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Olam investiture pics are up - so wonderful!!!! http://olamshrine.com/PhotoGallery.htm (2010 Investments)!!!!!
:clap: :clap: :clap:

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Am I just confused??? It looks like the sister doing the haircutting is dressed in a Benedictine habit.

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[quote name='linnie' date='28 June 2010 - 02:55 PM' timestamp='1277754954' post='2135422']
Am I just confused??? It looks like the sister doing the haircutting is dressed in a Benedictine habit.

Right now, a Benedictine has been temporarily appointed the Apostolic Administrator for the communtiy. As I understand it (which I might not!), she is essentially an "Acting Superior." If you read back through to the beginning of this thread, it gives an explanation.

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I'm just nosy I guess. I don't understand why the AA wouldn't be a member of the same order, even if from a different monastery or convent.

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[quote name='linnie' date='29 June 2010 - 12:59 PM' timestamp='1277830773' post='2135789']
I'm just nosy I guess. I don't understand why the AA wouldn't be a member of the same order, even if from a different monastery or convent.

Perhaps because the AA is a woman of singular gifts that will be useful to her Sisters in Christ, regardless of order? And because coming from a different order allows a fresh perspective because she is not another Franciscan, who might be inclined to (intentionally or not) influence the monastery as to what SHE thinks "Franciscans" should be?

In Christ we are to cling to nothing but him, and that includes over-clinging to our own sense of identity. This thread is a microcosm of that, as we see in the difficulty people are having in getting over the spiritual "identity" of the AA. Since we do not know why the community has an AA in place at this moment, it could well be that a Benedictine (or Carmelite, Dominican) has purposely been brought in to administer specifically so that the Franciscan sisters could forge strength into their Franciscanism, on their own.

I happen to think there is something really good about a Benedictine being there. Benedict was the founder of Western monasticism; who better to help a monastery that is getting back on its feet after the retirement of so strong a personality as Mother Angelica, than a Benedictine? Benedictines have had many prominent Abbesses and Abbots; they know how to transition away from them.

Curiosity is natural, but nosiness is not a virtue. Rather than fretting too much about why the AA is "not a Franciscan" just pray for them all. As Benedictines take a vow of stability to their houses, it cannot be easy for this Benedictine to be there; even with the sisterly bonds of consecrated life, she must feel very lonely there, and long for her house and her own community. And the Poor Clares are probably very grateful to have her, so they can simply keep to prayer, for the sake of their own community, but they likely long for this season of transition to move on.

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[quote name='DameAgnes' date='29 June 2010 - 03:11 PM' timestamp='1277835064' post='2135809']
As Benedictines take a vow of stability to their houses, it cannot be easy for this Benedictine to be there; even with the sisterly bonds of consecrated life, she must feel very lonely there, and long for her house and her own community. And the Poor Clares are probably very grateful to have her, so they can simply keep to prayer, for the sake of their own community, but they likely long for this season of transition to move on.
This reminds me of how St. Clare is told of being so out of place in a Benedictine house after she first joined with St. Francis. It wasn't until she was taken to San Damiano that she could be at home. This Benedictine nun is doing a beautiful service to her sisters in Christ and I'm sure that they are bringing beauty into her life as well.

Dame Agnes, I think you made really wise points in your post. Thanks.


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[quote name='DameAgnes' date='29 June 2010 - 01:11 PM' timestamp='1277835064' post='2135809']
Perhaps because the AA is a woman of singular gifts that will be useful to her Sisters in Christ, regardless of order? And because coming from a different order allows a fresh perspective because she is not another Franciscan, who might be inclined to (intentionally or not) influence the monastery as to what SHE thinks "Franciscans" should be?

In Christ we are to cling to nothing but him, and that includes over-clinging to our own sense of identity. This thread is a microcosm of that, as we see in the difficulty people are having in getting over the spiritual "identity" of the AA. Since we do not know why the community has an AA in place at this moment, it could well be that a Benedictine (or Carmelite, Dominican) has purposely been brought in to administer specifically so that the Franciscan sisters could forge strength into their Franciscanism, on their own.

I happen to think there is something really good about a Benedictine being there. Benedict was the founder of Western monasticism; who better to help a monastery that is getting back on its feet after the retirement of so strong a personality as Mother Angelica, than a Benedictine? Benedictines have had many prominent Abbesses and Abbots; they know how to transition away from them.

Curiosity is natural, but nosiness is not a virtue. Rather than fretting too much about why the AA is "not a Franciscan" just pray for them all. As Benedictines take a vow of stability to their houses, it cannot be easy for this Benedictine to be there; even with the sisterly bonds of consecrated life, she must feel very lonely there, and long for her house and her own community. And the Poor Clares are probably very grateful to have her, so they can simply keep to prayer, for the sake of their own community, but they likely long for this season of transition to move on.

I'm not fretting and I'm not criticizing. I've just never heard of a member of one order being in a position of leadership for another order. I wish them all the best and all the blessings God has in store for them. As a Benedictine myself, I agree that she can be of immense help and my prayers have always been with all religious. I just didn't realize that these sisters were having difficulties.

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[quote name='zunshynn' date='05 June 2010 - 10:09 PM' timestamp='1275790170' post='2124384']
I'm not exactly sure why she was appointed. I do know that they currently also have a formator/novice mistress who is a Poor Clare, a Colettine. I think.

I was just thinking that the picture of the hair cutting (I think?) had a Poor Clare Colettine in it along with the Benedictine and I was wondering what was going on!

I read thru prior posts but what happened to the previous Vicar. Wasn't there a Mother Catherine (if I have her name right?) who was Mother Vicaress or what? Bit confused here!

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[quote name='SrBenigna' date='30 June 2010 - 01:14 AM' timestamp='1277849655' post='2135893']

I read thru prior posts but what happened to the previous Vicar. Wasn't there a Mother Catherine (if I have her name right?) who was Mother Vicaress or what? Bit confused here!

In one of their newsletters, I remember seeing a notice that both the old and the new Vicar were given "sabbaticals" [in Rome, IIRC?] while the community straightened itself out. Mother Angelica was designated Abbess Emeritus, but of course she isn't in any state to take any active charge of the community. One has the feeling that the differences in viewpoint between the two Vicars were very considerable, and caused not a few problems. Hope that bringing in an objective outsider helps.

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I think the scripture verse about all things having their season probably applies, to this situation, as it often does in our lives. Mother Angelica=strong personality, possible saint in their midst. She led so formidably, it would not be unnatural for the community, needing to really contemplate a long-term leader for itself (remember, only a few of them have ever lived under another Abbess) to find that it needs to let the wind of the spirit blow through their numbers for a little while, in order to shake things up, freshen things up, and reveal the best sister for the job.

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If you click on the photo gallery, and then click on 2010 investments, and then click PAST the investment you've already seen, you will see more.

Happy Brides of Christ.

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The last set of investment pictures are up. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/lol_roll.gif[/img] They are right at the beginning of the group of pics, so you don't have to go scrolling through all the other ones. (But you'll probably want to anyways.) [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif[/img]

Edited by truthfinder
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