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Taking Pictures And Video’S All During The Mass



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The First communion sacrament was held at Sunday high mass,yesterday at my parish. It was so sweet my teeth hurt. Three girls and one boy received the blessing. The families,mom's dad's grandparents brother's, sister' aunt's, uncle's and in-law's, andlittle old ladies; all dressed in their finest clothes all looked on with glowing exuberant delight.

I thought back to my own little darling, " [img]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d160/wisper3/firstcommunionday.jpg[/img] when she made her first communion, she looked so innocent, as did the boy and girls at mass,yesterday.

My daughter received her first communion 18 years ago, May 9[sup]th[/sup]and I don't remember so much picture taking and clapping by the congregation. The atmosphere seemed to be a little less reverent.

Some Parents keep jumping out of there pew's to take pictures and video's all during the mass, even during communion. It made me uncomfortable and the mass became circus-like. (I must confess, I did take a few pictures during the mass when at my daughter's first communion mass). Nobody else seemed to mind the entire hubbub. It was still a very nice mass

Does anyone else feel that such interruptions are inappropriate during mass.

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I didn't vote, because I'm not entirely sure. Part of me thinks that no, it not appropriate, but that mainly stems from the fact that it could distract from the spiritual reverence and the possible prayers of other people at the Mass. Then again, it's a once-in-a-lifetime celebratory event, and I don't think there's anything wrong about documenting that. I honestly don't think Christ would mind.

I think it just comes down to keeping in mind that other people are there, too. If the photos or video can be taken in a discreet matter, then more power to you!

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Ed Normile

We took pictures of our kids after the mass with the priest, he did not say anything about taking pictures during mass, but it was not something I would even consider as it just does not seem the right thing to do to me. It just seems to be a distraction, it would seem to take away the focus from the the celebration and place it on the picture taker, I have seen many time the mass being photographed by a pro, it is distracting, they have tripods set up and light bouncing umbrellas, to me its as foreign and distracting to the mass as the parish announcements being read before the final blessing, another thing that is being done more and more in the church and does not set right with me. If they have to read them before the final blessing so people would not leave the people they are trying to reach would probably not pay any attention anyway, I mean if they can not wait for the priest to procede out of church after the celebration do you really think they care about the needs oft the parish?


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We were told to take all the pictures we wanted to during the rehersal. We could also take them as the children entered, but once the mass started-- no more. Of course, people disobeyed. :no: I don't see why you have to have pix of the actual mass. Does anyone take pictures of their first confession as well? No. I mean, I think it's okay to have a photographer snap pictures during a wedding or even a first communion... but the family should be participating in the mass.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='04 May 2010 - 09:10 AM' timestamp='1272975020' post='2104764']
We were told to take all the pictures we wanted to during the rehersal. We could also take them as the children entered, but once the mass started-- no more. Of course, people disobeyed. :no: I don't see why you have to have pix of the actual mass. Does anyone take pictures of their first confession as well? No. I mean, I think it's okay to have a photographer snap pictures during a wedding or even a first communion... but the family should be participating in the mass.

MTE My Thoughts Exactly

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I believe there is some part of Sacrosanctum Concilium which deals with these kind of things. Great care has to be taken that the Mass is not disturbed by these things. EWTN broadcasts their daily Mass, so I think I am okay with that. But a crowd of people taking pictures of their children receiving their first Holy Communion, no. I do not think it is in line with the divine actio of God in these sacred Mysteries, on Whom every soul must focus. But I am not sure, though.

Pax Domini,

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I really don`t know. I think that if you are visiting and its after Mass, then its appropriate, other then that, I think that is not appropriate to take picturese during the Mass

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[quote name='elizabeth09' date='05 May 2010 - 11:09 AM' timestamp='1273068542' post='2105348']
I really don`t know. I think that if you are visiting and its after Mass, then its appropriate, other then that, I think that is not appropriate to take picturese during the Mass

plenty of time, after mass for pictures

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It's annoying and feeds the delusion that everything is about the [i]precious[/i] children when in fact it is not. pictures can be taken after mass. children. Feh. :annoyed:

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if we couldn't take pictures during Mass, we wouldn't have those cool pictures of St. Pio

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I see no problem with one person taking pics for everyone with a telephoto lens as long as it is discrete, and not noticable by the rest of the congregation. One should NEVER pop in and out of pews etc.

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[quote name='dominicansoul' date='07 May 2010 - 12:25 AM' timestamp='1273206320' post='2106171']
if we couldn't take pictures during Mass, we wouldn't have those cool pictures of St. Pio

And wouldn't it be great to have pictures of a future Saint at their First Holy Communion?

I can understand it being very disruptive sometimes, and if pictures are to be taken, I think it should be done very respectfully. There are many religious communities who take pictures of their Sisters or chaplains during different Masses and ceremonies, and I think the pictures do others a lot of good, but I know from experience they try to make sure they are taken very respectfully with as little disruption as possible.

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Anther think I feel funny about is clapping or applause during the mass, it seems to occur more often in recent years, I will clap too,but I don't know why, to me, it feels irreverent somehow. :scratchhead:

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='apparently' date='08 May 2010 - 08:33 PM' timestamp='1273368837' post='2107322']
Anther think I feel funny about is clapping or applause during the mass, it seems to occur more often in recent years, I will clap too,but I don't know why, to me, it feels irreverent somehow. :scratchhead:
Clapping is, in my opinion, and the opinion of many others, very very very (very very very very) bad if it happens during the actual Mass.

Here's what the Holy Father had to say a few years back:
"Wherever applause breaks out in the liturgy because of some human achievement, it is a sure sign that the essence of liturgy has totally disappeared and been replaced by a kind of religious entertainment. " (Spirit of the Liturgy p. 198)

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' date='08 May 2010 - 10:41 PM' timestamp='1273369293' post='2107327']
Clapping is, in my opinion, and the opinion of many others, very very very (very very very very) bad if it happens during the actual Mass.

Here's what the Holy Father had to say a few years back:
"Wherever applause breaks out in the liturgy because of some human achievement, it is a sure sign that the essence of liturgy has totally disappeared and been replaced by a kind of religious entertainment. " (Spirit of the Liturgy p. 198)

7 very bads, wow that is bad

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