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Do You Read "the Wanderer"

southern california guy

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southern california guy

My mom has subscribed to "The Wanderer" for years. I used to love to read Joseph Sobran's column.

What do you guys think about "The Wanderer" newspaper? Do you like it, or dislike it?

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Definitely liked [url="http://www.sobran.com/reluctant.shtml"]Joe Sobran[/url]. The paper is very orthodox in its religious content.


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I don't read it, but I do read Father Z's [url="http://wdtprs.com/blog/category/wdtprs/"]blog[/url], which includes many articles he writes for the wanderer. I linked his actual articles, but his blog has more.

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I've seen over at one of my friends' house and have always enjoyed looking through it. I also watch Fr. Z's blog. Good stuff, usually.

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I like it...but the new oxford review is waaaaay cooler [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif[/img]

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I used to subscribe, and my parents are long-time subscribers, but I haven't been reading it regularly lately.
It's generally pretty good, though it can be a depressing read sometimes.
It's solidly orthodox, with a generally "paleo-con" political slant. Much of it is opinion pieces, some of which I agree with more than others.
It seems there's been a fair amount of turnover in the writing staff lately, with deaths and retirements.
Btw, Joe Sobran no longer writes his regular column, due to serious health problems, and it has been replaced with a column by Chris Manion.

I'd steer clear of [i]The Remnant[/i] (nutty "rad-trads") and the [i]New Oxford Review[/i], though. The NOR has some good material, but also a lot of scurrilous, slanderous garbage. Reading one issue pretty much made me sick.

Edited by Socrates
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