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Immigration Reform


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[/b][list=1][*][b]Illegal immigration is wrong and dangerous for everyone involved.[/b][*][b]The new Arizona law, despite its flaws, does unintentionallyaccomplish one good thing / the urgency of immigration reform and thehuman issues that underlie it / once again have moved to the frontburner of our national discussions. Our current immigration system isnow obviously broken. Congress needs to act.[/b][*][b]No credible immigration reform will occur if the effort becomes anexercise in partisan maneuvering / If the immigration debate dividesalong the lines of party advantage and slogans / then real people willsuffer. And nothing enduring will result.[/b][*][b]Finally, we need to remember that America is a nation built byimmigrants / The American Catholic community has a long history ofwelcoming immigrants and helping them integrate into, and enrich, ournation’s life.[/b][/list]


This is on the money.

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It's obvious that US immigration policy is broken. Something needs to force the government to fix it.

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Our immigration laws are not broken, our idiocy in not enforcing them is.

Illegal is illegal. There is no way around it.

Furthermore, I am first generation and my parents came in through the front door. Legally. And assimilated. And ensured I knew my heritage but also knew that I am American, not dashAmerican.

Since we stopped enforcing immigration and furthermore encouraging assimilation, our nation is dashAmerican and we can't even speak to each other because other cultures refuse to learn what America is about. Instead of becoming part of America, it is about getting what you can.

Add, that these illegals are nothing more than slaves. Earning nothing. Being taken advantage of to do dirty work.

The reform is right there on your nose. Enforce the laws.

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I like this solution:

APP’s Latino Partnership has a Position on Immigration which includes five points that begin to lay out a framework for how these problems could be mitigated (parentheses mine):

[*]Strengthen Border Security
[*]Prioritize Internal Enforcement
[*]Legalize the Undocumented (a path for undocumented immigrants to earn legal status after paying a penalty and returning to the back of the line)
[*]Create a Guest Worker Program (current work visa quotas are too limited and have been set arbitrarily by Congress)
[*]Promote Patriotic Assimilation (immigrations should learn English, identify with America’s founding principles and study U.S history)

Point 1 works on reducing the incidence of illegal immigration. Point 2 makes more efficient how law enforcement deals with illegal immigration. Point 3 provides a “way out” for those who have already crossed the border, and by imposing a fine and having them go to the back of the line, preserves the rule of law. Point 4 promotes legal ways of entering the country which will promote economic growth as our workforce shrinks. Point 5 provides the shared political viewpoint that helps maintain social and cultural cohesion.

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