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A Vocation Video I Can't Find


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Over the weekend, I thought I saw a video about all of the "missed" vocations because of the inability to grant money due to discerners, it had their names and the communities they "wanted" to enter. I thought it was very good, and now I can't find it. I wanted to look at it again because I could promise that I saw one of the communities listed as "The Carmel of the Holy Spirit, Los Angeles" and I can't find a Carmel like that in Los Angeles. Is it new? Was that my imagination? Does anybody know what I am talking about or was it all a dream. I should have bookmarked it, but I didn't! Thanks if anybody knows what I am talking about.

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laetitia crucis

Is this the one?


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Yes, that is it. Thank you. I think all of the orders/communities are real, but I can't find Carmel of the Holy Spirit in Los Angeles (Ruth is the applicant name). Does anyone know of this order? Thanks.

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laetitia crucis

I've tried googling around, but I can't find anything with "Carmel", "Holy Spirit" and "Los Angeles" either. :detective:

Do you think by chance this was some kind of "typo"? Ooor maybe the "Carmel of the Holy Spirit" in LA just doesn't have a website?


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I can't figure this out. It's driving me nuts. I know there is a Carmel of St. Teresa in Alhambra (cloistered). Then there is the Carmelites of the Sacred Heart of Los Angeles, and they are also in Alhambra. I'm really curious if there has been a new foundation and we don't know about it!

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+Praised be Jesus Christ, Alleluia!

Dear, it must be a typo. I'm an OCDS here in Los Angeles, and I have never heard of that Carmel.


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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='10 May 2010 - 04:51 PM' timestamp='1273528312' post='2108299']
I've tried googling around, but I can't find anything with "Carmel", "Holy Spirit" and "Los Angeles" either. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/detective.gif[/img]

Do you think by chance this was some kind of "typo"? Ooor maybe the "Carmel of the Holy Spirit" in LA just doesn't have a website?


I looked around too, in other places, and found nothing. I suspect it's a typo--for example, maybe "Ruth" is FROM Los Angeles, and they weren't reading carefully when they wrote the titles for the video.

Plus (and hopefully someone can clarify for me), would it be allowed to have more than one "Carmel of the Holy Spirit" in the United States? Wouldn't it be confusing to have more than one Carmel of the same name. (I'm showing my ignorance, maybe there are already different Carmels with the same name, and I wasn't paying attention.

Edited by IgnatiusofLoyola
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The following is a suggestion only, not intended to hijack this thread.


Some remarks on the Carmel to which the above link goes:

Founded from the Alhambra, Los Angeles, California Carmel, which was founded from St Louis, MO.
Began in Sacramento, stayed there until the neighborhood became crime-ridden.
Temporary relocation to Loomis, CA farmhouse. Stayed there until permanent monastery had been constructed,
to which they moved when finished, in Georgetown, California.
The last surviving foundress, profiled above, had the name in religion Of The HOLY SPIRIT.
The Georgetown, California monastery is the Carmel Of The HOLY FAMILY.

Finally: maybe somebody ought to just contact Mater Ecclesiae and alert them to their misleading information.....

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Because this video is on YouTube, there is a userpage, and anybody with a YouTube/Google account may send a message to the Missed Vocations poster, who claims to be the President of Mater Ecclesiae fund for Vocations. I just posted a message in that fashion. If a response comes, I will pass it on to this thread.

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[quote name='brandelynmarie' date='12 May 2010 - 05:17 PM' timestamp='1273695441' post='2109549']
There is a Carmel of the Holy Spirit in Littleton, Colorado. :saint:

Everybody, I just got a response message from the Vocation Fund president who posted the video.


Brandi, if there were a jackpot, you just hit it.

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[quote name='melporcristo' date='19 May 2010 - 08:45 PM' timestamp='1274312715' post='2113847']
I love the PM Pham. :love:

You all go above and beyond for us discerners :)

This is what Ann Landers, God rest her soul, used to say: "I love my readers!" in the same context.

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