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Listing Of Possible Ways To Live Religious Life


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Hi, I am doing a little talk at a school about what it is like to discern a religious vocation. I want to make sure I cover all the facts. I have been looking on the internet, but I can't find what I need, so I thought maybe somebody here would know. Here's what I have so far:

Sister (what exactly is the difference?)
Consecrated Virgin
Consecrated Widow
Ordered Priest (Religious)
Third Order (is this correct)

I know I am missing some or have some wrong.

Thanks in advance.


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laetitia crucis

You're list seems pretty good to me. I can't seem to think of any to add it it. :)

Aaand as for Nun vs. Sister:

All Nuns are Sisters, but not all Sisters are Nuns. :topsy:

Nuns are cloistered Sisters, and "semi-contemplative"/"active" Sisters are not.

Hmmm.... and I'm not 100% sure if all nuns take a vow of Enclosure...? I know of a few cloistered contemplative Orders that do, but I have no idea if that applies to ALL nuns. Anyone know?

P.S. -- You listed "Hermit" twice. :)

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[quote name='DevotedtoHim' date='29 April 2010 - 05:03 PM' timestamp='1272571407' post='2102282']
Hi, I am doing a little talk at a school about what it is like to discern a religious vocation. I want to make sure I cover all the facts. I have been looking on the internet, but I can't find what I need, so I thought maybe somebody here would know. Here's what I have so far:

Sister (what exactly is the difference?)
Consecrated Virgin
Consecrated Widow
Ordered Priest (Religious)
Third Order (is this correct)

I know I am missing some or have some wrong.

Thanks in advance.


and Secular Institutes.

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[quote name='DevotedtoHim' date='29 April 2010 - 04:03 PM' timestamp='1272571407' post='2102282']
Hi, I am doing a little talk at a school about what it is like to discern a religious vocation. I want to make sure I cover all the facts. I have been looking on the internet, but I can't find what I need, so I thought maybe somebody here would know. Here's what I have so far:

Sister (what exactly is the difference?)
Consecrated Virgin
Consecrated Widow
Ordered Priest (Religious)
Third Order (is this correct)

I know I am missing some or have some wrong.

Thanks in advance.


What about the life of a missionary?

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You can also add Associate. Maybe lump together Oblate, Associate, Third Order for lay folk? Although there are religious who call themselves oblates & some are considered third order. :) confusing, huh? Are you looking at just religious life or also at lay life lived out under a religious charism? Just thinkin out loud :think:

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Sister Rose Therese

Just a clarification. Usually the term religious life is reserved for Nuns, Sisters, Monks, Friars/Brothers.
These and others fall under the umbrella of Consecrated Life.
You can find some info on these on [url="http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccscrlife/index.htm"]http://www.vatican.v...rlife/index.htm[/url]
You may also find good infor on the new USCCB vocation site: [url="http://www.foryourvocation.org/"]http://www.foryourvocation.org/[/url]

Edited by Sister Rose Therese
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Thanks for all of the help! You guys always come through with great resources. I guess I should have titled my post something like "Listing of Possible Ways to Live A Holy Life!" I think that is what I am going to call my talk.

God bless you all, and if you have any other ideas, please post them.

Thanks again,


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Nuns are bound to recite the Divine Office in full and make solemn vows (they renounce any property at final vows).
Sisters are not necessarily bound to the Divine Office and make simple vows (they renounce the use of property, but they can still validly own things...I think that's right).
I should look that up somewhere to make it more formal but I'll just throw it out there instead. Kinda tired.

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