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Christopher West On Sabbatical

Lil Red

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[quote]EXTON, Pennsylvania, April 12, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Renowned Catholic writer and speaker Christopher West has taken a six-month sabbatical to consider his approach in presenting the Church's teaching on sexuality.

Seeking “personal and professional renewal,” West will cease teaching and has cancelled his speaking engagements for the period. The announcement came from the Theology of the Body Institute, where West serves as a research fellow and faculty member, and indicates that the decision was mutual between West and the Institute's board of directors.

The time away is intended to allow West “to reflect more deeply on fraternal and spiritual guidance he has received in order to continue developing his methodology and praxis as it relates to the promulgation of the Theology of the Body.” The announcement also indicates that West must “attend to family needs.”

While no direct reference is made to it, the sabbatical follows a controversy over an alleged lack of modesty in West's approach that began last spring.

A number of influential theologians, including West's former professor at the John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family in Washington, Dr. David Schindler, criticized West's approach for an under-emphasis on man's tendency to sin, known as concupiscence, and for a lack of reverence around weighty and sacred subjects.

In response, however, a number of prominent theologians rushed to West's defence, including Dr. Janet Smith and Dr. Michael Waldstein. Smith argued that West's approach is good pedagogy given that most of his audience is “sexually wounded and confused” and “have been shaped by our promiscuous and licentious culture.” West was also backed by his local bishops, Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia and Bishop Kevin Rhoades of Harrisburg, at the time.

After the statement from the two bishops, West issued his response in October, thanking those who offered support and criticism and offering his reflections on the nature of concupiscence. He insisted that man cannot overcome his concupiscence, but also used Pope John Paul II's teachings on the theology of the body to argue that man is capable of achieving a “mature purity.”

In the midst of those reflections, West did admit that he had not adequately emphasized concupiscence in his earlier work: "In some of my earliest lectures and tapes, I confess that I did not emphasize this important point clearly enough. The battle with concupiscence is fierce. Even the holiest saints can still recognize the pull of concupiscence within them."[/quote]

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Thank you for posting this, I will remember him in my prayers!
Anyone who teaches about this is bound to get some criticism. It takes courage and knowing what God has called you to, to stick with it even when people don't agree or understand sometimes. God bless him and his wife and family.

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Good news, and much needed. I will pray he does take time to reflect and change some of his questionable views. Prayers.

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God Conquers

It's probably more for personal reasons than professional. It's very honourable to take time to listen to his critics, even when so many prominent minds and hearts support him and his work.

He'll come back better than ever. Nothing he has said is wrong, it's simply a matter of opinion whether his method of communicating his message is always appropriate. I've always thought it was great.

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[quote name='God Conquers' date='14 April 2010 - 03:52 PM' timestamp='1271274754' post='2093424']
It's probably more for personal reasons than professional. It's very honourable to take time to listen to his critics, even when so many prominent minds and hearts support him and his work.

He'll come back better than ever. Nothing he has said is wrong, it's simply a matter of opinion whether his method of communicating his message is always appropriate. I've always thought it was great.

You and whom ever gave my last post a negative should know West did support sodomy within marriage until he was rebuked.

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I pray that Mr. West's sabbatical brings him peace and clarity.

P.S. - KofC . . . I will give you a positive point when I have one to give. :D

Edited by Apotheoun
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God Conquers

[quote name='KnightofChrist' date='14 April 2010 - 04:01 PM' timestamp='1271275266' post='2093435']
You and whom ever gave my last post a negative should know West did support sodomy within marriage until he was rebuked.

How is this relevant to what I said? He does not hold this view. You said he has questionable views.

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I like that he is admitting that he might need to slow down and reflect on what he says and how it might be viewed. I find Theology of the Body to be such an important sacred work that I hate seeing it trivialized or made into Pop-art.

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Again, it just shows you how serious Christopher West is about properly presenting the faith and the teachings of Pope John Paul II. He will be back and better than ever.

There are plenty of worse "theologians" out their on the speaking circuit who are not nearly as orthodox as West and yet do not catch the same amount of flack, and certainly would not consider taking such a sabbatical to make sure what they are presenting is in line with the Magisterium in both content and methodology. Why aren't we getting on them?

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[quote name='God Conquers' date='14 April 2010 - 04:12 PM' timestamp='1271275927' post='2093445']
How is this relevant to what I said? He does not hold this view. You said he has questionable views.

He held this view "There’s nothing inherently wrong with anal penetration as foreplay to normal intercourse." Until he was soundly and loudly rebuked. He has had other views not in line with Traditional Catholic thought.

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My hope is that after Mr. West's sabbatical the focus of his presentations will be less on sex and more on man's likeness to God through virtuous activity (i.e., the process of [i]theosis[/i]).

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God Conquers

Ah. I see. He currently holds views that are not in line with the thoughts of your religion.

I belong to the Roman Catholic Church. Never heart of the Traditional Catholic Church before. What is it?

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[quote name='God Conquers' date='14 April 2010 - 04:22 PM' timestamp='1271276539' post='2093454']
Ah. I see. He currently holds views that are not in line with the thoughts of your religion.

I belong to the Roman Catholic Church. Never heart of the Traditional Catholic Church before. What is it?

Your being 'smart', you know the two are the same.

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