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Just keep scrolling: http://kansascatholic.blogspot.com/

Also, adding this description of the events, from Tridenteen on this thread:

[i]The ceremony was beautiful, but I was there for a total of 5 1/2 hrs. On top of that, Old Saint Pat's only has two toilets...and there were over two hundred people in attendence! Kansas and MO are nice, but I am so happy to be going home, as it began raining as soon as we left the Church :-( The professed sisters recieved choir veils for the greater Offices and Mass and Lectio. The veil is deep blue on top, and blood red on bottom. The colors are for the virginity and maternity of Mary. The veil has a fold on top that can be drawn over the eyes during prayer and Lectio. The cucullas they recieved were black versions of the Cistercian choir cloaks. Each sister recieved a ring and a crown of real flowers that had 12 red roses, and tiny white flowers in it. I met two brothers of Saint John the Baptist, a monk from Clear Creek, a french diocesan priest, a bunch of ICK priests, boys from Kenrick seminary (I asked them about Billy O Malley. Billy does exist, and will be ordained this year.FYI, Billy hates smoking!) Saint Mary's seminary, FSSP seminary, and ICK seminary. The priests were everywhere, and they and the seminarians attempted to exercise head of the line privileges for the bathroom...Posted Image The choir was ok, but the organ was PHENOMENAL!!!! Oh, and the sisters were so happy! They were all running around with the biggest smiles on their faces! I got to hear a rather heated argurment between two seminarians about which has the better choir, Saint John Vianney Community, or Saint Philipine Dushesne community. They tried drawing me in, and weren't happy that I have never heard either one....so, which is better?[/i]

Great description. The blue veils are very pretty but doesn't it seem like the sisters will be putting veils on and off all day long?

I hope Tridenteen can identify some of the priests, friars, brothers etc, because some of those outfits (and fluffy hoods) I have never seen before!

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laetitia crucis

P.S. -- Forgot to add: FUNERAL PALL!!! :woot:

I literally "woohooo!"ed out loud. Hahahaha!

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Thank you Dame Agnes for sharing these lovely photographs. K.C. has done a wonderful job.

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Thanks for sharing.
I had envisioned like sky blue or something. Their veils are much better. I like how they can be drawn over the face. I would think it would help in meditation (at least for me).

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Beautiful pictures, thank you for posting!

Question, though: What is the significance of a choir veil, and when is it worn? Do any other communities have a specific "choir veil" ?

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[quote name='CherieMadame' date='16 May 2010 - 11:14 AM' timestamp='1274022872' post='2111423']
Beautiful pictures, thank you for posting!

Question, though: What is the significance of a choir veil, and when is it worn? Do any other communities have a specific "choir veil" ?

Not sure, myself, perhaps someone else can answer? I've never known monastic Benedictines to be anything but black-and-white. They've always been given the cowl at final profession, but I'd never heard of a choir veil for them, before.

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[quote name='CherieMadame' date='16 May 2010 - 09:14 AM' timestamp='1274022872' post='2111423']
Beautiful pictures, thank you for posting!

Question, though: What is the significance of a choir veil, and when is it worn? Do any other communities have a specific "choir veil" ?

In Tridenteen's post, she states that choir veil is worn for praying the offices and lectio divina. I don't know about other Benedictine communities, but I know many Carmelite communities do this as well.

Does anyone know about the little gold cross on their veils? Look at the picture in the first post, you can see one (maybe two) on each veil. I have never seen that before.

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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='16 May 2010 - 06:37 AM' timestamp='1274009823' post='2111377']

Thanks for the link and update, DameAgnes!!!

AWESOME pictures!! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/love.gif[/img]

Laetitia--Are you sure that you're not secretly a Benedictine? Okay, the Benedictine Sisters' habits were mostly black (personally, I couldn't wear black all the time, no matter how important the meaning of a black habit), BUT the Sisters in those photos were wearing BLACK socks with their sandals. No Dominican fashion "faux pas" of wearing WHITE socks with their sandals. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/shock.gif[/img] My mother would have something to say about that!

Ideally, I'd belong to an Order that went barefoot, but I'd look terrible in a Poor Claire habit, and the habit of the Missionaries of Charity is COLD in Chicago. I THINK the M of C are only allowed to wear a sweater with their habit. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. In fact, I hope I'm wrong, because on certain winter days in Chicago, wearing only a sweater and a sari could cause major hypothermia. Suffering for the Lord is one thing, but there aren't enough vocations to lose even one for lack of warm clothes.

If poverty is an issue, they could do what the Sisters across the street from me do. Their Order doesn't provide winter coats--the Sisters depend entirely on donated coats. So, if a Sister needs a warm coat, she goes through the donated coats and finds the one that fits the best. Because of this, the Order does not require that the Sisters wear a black coat (although most do), because sometimes there aren't any black coats available, and the Sister has to wear some other color. (However, the colors are usually quite plain--I've never seen a Sister in a shocking pink or psychedelic green coat.)

Actually, my doctor has said that I shouldn't go barefoot, even inside the house (although I do anyway). What does a sister in a "barefoot" Order do if her doctor says she needs to wear closed-toe shoes (as mine does)?

Completely off-topic: Isn't this the Order that has the very pretty Sister with dimples? I thought I saw her in one of the last pictures. She was outside, standing next to the Sister in the wheel chair. She's wearing glasses now. And, more importantly, she's wearing a black veil now. (Either that or I'm having visual hallucinations.)

Later note: I'm behind the times. This Sister made her first profession of vows (is that the right terminology?) and got her black veil in January 2009.

Edited by IgnatiusofLoyola
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Well, it has been busy here. The monks with the ornate hood coverings were from Clear Creek, there were two Baptistine Monks, several FSSP and ICK dudes, 5 zillion seminarians, and Fr. Valentine Young, and a Carmelite Monk.
The blue part of the veil is for OL's Virginity, and the red is for her Maternity. The three gold crosses, top and right and left, are for the Diving Majesty of the Trinity.

The monks all wore very fancy hood coverings that were connected to their surplices. My thought was that all of the jewels and lace were like the decoratrion on the vestments and surplices. By the way, the seminarians had AWESOME surplices. One kid had Gloria In Excelsis Deo on the back with angels, and AMDG on the front in ornate lettering. Lace is the new cool, specifically lace with images in it, like the apostles and such.

If you want to know a specific order, priest, or someone, please post the picture, I looked through all the photos, and can identify most of them. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/lol_grin.gif[/img]

Edited by Tridenteen
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[quote name='DameAgnes' date='16 May 2010 - 03:39 AM' timestamp='1273995541' post='2111356']



What a beautiful picture!

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The pic above would make a great painting.

Edited by Maximilianus
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[quote name='Maximilianus' date='18 May 2010 - 10:37 PM' timestamp='1274175427' post='2112672']
The pic above would make a great painting.

It most certainly would!

Thank you for posting.

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