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I Killed My Baby


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As a reminder of why we are called to religious life;


...to become a victim and thus sanctify the Church. And in this way prevent the destruction of life of both mother and child. Through prayers and sacrifices, religious obtain the grace that these poor souls are in desperate need of.

[i]"she (the religious) is like the Lamb of God. She removes sins from the world. She sacrifices herself to bring back to the sheepfold those sheep who have gone astray."
- [b][i]Saint Teresa of the Andes[/i][/b]


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Indwelling Trinity

[quote name='Rising_Suns' date='24 March 2010 - 01:13 PM' timestamp='1269447219' post='2079073']
As a reminder of why we are called to religious life;


...to become a victim and thus sanctify the Church. And in this way prevent the destruction of life of both mother and child. Through prayers and sacrifices, religious obtain the grace that these poor souls are in desperate need of.

[i]"she (the religious) is like the Lamb of God. She removes sins from the world. She sacrifices herself to bring back to the sheepfold those sheep who have gone astray."
- [b][i]Saint Teresa of the Andes[/i][/b]


Dear Rising Sun:

God Bless you for this post.... These last days have been very hard and it reminds me what my sufferings are for and why I am a religious.... Sometimes it is too easy to forget especially when the cross seems heavy. I am home now from the hospital but was told i would have to be on continuous tube feedings fron now on... Getting around and taking care of myself is not easy and even scary even though i have a nurse coming in twice a week. Just getting out of bed can be a challenge these days. lonliness dogs and what once seemed blessed solitude seems a scary emptiness in which there is no place to hide me and truth be told I want to run away from the cross at times. The thought of possibly having cancer is easier to accept than just sitting still waiting for God in this emptiness where I am noe being called..IN- Valid by my caretakers.

I am learning how easy it is to accept little crosses gracefully but when the get bigger how much more grace is needed. I can only throw myself on God's mercy for of myself I am a coward. It is easy to get taken up with beautiful sentiments but when the cross is lain on ones shoulders, it tell us if our words are more than just sentiments. Be careful before you offer yourself completely to God to do with what he wills...for He will take you up on it and only sheer grace can carry one through it for of ourselves we are nothing but weakness and inperfections no matter how good our intentions may be.

Thank you for reminding me and giving me courage to focus again and say Yes to Him even as timidly as it may be.

God bless you. My prayers for you all


Indwelling Trinity

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Indwelling Trinity

[quote name='Indwelling Trinity' date='24 March 2010 - 03:40 PM' timestamp='1269456033' post='2079139']
Dear Rising Sun:

God Bless you for this post.... These last days have been very hard and it reminds me what my sufferings are for and why I am a religious.... Sometimes it is too easy to forget especially when the cross seems heavy. I am home now from the hospital but was told i would have to be on continuous tube feedings fron now on... Getting around and taking care of myself is not easy and even scary even though i have a nurse coming in twice a week. Just getting out of bed can be a challenge these days. loneliness dogs and what once seemed blessed solitude seems a scary emptiness in which there is no place to hide me and truth be told I want to run away from the cross at times. The thought of possibly having cancer is easier to accept than just sitting still waiting for God in this emptiness where I am now being referred to as..IN- Valid by some of my caretakers.

I am learning how easy it is to accept little crosses gracefully but when the get bigger how much more grace is needed. I can only throw myself on God's mercy for of myself I am a coward. It is easy to get taken up with beautiful sentiments but when the cross is lain on ones shoulders, it tell us if our words are more than just sentiments. Be careful before you offer yourself completely to God to do with what he wills...for He will take you up on it and only sheer grace can carry one through it for of ourselves we are nothing but weakness and imperfections no matter how good our intentions may be.

Thank you for reminding me and giving me courage to focus again and say Yes to Him even as timidly as it may be.

God bless you. My prayers for you all


Indwelling Trinity

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Sometimes we choose our own penances and sometimes God chooses them, but everything offered in love helps our sinful world reconcile with God. Thank you for this moving video. She didn't have to say anything apart from those words to convey the depth of remorse she felt.

Indwelling Trinity, if you understood everything that was happening to you, it wouldn't be much of a sacrifice, would it? You are being asked to trust that everything that is happening to you is for the salvation of souls, if offered in love to Our Lord. Our prayers are with you during this time. Let your sufferings help people like this woman in the video. Prayers and penance and fasting are the weapons of spiritual warfare. Be brave, Christian soldier! :pray:

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='vee8' date='24 March 2010 - 10:14 PM' timestamp='1269479665' post='2079449']
Thats definitely an eye catching thread title! :shock: Anyway as Indwelling Trinity said its easier said than done. And by the way Indwelling since laughter is the best medicine I present to you laetitia`s Monday avatar. :smokey:


Definitely makes me laugh -- A LOT! :P :woot:

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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='25 March 2010 - 11:17 AM' timestamp='1269479852' post='2079450']

Definitely makes me laugh -- A LOT! :P :woot:

Can you post it I cant seem to get any pic to work right now.

Edited to add

ok I think this might work


Cheer up Indwelling Trinity we love you, and according to laetitia that salt vampire loves you too! :saint:

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='vee8' date='24 March 2010 - 10:26 PM' timestamp='1269480376' post='2079457']
Can you post it I cant seem to get any pic to work right now.

Edited to add

ok I think this might work


Cheer up Indwelling Trinity we love you, and according to laetitia that salt vampire loves you too! :saint:


Here is my dear Salt Vampire to cheer you up. ;)

[IMG]http://i802.photobucket.com/albums/yy305/laetitia_crucis/Random/SaltVampire.jpg[/IMG] :love:

(For some reason unknown to me, I can't post vee8's Salt Vampire either... :idontknow: )

Edit: Weeeird... I see it now.

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