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"conservative", "liberal"

southern california guy

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[quote name='Socrates' date='14 May 2010 - 01:40 PM' timestamp='1273858858' post='2110621']
Interesting and intelligent article (though I haven't had time to really digest it).

I don't think economic free markets are really the problem, but rather the fact that the market today is not truly free, but unduly and artificially controlled by centralized government power - chiefly the Federal Reserve Bank, which essentially sets government price controls in the financial market by controlling the interest rate and money supply, and by essentially creating money out of thin air to lend to business "too big to fail." This, not "unregulated markets" or "lack of government oversight," was the chief cause of the current economic crisis.
Blond seems to get at this some towards the end of his article though.
[url="http://www.kirkcenter.org/kirk/ten-principles.html"]10 Conservative Principles[/url]

Yeah it is incredibly long for an article and has quite a bit of information into one idea. Blond himself supports the idea of free markets, but what he does not support is the Chicago school (Milton Friedman?) that monopolies are good for economies. I've heard him say that he would have supported even Reagan's economic policy if here was a greater adherence to anti-trust regulation. It's the unjust mergers and acquisitions that make the unregulated economy dangerous, in his view.

I definitely agree that the Federal Reserve is the biggest problem in our current economy. In that respect, the Austrians (Ron Paul) always hit the nail on the head.

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[quote name='southern california guy' date='13 May 2010 - 09:10 AM' timestamp='1273752646' post='2109836']
Let's say somebody in the east is Catholic, pro-life, doesn't believe in living together before marriage, is married and has a large family -- but views the Democrats as the working mans party and is a Democrat. Is he a liberal?

Now on the west coast there's another guy. He came from a wealthy Republican family, was involved in Christian groups in college, and was also in a Fraternity. As part of a fraternity he had sex with many women. Now he's out and lives with his girlfriend -- who calls him her "fiance" -- and he has a son with his girlfriend. He's a "Christian", but he supports abortion. And he's a Republican, and he loved McCain -- but hated Palin. Is he a conservative?

Easy. First is fiscally liberal/socially conservative. Second is fiscally conservative/socially liberal.

Ain't neither of them politically Catholic.

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[quote name='havok579257' date='13 May 2010 - 09:53 PM' timestamp='1273802038' post='2110287']
liberal's and conservatives are pretty much the same thing in today's politcal system.

liberal's are looked at as wanting big government and government involvement. conservatives aree looked at as wanting smaller government and less government involvement.

the reason the both are the same is because both want big government and at the same time want small government.

conservatives want small government involvement in non moral side of things but more government involvement in the moral side of things (abortion, gay marriage).

liberals want big government involvement in the moral side of things but less government involvement in the actual letter of the law and constitution.

so they are practically the same.



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"Violence at home - liberal
Violence abroad - conservative
Violence against all - moderate
Violence against none - extremist"

-Joe Sobran


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