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Can I Suggest Another New Order Of Sisters/nuns?


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I've read the Web sites of religious orders, and I'm very impressed that so many of you on this phorum are so willing and (eager!) to embrace such a difficult lifestyle.

In honor of April Fool's Day, may I suggest a new order, The Sisters of Mary, Queen of the Good Things in Life.

Remember that I can barely climb a flight of stairs, much less live the ascetic, hardworking life that most sisters live. And, because I have a sleep disorder (that is being treated, but no cure has been found), I can't get by on less than 8 hours of sleep a night, and I feel better on 10 hours (or more).

So, may I suggest an order that doesn't go overboard, but isn't quite so ascetic? Semi-enclosed--mostly enclosed, but able to run errands, visit the homebound, etc.

Definitely a traditional habit--it would make it so much easier to decide how to dress. Something beautiful. I particularly like Royal Blue and white habits--something cheerful, to remind us that Jesus wanted us to be happy! And blue is Mary's color.

7:00 Optional early rising in silence (to let those who need it, sleep), individual prayer
8:30 Rise and get ready.
9:00 Breakfast--Nutritious, but plenty of food, including meat, if desired
10:00 Walk in the gardens, to appreciate the beauty of the Lord's work. Individual or group prayer during the walk, if desired.
11:00 Work, to the extent of your physical abilities
12:00 Lunch--nutritious but well-prepared, and including meat and dessert
1:00 Individual time for prayers, reading, nap if necessary
3:00 Work, to the extent of your physical ability
4:00 Recreation
5:00 Classes, religious readings etc.
6:00 Dinner, again--nutritious, but well-prepared, including meat, and outstanding dessert
7:00 Evening Mass/Evensong (I know you're not supposed to have Mass right after eating, but I love Mass by candlelight.)
8:00 Recreation
9:00 Grand silence, Bedtime for those who need it.
11:30 Lights out for those who need less sleep. Cells are simple and small, but have comfortable mattresses and pillows, to encourage healthy sleep.

Also, the monastery would include an elevator for those who needed it.

This lifestyle wouldn't come close to what most of you would want in an order, but it would be about all I could handle. And, again, the purpose and the emphasis of the Order would be on love, and giving thanks for the good things Christ has done for us.

I expect my religious name would be something like Sister Mary, Give the Benefit of the Doubt. You'd probably call me Thomas the Doubter--I appreciated his honesty and bravery in expressing doubts.

If this comes across as heretical or making fun of religious life, forgive me, that is not the intention. It's April Fool's Day, so I thought I'd let this fool develop a life that was as much (probably more) than I could physically handle, and one that is centered on the joy of Christ.

Edited by IgnatiusofLoyola
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I like the horarium: gee, lets see, in bed by 11:30, up at 8:30 -- perfect!

-- Sr. Mary One who needs more sleep :P

Edited by cmariadiaz
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I don't see the Divine Office in there anywhere? I know this is an April geniuses' joke, but the Divine Office is required by all religious and priests, every day! And if it is going to be a community, then it should be prayed in community, otherwise it could be a group of hermits living together in a laura I suppose, if they want to pray it privately??

Very cute idea though. Thanks for that.

Actually, after thinking about it, we probably have some sisters living like that already here in Australia, except that they don't wear habits. They live in their own apartments and pray the Office on their own, very little community interaction at all anymore. Too progressive for me.... although it may work for some.

Edited by nunsense
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I would like to be named Sr. Mary Amnesia...after Nunsense, of course! I'm liking O.L. Of Perpetual Motion, too :lol:

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[quote name='nunsense' date='01 April 2010 - 05:49 PM' timestamp='1270162166' post='2085178']
I don't see the Divine Office in there anywhere? I know this is an April geniuses' joke, but the Divine Office is required by all religious and priests, every day! And if it is going to be a community, then it should be prayed in community, otherwise it could be a group of hermits living together in a laura I suppose, if they want to pray it privately??

Very cute idea though. Thanks for that.

Actually, after thinking about it, we probably have some sisters living like that already here in Australia, except that they don't wear habits. They live in their own apartments and pray the Office on their own, very little community interaction at all anymore. Too progressive for me.... although it may work for some.

The omission of the Divine Office was entirely due to my ignorance that it was required of religious and priests every day. And, I agree, it should be prayed in community. The Divine office would definitely be included. Also, I realized my schedule left out roles of the community in spreading the joy of Christ to others.

Obviously my post was something that was NOT well-thought out. It was an attempt by this April Fool to come up with a life that celebrates the joy of the world that God has created, and to give thanks for all Christ has done for us. I am not called, or able, to live the ascetic life of a traditional religious sister/nun, so I was trying to find a life that was not materialistic, but yet did not call for the denial of so many of the gifts of God.

But, after I read it, it did sound like the life of a hermit who just happened to be living in community. I realized that it reflected the way I live now, which is essentially as a hermit, who desperately desires community--but not a lot of it. When I read about orders, I was most attracted to one on the East Coast where the sisters live in small hermit cottages.

Edited by IgnatiusofLoyola
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[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' date='02 April 2010 - 01:24 PM' timestamp='1270175054' post='2085302']
The omission of the Divine Office was entirely due to my ignorance that it was required of religious and priests every day. And, I agree, it should be prayed in community. The Divine office would definitely be included. Also, I realized my schedule left out roles of the community in spreading the joy of Christ to others.

Obviously my post was something that was NOT well-thought out. It was an attempt by this April Fool to come up with a life that celebrates the joy of the world that God has created, and to give thanks for all Christ has done for us. I am not called, or able, to live the ascetic life of a traditional religious sister/nun, so I was trying to find a life that was not materialistic, but yet did not call for the denial of so many of the gifts of God.

Silly woman, you are already living a life of love and a celebration of joy, in everything that you have posted this is very apparent. No one has to be in religious life to do this. I think it is hard for those of us who are not married with children to place value on our lives sometimes, but loving God through prayer and through our interactions with others, is all that He asks of us. Jesus gave us two commandments, to love God and to love each other. You seem to be doing this quite well from what I can read here on this phorum. But I love the idea of your religious community and perhaps I was just being too 'legalistic' again. I have a tendency to do that, even when someone is joking - mea culpa, not yours!

Love in Christ.

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[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' date='01 April 2010 - 05:14 PM' timestamp='1270152896' post='2085059']
I've read the Web sites of religious orders, and I'm very impressed that so many of you on this phorum are so willing and (eager!) to embrace such a difficult lifestyle.

In honor of April Fool's Day, may I suggest a new order, The Sisters of Mary, Queen of the Good Things in Life.

Remember that I can barely climb a flight of stairs, much less live the ascetic, hardworking life that most sisters live. And, because I have a sleep disorder (that is being treated, but no cure has been found), I can't get by on less than 8 hours of sleep a night, and I feel better on 10 hours (or more).

So, may I suggest an order that doesn't go overboard, but isn't quite so ascetic? Semi-enclosed--mostly enclosed, but able to run errands, visit the homebound, etc.

Definitely a traditional habit--it would make it so much easier to decide how to dress. Something beautiful. I particularly like Royal Blue and white habits--something cheerful, to remind us that Jesus wanted us to be happy! And blue is Mary's color.

7:00 Optional early rising in silence (to let those who need it, sleep), individual prayer
8:30 Rise and get ready.
9:00 Breakfast--Nutritious, but plenty of food, including meat, if desired
10:00 Walk in the gardens, to appreciate the beauty of the Lord's work. Individual or group prayer during the walk, if desired.
11:00 Work, to the extent of your physical abilities
12:00 Lunch--nutritious but well-prepared, and including meat and dessert
1:00 Individual time for prayers, reading, nap if necessary
3:00 Work, to the extent of your physical ability
4:00 Recreation
5:00 Classes, religious readings etc.
6:00 Dinner, again--nutritious, but well-prepared, including meat, and outstanding dessert
7:00 Evening Mass/Evensong (I know you're not supposed to have Mass right after eating, but I love Mass by candlelight.)
8:00 Recreation
9:00 Grand silence, Bedtime for those who need it.
11:30 Lights out for those who need less sleep. Cells are simple and small, but have comfortable mattresses and pillows, to encourage healthy sleep.

Also, the monastery would include an elevator for those who needed it.

This lifestyle wouldn't come close to what most of you would want in an order, but it would be about all I could handle. And, again, the purpose and the emphasis of the Order would be on love, and giving thanks for the good things Christ has done for us.

I expect my religious name would be something like Sister Mary, Give the Benefit of the Doubt. You'd probably call me Thomas the Doubter--I appreciated his honesty and bravery in expressing doubts.

If this comes across as heretical or making fun of religious life, forgive me, that is not the intention. It's April Fool's Day, so I thought I'd let this fool develop a life that was as much (probably more) than I could physically handle, and one that is centered on the joy of Christ.

LOVE your proposed religious name!!!!

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[quote name='Staretz' date='01 April 2010 - 05:52 PM' timestamp='1270162324' post='2085179']
the Order of Our Lady of Perpetual Motion? [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif[/img]

I love the name, but just hearing "Our Lady of Perpetual Motion" makes me exhausted to even think of it!

Maybe something like the Order of Our Lady, Joy of the World, or Order of our Lady of Peaceful Rest.

Now I have to go look up "Divine Office" because I don't even know what it is, or what it entails......

Edited by IgnatiusofLoyola
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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' date='01 April 2010 - 11:43 PM' timestamp='1270179837' post='2085335']
I know some who discerned with The Sisters of Our Lady of Intermittent Sorrows. :mellow:

That's hilarious!! :lol:

Ignatius, this idea was very cute. I'd probably be Sr. Benedicta of the Abundant Bacon. I am a big fan of pork products. :rolling:

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' date='01 April 2010 - 10:57 PM' timestamp='1270180668' post='2085345']
How about the Little Sisters of Deep-pile Carpeting (Discalced).

[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/rotfl.gif[/img] I love it!

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' date='01 April 2010 - 11:57 PM' timestamp='1270180668' post='2085345']
How about the Little Sisters of Deep-pile Carpeting (Discalced).

I heart you, just a little bit. :lol: That was epic win.

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