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laetitia crucis

I will definitely be praying for you, Melissa. :console: I have never had to write my own biography; however, I have had to write my vocation story and that was tough enough -- I couldn't image having to write an autobiography. :sweat:

Prayers headed your way!


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[quote name='melporcristo' date='31 March 2010 - 08:24 PM' timestamp='1270077859' post='2084375']

Hey everyone!

A little update - Please pray for me. I have to rewrite my Autobiography and it's been really hard. There's a lot of vulnerability that the autobiography requires as well as lots of recollection, which is really hard for me. There's been tears, nonetheless, :weep: because it's a really hard thing for me to do (being an English major comes in handy though!).

Anyway, thank you for the prayers ... storm heaven for me. Thank you!

For the 1st community that I applied with (that I chose later not to enter) I had to write an autobiography. See it as a time of recognizing who you are and an opportunity for healing. It is a blessing to write it and to share it with another.

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[quote name='melporcristo' date='31 March 2010 - 04:24 PM' timestamp='1270077859' post='2084375']

Hey everyone!

A little update - Please pray for me. I have to rewrite my Autobiography and it's been really hard. There's a lot of vulnerability that the autobiography requires as well as lots of recollection, which is really hard for me. There's been tears, nonetheless, [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/weep.gif[/img] because it's a really hard thing for me to do (being an English major comes in handy though!).

Anyway, thank you for the prayers ... storm heaven for me. Thank you!

Praying with you.

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[quote name='cmariadiaz' date='31 March 2010 - 08:58 PM' timestamp='1270090689' post='2084542']
For the 1st community that I applied with (that I chose later not to enter) I had to write an autobiography. See it as a time of recognizing who you are and an opportunity for healing. It is a blessing to write it and to share it with another.

I finally finished!!

Let's just say the Easter Tridiuum truly gave me peace about my life. Then, after the Vigil Mass, I was filled with so much joy and peace, I went home and finished it!

Does anyone recommend me having someone read it? I have a good friend who is in the process of becoming 3rd order Carmelite and I felt like the Lord wanted me to have her read it for a different perspective.

Any thoughts?

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='melporcristo' date='05 April 2010 - 12:39 AM' timestamp='1270438788' post='2086803']
I finally finished!!

Let's just say the Easter Tridiuum truly gave me peace about my life. Then, after the Vigil Mass, I was filled with so much joy and peace, I went home and finished it!

Does anyone recommend me having someone read it? I have a good friend who is in the process of becoming 3rd order Carmelite and I felt like the Lord wanted me to have her read it for a different perspective.

Any thoughts?

One of my friends had her spiritual director read her's. She had to write an autobiography AND a separate "spiritual autobiography" (pretty much her vocation story, I'd say). :sweat:

If I had to do this, I would definitely want someone else to read it, too. Granted, I assume it's not going to be a published work or anything, but I always like to have another person proofread any writing I do. :nerd: I recently had to write a vocation story and had several of my friends proofread it for me. :)

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laetitia crucis

P.S. -- I forgot to add:

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Blessed be God for such Easter graces of being able to finish!!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:



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Get someone to read it just to proof it for errors. It is so hard to see them yourself when you have been very close to it for a long time.

Congratulations! And prayers for you now more than ever! :pray:

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[quote name='melporcristo' date='04 April 2010 - 08:39 PM' timestamp='1270438788' post='2086803']
I finally finished!!

Let's just say the Easter Tridiuum truly gave me peace about my life. Then, after the Vigil Mass, I was filled with so much joy and peace, I went home and finished it!

Does anyone recommend me having someone read it? I have a good friend who is in the process of becoming 3rd order Carmelite and I felt like the Lord wanted me to have her read it for a different perspective.

Any thoughts?

Just so happy for you.

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Wow, I'm slow--I had no idea you were discerning! Praying for you! Definitely have someone read it, doesn't matter who...there are things that will sound fine to you and funky to others. Also, read it outloud--being an English major, you probably knew that trick already. ;) Good luck!!!

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Thank you all IMMENSELY for the prayers!!! You have no idea how much they have helped me :) :) :)

The autobiography has been sent! I didn't realize how hard they really are! Mad props to St. Therese for writing an entire BOOK! (well, weren't they more like letters?) Now I can see why it was such a hard endeavor and why St. Therese had to offer each sentence, word, thought to Christ and the Blessed Mother!

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='melporcristo' date='07 April 2010 - 01:06 AM' timestamp='1270613188' post='2088208']

Thank you all IMMENSELY for the prayers!!! You have no idea how much they have helped me :) :) :)

The autobiography has been sent! I didn't realize how hard they really are! Mad props to St. Therese for writing an entire BOOK! (well, weren't they more like letters?) Now I can see why it was such a hard endeavor and why St. Therese had to offer each sentence, word, thought to Christ and the Blessed Mother!


Glad to hear that you're finished and it has been mailed!

And I also completely agree: Mad props to St. Therese for writing a BOOK! Especially while living the religious horarium! :notworthy: I barely had time to write out little Christmas cards. :lol:

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St. Joseph the Worker

Dear friends & prayer companions -

Thank you SO much for your support, words of encouragement and help during this time in my vocation.

Without further ado, I present to you an update ...


:D :lol_roll: :)) :)) :))

Thank you so much for all of your prayers & amazing words on encouragement. Now I'm off to celebrate this next step in my vocation! :banana:

Yours in Christ through the Heart of Mary,


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