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Liberal Catholics


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so the orthodox by catholics are respected for not recognizing the authority of the pope, they treat them respectably etc. there's decent arguments from sedevacantists, society of pius X, traditionalists etc.
so, why aren't liberal catholics given more respect, who merely don't follw the pope as necessarily infallible?
sure, some of them go too far in what they want to 'pick and choose'. but aside from that, what makes an orthodox person respectable when they reject thepople's power, but a liberal catholic not respectable?
i know some have linked protestantism with orthodoxy, in how their decision structure is made up, and noted the irony of how protestants are not repected, by orthodox are-- i suppose one could put some 'liberal catholics' in that group similar to protetstants-- why are they not given more respect?
in many senses, a liberal catholic who's at least otherwise orthodox catholic, is much closer than a protestant to catholic unity, and even much closer than an orthodox person-- meaning the orthodox catholic might deserve all the more respect than any of the groups.

i suppose socially speaking, when a catholic rejects papal authority, they generally gend o reject a lot more-- but it's possible to be orthodox catholic albeit not following the pope. i know some people who are similar to this, althought they usually are not academic enough to argue their position.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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Vincent Vega

Liberal Catholics are looked down upon because they are liars.

The Orthodox and the protestants and the Hussites and so on and so forth make no qualms about not being Catholic. Liberal Catholics parade themselves about as though they are in good standing with the Church, and thus their feelings that clowns should celebrate mass, that women should be ordained, that homosexuality is alright, etc. etc., are passed off as being ok. More scandal is something the Church does not need right now. If you don't think the Church is right, then say so and get the flipflop out. Otherwise, shut up, submit, and get in line.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' date='03 May 2010 - 03:03 PM' timestamp='1272913437' post='2104257']
and thus their feelings that clowns should celebrate mass
Okay, sorry. Is this part of the comment supposed to be cute, or is there something I'm not getting? The download bar on my conversion to Catholicism isn't yet complete, so this confused me. I get the rest of what your comment, though, and I can't say I disagree.

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Vincent Vega



I wish I were kidding.

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[quote name='rhetoricfemme' date='03 May 2010 - 02:17 PM' timestamp='1272914230' post='2104259']
Okay, sorry. Is this part of the comment supposed to be cute, or is there something I'm not getting? The download bar on my conversion to Catholicism isn't yet complete, so this confused me. I get the rest of what your comment, though, and I can't say I disagree.
Had a thread awhile back with a vid of a priest doing a mass in clown costume.

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Watching those pictures makes me want to cry bitterly.

By the way, you cannot be orthodox and be disobedient to the Pope. I would describe the Saint Peter Confraternity and those who follow their train of thought as true orthodoxy within the Church, and they are fully obedient to the Holy Father.

This might be an interesting read: [url="http://www.newliturgicalmovement.org/2006/03/one-traditionalist-responds-to.html"]http://www.newliturgicalmovement.org/2006/03/one-traditionalist-responds-to.html[/url]

+Pax Domini,

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[quote name='rhetoricfemme' date='03 May 2010 - 04:17 PM' timestamp='1272914230' post='2104259']
Okay, sorry. Is this part of the comment supposed to be cute, or is there something I'm not getting? The download bar on my conversion to Catholicism isn't yet complete, so this confused me. I get the rest of what your comment, though, and I can't say I disagree.
[/quote]The Catholic Church is not everything that you think they're telling you it is. Bishops and Priests are okay with the clown silliness and they can't keep nuns behaving 'Catholic'. Others will tell you the Church is pure and sinless. Others will split frog hairs arguing minutiae. You better open your mind and lower your standards or you may end up sadly disillusioned.

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[quote name='Anomaly' date='03 May 2010 - 10:00 PM' timestamp='1272916842' post='2104282']
The Catholic Church is not everything that you think they're telling you it is. Bishops and Priests are okay with the clown silliness and they can't keep nuns behaving 'Catholic'. Others will tell you the Church is pure and sinless. Others will split frog hairs arguing minutiae. You better open your mind and lower your standards or you may end up sadly disillusioned.

About the sinless part... As the Bride of Christ, the Church is sinless. Her members, however, can sin and need the Divinely instituted and sinless part of the Church to be sanctified and perfected. In her doctrine on faith and morals she cannot err. You have probably heard it before but you can't say your post didn't provoke this. ;)


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Vincent Vega

[quote name='Anomaly' date='03 May 2010 - 04:00 PM' timestamp='1272916842' post='2104282']
Bishops and Priests are okay with the clown silliness and they can't keep nuns behaving 'Catholic'.
And therein lies the problem.

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The "Liberals" are deserving of every bit the same respect as any other catholic. Theit beliefs however, are deserving of respect in the proportional degree to which their beliefs respect the requirements for communion to Rome. The further they place themselves from this communion, the less they can be acknowledged as faithful catholics.

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I have absolutely no respect for beliefs I consider false, whether those beliefs be held by those who claim to be Catholic or by members of other religions.

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[quote name='Resurrexi' date='04 May 2010 - 12:40 AM' timestamp='1272926409' post='2104450']
I have absolutely no respect for beliefs I consider false, whether those beliefs be held by those who claim to be Catholic or by members of other religions.


Pax Domini,

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I recognize all but one of those clown pics. The last two of a clown breaking a big pizza crust type of thing are from an Episcopalian "clown" service. The first one was in Europe, the second one is from a wacky priest in California and the third is of course that stupid Call To Action liturgy. :annoyed:

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' date='03 May 2010 - 01:22 PM' timestamp='1272914564' post='2104260']
This is a picture that was taken at a parish about 20 minutes away from where I live.

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