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[quote name='sistersintigo' date='13 May 2010 - 03:56 PM' timestamp='1273776970' post='2110052']
Keeping myself accountable: just posted the formal letter to the chaplain, asking for a letter of reference to be sent to the prioress at the monastery. Now, giving it over to God. Detachment and letting go, those really are the hardest things.
What's the next step for me?

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[quote name='brightsadness' date='14 May 2010 - 02:54 PM' timestamp='1273866867' post='2110679']
Thank you. Love those Benedictines.

Triddy -- I can receive letters and will pm you my mailing address.

ALso a few more details in place. The nuns are taking in Sr. Teresa's postulant dresses for me. That makes sense as she barely wore them and I will probably destroy them in 6 months to a year. Also there is a chapel cape and a black veil and small cross. The white collar is much like Sr. Kaylas but not as wide.

I will receive the veil and cross at a private entrance ceremony in the Monastery Chapel. It will be a bit crowded as my parents, my three brothers and their wives and my 7 nieces and nephews are all attending. Also both my grandmothers, my Godparents and my Spiritual Father. I believe a few family pets will be in the yard (just kidding[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/lol_roll.gif[/img].)

If you've seen "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", that's my family only they are slavs. The sisters probably won't have to cook or buy food for a week.

My parents and I are visiting the monastery together the first week of June. Please keep us all in your prayers.


I just looked at the Basilian Sisters Web site. It's a beautiful monastery. I particularly like that, while the Order is mainly contemplative and enclosed, the Sisters do leave the monastery at times when it is necessary for ministry to others, and they welcome visitors.

You mentioned Sister Teresa above as having left. I know I shouldn't feel sad, because I'm sure Sister Teresa did what God was calling her to do. But, with such a small group of Sisters, the loss of a novice must have been very difficult, especially after such a large, elaborate clothing ceremony. It wasn't clear, but did she leave just a few months after being clothed as a novice, or in the second year of her novitiate? (If this question is too personal, feel free not to answer.) I guess it's one argument for having a very private ceremony with only the nuns (and possibly immediate family) when a postulant is clothed as a novice. On the other hand, having a large ceremony lets a broader group celebrate, and support the new novice and the Order. I also strongly suspect that clothing ceremonies are so moving that they help influence other young women to follow a religious vocation, whether with the Basilians, or with some other Order.

It looks like a place where you can be happy. And, I think it's wonderful that your parents are so supportive.

Enjoy the next couple of months with your family without the stresses of work. As I said in my status note the other day, don't think of yourself as unemployed. You are simply in a transition between careers (or callings).

Edited by IgnatiusofLoyola
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[quote name='brightsadness' date='10 May 2010 - 03:30 PM' timestamp='1273519806' post='2108198']
Congrats to you!! WWhat community are you entering? I'm guessing that every sister we ever met was scared at this point in her life.[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif[/img]
Thanks!! I am entering the Sisters of Saint Francis of Perpetual Adoration. I'm nervous, but it seems to me that the three other girls that I'm entering with are too excited to be anything else. Maybe they are too, but I just don't know cuz we don't all see each other much.

What about you? Which community are you entering?

[quote name='Staretz' date='13 May 2010 - 03:16 PM' timestamp='1273778182' post='2110058']
Congratulations, Anya, and you too Jtheresa. Big bountiful Benedictine bearhugs to you both :)
Thanks Staretz!! Bearhugs are a sure remedy in situations like this!!!!! :))

A little update; I talked with Sr. Marysia, the psychiatrist, almost two weeks ago. She was really sweet, and I'm scheduled to go and meet her in person for a full day appointment on June 8th!! A week from tomorrow!!! It's just to see what things will be more difficult for me personally in adjusting to religious life and some tips on how to get through them. They know that I'm not crazy (at least that's what they think... :crazy: ) so the appointment really has no way of going badly. The next day (June 9) I'll meet with our provincial superior :eek: , get fitted for my postulant uniform :yahoo: , and discuss the next step with my VD. :think:
:saint: I'm sure everything will be fine, I'm just being dramatic. :twitch:

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[quote name='JTheresa' date='31 May 2010 - 07:42 PM' timestamp='1275360167' post='2121830']
Thanks!! I am entering the Sisters of Saint Francis of Perpetual Adoration. I'm nervous, but it seems to me that the three other girls that I'm entering with are too excited to be anything else. Maybe they are too, but I just don't know cuz we don't all see each other much.

What about you? Which community are you entering?

Thanks Staretz!! Bearhugs are a sure remedy in situations like this!!!!! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/D.gif[/img]

A little update; I talked with Sr. Marysia, the psychiatrist, almost two weeks ago. She was really sweet, and I'm scheduled to go and meet her in person for a full day appointment on June 8th!! A week from tomorrow!!! It's just to see what things will be more difficult for me personally in adjusting to religious life and some tips on how to get through them. They know that I'm not crazy (at least that's what they think... [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/crazy.gif[/img] ) so the appointment really has no way of going badly. The next day (June 9) I'll meet with our provincial superior [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/eek.gif[/img] , get fitted for my postulant uniform [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/yahoo.gif[/img] , and discuss the next step with my VD. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/think_chin.gif[/img]
[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/saint.gif[/img] I'm sure everything will be fine, I'm just being dramatic. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/twitch.gif[/img]

Enjoy being fitted for the uniform. It is so much fun!! (Prayers for the psych eval. Fear Not!)

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  • 2 weeks later...
:yahoo: :woot: :yahoo:


I talked to our Provincial Superior and she officially accepted me!!!!!!


[size="1"]I'm really, really, excited. :))[/size]


Now for the patience to wait till September...
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[quote name='JTheresa' date='31 May 2010 - 10:42 PM' timestamp='1275360167' post='2121830']
Thanks!! I am entering the Sisters of Saint Francis of Perpetual Adoration. I'm nervous, but it seems to me that the three other girls that I'm entering with are too excited to be anything else. Maybe they are too, but I just don't know cuz we don't all see each other much.

[quote name='JTheresa' date='09 June 2010 - 10:23 PM' timestamp='1276136601' post='2126575']
:yahoo: :woot: :yahoo:


I talked to our Provincial Superior and she officially accepted me!!!!!!


[size="1"]I'm really, really, excited. :))[/size]


Now for the patience to wait till September...

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAAYAYYAAYAYYAYAYA for my sister through Christ!!!!!!!!! :lol_roll: Oh if September could come a little faster !!!!! ha

I am also very nervous but excited all at the same time. But for now...i think the excitement is greater that the nervousness. I am Sure as September 5th comes closer and I actually start packing I will be nervous and probably won't sleep for days!! :yawn: But that's okay because Christ will take care of all!!!!

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Mary Veronica

[quote name='JTheresa' date='09 June 2010 - 10:23 PM' timestamp='1276136601' post='2126575']
:yahoo: :woot: :yahoo:


I talked to our Provincial Superior and she officially accepted me!!!!!!


[size="1"]I'm really, really, excited. :))[/size]


Now for the patience to wait till September...

hmm, I never thought I'd use this, but... aaah why not!: :banana: WOO! to all upcoming entrances!

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[quote name='JTheresa' date='31 May 2010 - 10:42 PM' timestamp='1275360167' post='2121830']
Thanks!! I am entering the Sisters of Saint Francis of Perpetual Adoration. I'm nervous, but it seems to me that the three other girls that I'm entering with are too excited to be anything else. Maybe they are too, but I just don't know cuz we don't all see each other much.

[quote name='JTheresa' date='09 June 2010 - 10:23 PM' timestamp='1276136601' post='2126575']
:yahoo: :woot: :yahoo:


I talked to our Provincial Superior and she officially accepted me!!!!!!


[size="1"]I'm really, really, excited. :))[/size]


Now for the patience to wait till September...

YAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAY for my sister through Christ!!!!!!! :lol_roll:

I go through phases of nervousness and excitement. Some days I am very nervous and other days I am SOOO EXCITED!!!!! haha My friends probably think I am crazy!! And when Spetember comes I most likely won't sleep!!! ha

Edited by alrichey53091
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[quote name='alrichey53091' date='09 June 2010 - 10:58 PM' timestamp='1276138703' post='2126599']
opppss...haha I didnt see the first one i posted :think:
Haha!! thanks "alrichey" :)) (tehe) SISTA!!!!
You crack me up.

Oh, and Sister Mariana says hi to all of the PM pham. :D

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='JTheresa' date='09 June 2010 - 10:23 PM' timestamp='1276136601' post='2126575']
:yahoo: :woot: :yahoo:


I talked to our Provincial Superior and she officially accepted me!!!!!!


[size="1"]I'm really, really, excited. :))[/size]


Now for the patience to wait till September...

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Two official future-postulants in TWO days! :woot:

My next step: raising funds for a plane ticket and UK Visa. :bigpray:

And a dowry. (That makes me feel all "old fashioned" and spiffy. :hehe: )

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[quote name='JTheresa' date='09 June 2010 - 09:23 PM' timestamp='1276136601' post='2126575']
:yahoo: :woot: :yahoo:


I talked to our Provincial Superior and she officially accepted me!!!!!!


[size="1"]I'm really, really, excited. :))[/size]


Now for the patience to wait till September...

WHAT?! Wow the great news just keeps on coming around here!
:clap: :clap: :clap: CONGRATULATIONS!!! :clap: :woot:

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='09 June 2010 - 11:10 PM' timestamp='1276139402' post='2126604']

And a dowry. ([b]That makes me feel all "old fashioned" and spiffy.[/b] :hehe: )

I wanted to add to that little bit:

...and extremely poor. Haahah!

[quote name='vee8' date='10 June 2010 - 01:06 AM' timestamp='1276146367' post='2126662']
WHAT?! Wow the great news just keeps on coming around here!
:clap: :clap: :clap: CONGRATULATIONS!!! :clap: :woot:

Do you have anything to announce? :whistle:


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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='10 June 2010 - 06:14 AM' timestamp='1276168477' post='2126710']

Do you have anything to announce? :whistle:


Ya, it's raining here AGAIN :rain: Oh right announce vocation wise I WISH!!!! I'd love to go back for the live in but havent asked outright. I guess that's what I have to do next but thought I should wait until some time had passed after my visit to let things digest. When I left though I think it was pretty obvious I wanted to stay and the sisters said come back soon but they probably say that to everyone. That's my question to everyone though how long after you visit should you wait to ask to go back?

I keep praying and asking (begging) Mary about it too since it is kinda her Order and therefore it's up to her if she let's me in and when. It makes me really :sadder: to ask her because when I was 14 I got to play her role at the church nativity play including being dressed as her with a with a beautful blue veil. After that I proceeded to be quite the prodigal daughter who really doesn't deserve to be dressed like her mother (again) in her mothers finest clothes but is asking anyway. Mary :love:

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[quote name='sistersintigo' date='13 May 2010 - 03:56 PM' timestamp='1273776970' post='2110052']
Keeping myself accountable: just posted the formal letter to the chaplain, asking for a letter of reference to be sent to the prioress at the monastery. Now, giving it over to God. Detachment and letting go, those really are the hardest things.
Just this week, the Dominican prioress e-mailed me to confirm that the chaplain had sent "a really lovely letter" of introduction, about me, to the monastery. Whew.

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