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Atheists Saying Prayer Is Stupid


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[quote name='vee8' date='14 April 2010 - 09:09 AM' timestamp='1271250563' post='2093158']
If they dont want to listen to me I just say yeah whatever and pray harder for them. :ninja: They can thank me in heaven.
"You'll thank me when you're glorified."

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Just say: "Okay." No inflections of any sort. Then pick some random subject and start talking. They're just trying to make you angry. Don't give them what they want.

Alternatively, you can just repeat everything they say.

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"So's your face" I think I'll go with that one.

But seriously, I don't want them to go on thinking people who pray are irrational or anything. :sadder: You know, with the experiments and all.

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Byrði betri
berr-at maðr brautu at
en sé mannvit mikit;
auði betra
þykkir þat í ókunnum stað;
slíkt er válaðs vera.

Edited by Hilde
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[quote name='Hilde' date='14 April 2010 - 09:53 AM' timestamp='1271253211' post='2093174']
"So's your face" I think I'll go with that one.

But seriously, I don't want them to go on thinking people who pray are irrational or anything. :sadder: You know, with the experiments and all.

On a more serious note, they may be intellectually deficient with regard to the active vs. passive will of God.

Also, 'stupid' is a pretty wide term; perhaps make them qualify that term. ie - stupid how?

At the end of the day, atheists have faith, it is just they have faith in a 3 lb slab of meat between their ears... tho very few will acknowledge that. They will have to replace THAT faith with the true faith. That is the only way they will not see prayer as stupid.

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[quote name='Raphael' date='14 April 2010 - 11:11 PM' timestamp='1271250711' post='2093159']
"You'll thank me when you're glorified."

I like! <steals line>

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Ok lets take the word irrational then. I have seen some videos on youtube about this and that's the word being used. And I have stopped looking up videos like that on youtube because they're just too arrogant and the comments are just stupid.

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Nihil Obstat

The thing they refuse to recognize is that they're just begging the question with these "experiments". Their belief system is founded on the idea that there is nothing more than what can be quantified and observed by humans. Our belief system is founded on the idea that there is something beyond the quantifiable and observable world. These stupid little "experiments" are ridiculous and illogical precisely because they're trying to turn theism into atheism. They want theism, the belief system which says that not all things are observable and quantifiable, to fall into the tidy little boxes of observation and quantification, just because they tell it to. It's a massive failure of logic that many people don't seem to grasp.
They call us irrational. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Hilde' date='14 April 2010 - 06:34 AM' timestamp='1271244882' post='2093087']
Question: How do you respond when atheists bring up experiments that they mean proves prayer doesn't help?

I thought that there had been experiments that showed that prayer DOES help, even when the person doesn't know they are being prayed for. But, experiments aren't the point.

Coming from a family of atheists, I simply don't talk about religion. I'm not going to change their minds. My father tried to shock me a couple years ago by saying he was "coming out" as an atheist. I answered, "Does that mean I have to join a group of friends and family of atheists and have to march in the Atheist Day Parade?" When my father found he couldn't bait me, he just shut up about it, and we haven't talked about it since.

Edited by IgnatiusofLoyola
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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' date='14 April 2010 - 11:46 AM' timestamp='1271256382' post='2093191']
The thing they refuse to recognize is that they're just begging the question with these "experiments". Their belief system is founded on the idea that there is nothing more than what can be quantified and observed by humans. Our belief system is founded on the idea that there is something beyond the quantifiable and observable world. These stupid little "experiments" are ridiculous and illogical precisely because they're trying to turn theism into atheism. They want theism, the belief system which says that not all things are observable and quantifiable, to fall into the tidy little boxes of observation and quantification, just because they tell it to. It's a massive failure of logic that many people don't seem to grasp.
They call us irrational. :rolleyes:

In case anybody missed this...

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