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What Keeps You Going?

Sr. Gina

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In today's world we, as a Church, are really going through tough times. Priests and religious are looked down upon by society and crucified by the media. Here in Germany things are going from bad to worse. I was taking the bus yesterday and a woman came with her daughter...took a look at me and pulled her daughter close to herself with mistrust in her eyes...and I was thinking [i]are you serious?[/i] I wasn't discouraged, just a little struck by this woman's reaction.

Yet we are sent to serve this world and to do it proclaim Christ Crucified. We are called despite our weaknesses; and, yea, sometimes the weight of our cross can be a little heavy to bear. I think it would be inspiring for each of us if we share our source of inspiration. Each one of us is inspired differently and uniquely by Christ, and I think sharing this would help us to see Him through the eyes of our neighbor: to get to know Him from a different perspective.

For me: I'm inspired by Christ's words in John 15:16> "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last." This verse gives me strength everytime I struggle. He knew me and has chosen me despite my many weaknesses. I am His and He is mine.

Thanks in advance to all who share!

Your little sister in the Trinity,

Sr. M. Gina csj

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For me what keeps me going is two things -- my Love for Christ, and His grace.

I wish I could explain it more -- but I can't come up with the words. Regardless of the trials, the tribulation, the dark nights, the sorrow, etc. (and the good times too ...) what keeps me going is that I Love Him. Yet I *know* that His grace keeps me in that Love -- even when I get angry at God for whatever reason.

I think of a couple whose been married 30-40-50 years. They've been through it all, yet true love and grace keeps them together. Hopefully 30-40-50 years down the line (well maybe 30-40 in my case lol) I will still be a faithful servant of Christ, in love with Him.

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What keeps me going, schwester? The absolute Love that is radiated to me in my prayers, and the knowledge, that jah, things are going bad nowadays, but I am not called to be part of the old, but of the new. Gott hasn't called me to be part of the problem, but of the solution. And I'm looking forward to the adventure :-) Gruss Gott!

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[quote name='Tridenteen' date='30 March 2010 - 06:43 PM' timestamp='1269989034' post='2083694']
What keeps me going, schwester? The absolute Love that is radiated to me in my prayers, and the knowledge, that jah, things are going bad nowadays, but I am not called to be part of the old, but of the new. Gott hasn't called me to be part of the problem, but of the solution. And I'm looking forward to the adventure :-) Gruss Gott!

Love is the source of our vocations. Without it, it would impossible to follow Him with our whole heart. Danke für dein deutsch! Schwester Gott liebt Dich sehr! (God loves you a lot!)

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[quote name='cmariadiaz' date='30 March 2010 - 07:35 PM' timestamp='1269988549' post='2083677']
For me what keeps me going is two things -- my Love for Christ, and His grace.

I wish I could explain it more -- but I can't come up with the words. Regardless of the trials, the tribulation, the dark nights, the sorrow, etc. (and the good times too ...) what keeps me going is that I Love Him. Yet I *know* that His grace keeps me in that Love -- even when I get angry at God for whatever reason.


Jesus' love made present in the Eucharist is literally the food of my soul.

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What keeps me going? Divine Mercy! For the last three years, since I experienced His Mercy and came back to the Church nothing makes more sense, nothing means more, nothing has given me more holy joy and purpose in life than trying to live the message of Divine Mercy. Trusting isnt easy, and being merciful to others can be extremely hard, especially when Id rather choke them than pray for them but I still keep begging God for mercy on them and particularly on me. And by some divine inspiration I have realized that the reason people who drive me crazy, annoy me, irritate me, are put in my path is so that I will pray for them because God knows and can use my weak feeble prayers to come into that person`s life and to save me and them from the eternal fires.

I hope all that makes sense to someone LOL [size="1"] Its the short version too[/size] :lol:

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Not the politically correct answer, but what keeps me going is the fact that I have no other choice. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other and doing the best I can. I don't believe the world itself is bad, but sometimes "things" are bad. If I can get past or overcome "the bad things I'm going through" then I have a chance at happiness because the world itself is good. BTW--I didn't make up this philosophy, it comes from Dorothy Sayers.

Over time, I have gotten answers to some of my questions of "Why me?" It sounds like a cliche, but being sick has made me much more humble, less smug, less judgemental of others, feeling less often that I am smarter or wiser than other people, and less likely to tell other people how to live their lives on the basis that I understand so much more than they do. Since I'm more than a little stubborn, I suspect that God had to do something drastic to MAKE me change. I only hope that things eventually improve, because it's very scary to think of myself as an old, sick lady, all alone, with no money, in a crummy nursing home that is all that Medicaid will pay for. I do not believe that that is what God wants for my future life, but I still have no idea how and when the necessary changes will come about. So, I just keep waiting and doing the best I can.

In the meantime, what keeps me going is that my cats need me to feed them, give them their medicine, give them comfort when they feel crummy, and clean out their litter box. :-> I have all this love with no almost no outlet, mostly because I'm not physically able to do or get out much--and no one except my mother (and my cats) and sometimes my niece in Chicago, to be able to say, "I love you" to. It will get better. I just don't know yet when that will be. God is teaching me patience, too (not exactly one of my strengths.) :->

My father has rejected me because he feels this attitude is pessimistic (not to mention a few other philosophical and temperamental differences between us). I say my attitude is simply being realistic and honest, versus lying and saying "everything is wonderful" because that is the "politically correct" thing to say.

Sorry to be a downer--but you did ask. LOL

Edited by IgnatiusofLoyola
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This is a question that I like to discuss with my seminarian brothers. Some days, what we do just doesn't seem worth it. But yet, I am inspired to continue on. It takes those small little stories to perk your spirits or to receive a letter in the mail of encouragement that puts a smile back on my face. I often tell people that I really have no desire to be in seminary, I have no desire to really study philosophy. The only reason why I am here is because of how the Lord has worked in my life and through His guidance and the intercession of Our Lady, I have been led down this path to allow the church to discern my vocation. This is not the life I have chosen but it is the life that Christ has chosen for me, and each day, as I strive to unite His will with mine, it brings me joy despite those difficulties. Yes, there are times I just want to give up, get married, have a wife and children, but I know that if I leave, I would not be leaving for the right reasons. It is truly my love for Our Eucharistic Lord and for Our Lady that keeps me going. I also am encouraged and inspired by the role of women religious, from my friends who have entered religious life, and those who are preparing to do so. Their radical witness to give up their life, is a witness that truly renews my spirit.

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For me what keeps me going? a small voice that repeats "It's a small price to pay for the salvation of souls."

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Matthew 16:18 "And I say to you, you are Peter, [i]and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of the netherworld (meaning hell) shall not prevail against it.[/i] In the end, God will triumph. He told us so in advance.

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[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' date='31 March 2010 - 01:42 PM' timestamp='1270003379' post='2083801']
Not the politically correct answer, but what keeps me going is the fact that I have no other choice. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other and doing the best I can. I don't believe the world itself is bad, but sometimes "things" are bad. If I can get past or overcome "the bad things I'm going through" then I have a chance at happiness because the world itself is good. BTW--I didn't make up this philosophy, it comes from Dorothy Sayers.

Over time, I have gotten answers to some of my questions of "Why me?" It sounds like a cliche, but being sick has made me much more humble, less smug, less judgemental of others, feeling less often that I am smarter or wiser than other people, and less likely to tell other people how to live their lives on the basis that I understand so much more than they do. Since I'm more than a little stubborn, I suspect that God had to do something drastic to MAKE me change. I only hope that things eventually improve, because it's very scary to think of myself as an old, sick lady, all alone, with no money, in a crummy nursing home that is all that Medicaid will pay for. I do not believe that that is what God wants for my future life, but I still have no idea how and when the necessary changes will come about. So, I just keep waiting and doing the best I can.

In the meantime, what keeps me going is that my cats need me to feed them, give them their medicine, give them comfort when they feel crummy, and clean out their litter box. :-> I have all this love with no almost no outlet, mostly because I'm not physically able to do or get out much--and no one except my mother (and my cats) and sometimes my niece in Chicago, to be able to say, "I love you" to. It will get better. I just don't know yet when that will be. God is teaching me patience, too (not exactly one of my strengths.) :->

My father has rejected me because he feels this attitude is pessimistic (not to mention a few other philosophical and temperamental differences between us). I say my attitude is simply being realistic and honest, versus lying and saying "everything is wonderful" because that is the "politically correct" thing to say.

Sorry to be a downer--but you did ask. LOL

I don't think this was negative at all, perhaps just a little tired, as we older fold tend to be sometimes. It was very honest, as are all your posts, thank you very much.

When a person has had to face a lot of sorrow or suffering in their life, this question might seem different than it would for someone who might have been through an easier life so far.

When I am very tired, sometimes I find it hard to think that I can keep going, but the thing that keeps me trying is that I fell in love with Jesus about three years ago, and now I can't imagine not wanting to please Him. So if it seems really dark for some reason, I take it to Him in prayer and ask Him to carry my Cross for me for a little while, just until I can catch my breath again.

Like you, I also see that our sufferings teach us to have more compassion for others, so there is a human value in it, apart from that of saving souls. God uses everything for our benefit, even our tough times.

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I know I sound flippant, but really, this is what I expect. The Lord was trashed by the world in His earthly life. Those of us who try to take Him seriously will get the same thing. What helps me most is receiving the Holy Mysteries and trying to prepare as well as I can for them; also he faith and wisdom of my Mothers and Fathers and brothers and sisters in the Church. And i guess, being crazy in love helps right now. But I too have some recent experiences of the contempt that is being served up to Christians right now.

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[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' date='30 March 2010 - 10:42 PM' timestamp='1270003379' post='2083801']
Not the politically correct answer, but what keeps me going is the fact that I have no other choice. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other and doing the best I can. I don't believe the world itself is bad, but sometimes "things" are bad. If I can get past or overcome "the bad things I'm going through" then I have a chance at happiness because the world itself is good. BTW--I didn't make up this philosophy, it comes from Dorothy Sayers.

Over time, I have gotten answers to some of my questions of "Why me?" It sounds like a cliche, but being sick has made me much more humble, less smug, less judgemental of others, feeling less often that I am smarter or wiser than other people, and less likely to tell other people how to live their lives on the basis that I understand so much more than they do. Since I'm more than a little stubborn, I suspect that God had to do something drastic to MAKE me change. I only hope that things eventually improve, because it's very scary to think of myself as an old, sick lady, all alone, with no money, in a crummy nursing home that is all that Medicaid will pay for. I do not believe that that is what God wants for my future life, but I still have no idea how and when the necessary changes will come about. So, I just keep waiting and doing the best I can.

In the meantime, what keeps me going is that my cats need me to feed them, give them their medicine, give them comfort when they feel crummy, and clean out their litter box. :-> I have all this love with no almost no outlet, mostly because I'm not physically able to do or get out much--and no one except my mother (and my cats) and sometimes my niece in Chicago, to be able to say, "I love you" to. It will get better. I just don't know yet when that will be. God is teaching me patience, too (not exactly one of my strengths.) :->

My father has rejected me because he feels this attitude is pessimistic (not to mention a few other philosophical and temperamental differences between us). I say my attitude is simply being realistic and honest, versus lying and saying "everything is wonderful" because that is the "politically correct" thing to say.

Sorry to be a downer--but you did ask. LOL

You weren't a downer, you spoke the truth and I thank you for it. Not everyone sees life through the same eyes or with the same attitude...and that's why I thought this thread would be interesting... each one of us is different...yet there is one thing that we have in common...we don't just through in the towel and give up. Your story is actually inspiring...you go on, you continue, even if you're not sure where your path will take you or for what reason God is sending you this suffering. In our order we [i]had[/i] an apostolate started by our Founder- Krankenapostolat- Apostolate of the sick- they were the ones who were doing great deeds of mercy by offering up their sufferings and each of the members recieved a cross with the inscription- "With Christ I am nailed to the Cross." I find it very beautiful. To all those who have shared... I thank you. You have giving us a great gift in sharing what inspires you. Each of you remain in my prayers.

your little sister in Christ,

Sr. Maria Gina csj

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What keeps me going? The love of God with all his graces. If it was for Him, I may not be here, living.

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