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[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' date='28 March 2010 - 01:18 PM' timestamp='1269803889' post='2082053']
Thank-you so much for the post! Others have send me messages or made posts to me, and I've been so surprised! (But, VERY pleasantly so.)

I've decided to stay (for now), if only as a penance for the rest of you! LOL I will simply try not to read the posts that I know will offend me.

Although, I'd personally appreciate it if the Anglicans got a break from negative discussions for a little while, and let the phorums move on to the Baptists, the Mormons, the Moonies, snake-handlers, etc. However, despite my asking, I know that you are going to post on whatever subject moves you--because that is the purpose of the Phorum.

I'm glad you're on Phatmass.

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[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' date='28 March 2010 - 03:18 PM' timestamp='1269803889' post='2082053']
Thank-you so much for the post! Others have send me messages or made posts to me, and I've been so surprised! (But, VERY pleasantly so.)

I've decided to stay (for now), if only as a penance for the rest of you! LOL I will simply try not to read the posts that I know will offend me.

Although, I'd personally appreciate it if the Anglicans got a break from negative discussions for a little while, and let the phorums move on to the Baptists, the Mormons, the Moonies, snake-handlers, etc. However, despite my asking, I know that you are going to post on whatever subject moves you--because that is the purpose of the Phorum.
i know why you're staying


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[quote name='MIkolbe' date='28 March 2010 - 06:42 PM' timestamp='1269819723' post='2082262']
i know why you're staying


Well, I AM very fond of Nihil. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/P.gif[/img] In fact, I like all Canadians. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/spike.gif[/img]

Okay.........I also like satchels. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/whistle.gif[/img]

Edited by IgnatiusofLoyola
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I don't recall having any mayor disagreements here yet, except maybe this new green abomination fad that I have to relive.

And please stay. Mkay. :flowers:

Hey, I was even a Lutheran some months ago, now I'm just anti-bunchie.

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[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' date='28 March 2010 - 07:22 PM' timestamp='1269822138' post='2082283']
Well, I AM very fond of Nihil. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/P.gif[/img] In fact, I like all Canadians. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/spike.gif[/img]

Okay.........I also like satchels. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/whistle.gif[/img]

Me no like bunchies...or purses...

don't let nihil decieve you, he is really a socialistic obama infiltration computer program...the Maximiliam Kolbe avatar is a DISGUISE!!!!![img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif[/img]

Oh, and someone needs to tell IHSAirways that his avatar is, um, creepy. So is Apo's.

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[quote name='Tridenteen' date='28 March 2010 - 09:48 PM' timestamp='1269830905' post='2082357']
Me no like bunchies...or purses...

don't let nihil decieve you, he is really a socialistic obama infiltration computer program...the Maximiliam Kolbe avatar is a DISGUISE!!!!![img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif[/img]

Oh, and someone needs to tell IHSAirways that his avatar is, um, creepy. So is Apo's.


Thank-you for the inside scoop on nihil--he looks so innocent. TOO innocent--I should have known.

I've been telling Apo all day that his avatar is creepy. And, don't tell anyone, but after IHSAirways logs out tonight, I'm going to sneak into his profile, remove his Avatar, and give it to the Salvation Army. I thought of giving it to the St. Vincent de Paul Society, but I decided that the Catholic poor have enough to cope with as it is. Maybe the Salvation Army will shoot it.

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' date='28 March 2010 - 11:04 PM' timestamp='1269835459' post='2082405']
IHSAirways sounds like the flag carrier of the Vatican.
I love the avatar! :lol:

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I have two things to contribute to this post.

First. I am protestant by your standards, and have great disagreements with most all denominations of the Christian faith. I love to debate about what I see as truth. I think titles are mere words and hold no truth in them what so ever on this earth. A king, president, Father, pastor, whatever, it is a means to respect what he has achieved in life. By doing so, you attribute what they have experienced and earned to respect. Even those things which I think are completely pagan, still deserve human respect and Godly love. I will still refuse to follow their rituals, or accept titles that stand in the way of God. I will call allah, allah because he is the god of their religion, but never by God, or in any comparable to our God.

Second, I will tell you my story here on phatmass. In '07 I was very arrogant and had little patience. I came here looking for a fight and found one. I posted this scientific post and told people to let me have it. I was offended to the point of leaving...I came back a couple of years later and reread my post, and found that nothing anyone said was directly offensive. I was offended because I had little patience with them, and they were disagreeing. I still come here to post on topics I find interesting and fun. I still love a good debate, however, I have learned to never assume I am "right" or that my truth holds above any others'. The only truth I will accept as fact is God's word. I will debate about its interpretation all day long.

I still get the occasional bashing here and there, but I simply post a reminder on how we are called to God's love; if I find that I have been offensive then I apologize. I have no right to be so. I learn here, express here, and enjoy being here. Just like in life though, I have learned to look past the jerks (or moments when anyone can be a jerk) and not hold it against them. I still get mad, and still make people mad, but coping is the way to go. Even though I don't like the Catholic Church, I still find truths in it. I still find good, if not exceptional people in it. I still attend the occasional mass (I refuse to say some prayers, and bow before entering a pew) but I still respect it.

If you look in all things of religion, you will find some truth. And all truth deserves respect and humbleness. But you also must be careful, sometimes the devil will give you a partial truth so that you believe a bigger lie.

That being said, I hope I didn't offend anyone?

Also, I probably wont respond to any critics to my belief in this thread, we can start that somewhere else...lol

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='BibleReader' date='29 March 2010 - 11:18 AM' timestamp='1269879508' post='2082668']
I have two things to contribute to this post.

First. I am protestant by your standards, and have great disagreements with most all denominations of the Christian faith. I love to debate about what I see as truth. I think titles are mere words and hold no truth in them what so ever on this earth. A king, president, Father, pastor, whatever, it is a means to respect what he has achieved in life. By doing so, you attribute what they have experienced and earned to respect. Even those things which I think are completely pagan, still deserve human respect and Godly love. I will still refuse to follow their rituals, or accept titles that stand in the way of God. I will call allah, allah because he is the god of their religion, but never by God, or in any comparable to our God.

Second, I will tell you my story here on phatmass. In '07 I was very arrogant and had little patience. I came here looking for a fight and found one. I posted this scientific post and told people to let me have it. I was offended to the point of leaving...I came back a couple of years later and reread my post, and found that nothing anyone said was directly offensive. I was offended because I had little patience with them, and they were disagreeing. I still come here to post on topics I find interesting and fun. I still love a good debate, however, I have learned to never assume I am "right" or that my truth holds above any others'. The only truth I will accept as fact is God's word. I will debate about its interpretation all day long.

I still get the occasional bashing here and there, but I simply post a reminder on how we are called to God's love; if I find that I have been offensive then I apologize. I have no right to be so. I learn here, express here, and enjoy being here. Just like in life though, I have learned to look past the jerks (or moments when anyone can be a jerk) and not hold it against them. I still get mad, and still make people mad, but coping is the way to go. Even though I don't like the Catholic Church, I still find truths in it. I still find good, if not exceptional people in it. I still attend the occasional mass (I refuse to say some prayers, and bow before entering a pew) but I still respect it.

If you look in all things of religion, you will find some truth. And all truth deserves respect and humbleness. But you also must be careful, sometimes the devil will give you a partial truth so that you believe a bigger lie.

That being said, I hope I didn't offend anyone?

Also, I probably wont respond to any critics to my belief in this thread, we can start that somewhere else...lol
That's a good, honest post.

Out of curiosity, which of our prayers don't you like?

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Well, I've never been a fan of any pre-written prayer (although I was raised with them), but especially prayers over the dead, and to the saints. I never really liked the prayer books because I could never feel sincere, or I would be so busy focusing on what I am doing that I can't focus on what I'm supposed to be conveying through this prayer.

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