll understand.

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So I found the nun in charge on facebook and sent her a friend request and short message saying I am interested in learning about the Real Presence Sisters. If she doesn't add me in a week then I'll write a letter.

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