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Ten Things For An Aspirant Not To Say


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Spem in alium

"I 'want' to be a nun so I don't have to work."
I really heard that from someone when I was starting to discern, they were like I don't like to have to pay the electric bill.




Your vows are so....archaic. Can't I just invent my own and take those?

I love your order, but I really hate your apostolate. You guys need a serious revamp.

Why is formation so long? I'm already sure I want to be a nun. Can't I just make my perpetual profession now??!?!?

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Do I really have to give up chocolate?


Those nun shoes are so ugly.  Can I wear my Jimmy Choos?



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I can't live here.  It's too confining.


Our community name is too long.  Can't we change it to something better?

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I know I'm a little old to be a postulant, but I think your monastery would be a great place to retire to!

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May I bring my overstuffed recliner? :tv:

And I'd like to wear sweat pants under my habit...no one would notice! :hehe:

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All ora, no labora, hahahahahaha!

I was chuckling along as I read these, but I was also thinking, oh dear, I've heard almost all of them in one form or another...

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These colors are so drab.  Can I wear my hot pink tights?


Can I keep my nose ring?


I don't like Sister (insert name here).  Do I really have to live with her?

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What do you mean I can't bring all six cats with me?

:kitten: :kitten: :kitten: :kitten: :kitten: :kitten: :nun3:

Edited by brandelynmarie
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Credo in Deum

What do you mean I can't bring all six cats with me?


Probably wouldn't be a deal breaker if the person wanted to join a Franciscan community. :hehe:   



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Can I bring my pet snakes?


I don't like spiritual reading so can I read Harry Potter instead?


Is it OK if I stay up until midnight?  I can't sleep earlier than that.

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What's with the Grand Silence?  You mean I can't listen to music or talk on the phone?


Can I bring my laptop with me to watch Netflix?

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