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I'm Entering


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It's my first time to put up a thread like this online.

So as the topic title says, I am entering... the grounds of the Benedictine monastery. But I'm not yet entering as a postulant. I am going to make an observership with the Benedctine monks of St. Ottilien hopefully by the end of April. I have made phone calls already. Last Friday I called, and the monk who answered said he's going to give my number to the Vocation director who is not in the monastery that time. It's monday now. Do you think I should check if he got my number or shall I wait for the phone call?

I am going to ride a plane to go there.. so pls pray for me.. I have terrible fear of heights and riding a plane. When I am thinking of riding a plane, I can't sleep. what if the plane crashes, what will I do? what if they ask me to jump to the sea, i cannot swim!

This will be my first time to make a live-in search-in (how do you call it). I have attended seminars on vocation. I know my twin brother whom i know is also discerning, will be very surprised. My family doesn't know that i am considering religious life.. So I do not know how to tell them that I am going to ride a plane to make an observership there.

Please help me.. I really need your help. I have other questions... what shall I bring?! When I asked this to the monk I've talked with, he said, "Just bring your clothes, everything will be provided for free". What clothes and how many clothes am I going to bring. And shoes, what shoes will I bring..

Im just so excited that I can't think properly. But I need my father's permission first and everything will be okay. Please pray for God's will to be done.. He might be hesitant because there's money involved ($100 will be needed for the roundtrip airplane ticket and it's expensive for us. Anyway I have $20 in my shelf but it's not enough.)

pray for me please.

Yours in Christ,


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I will keep you in my prayers and am excited for you! However, I'm a little confused. It sounds as if it's not really a definite thing that you'll be visiting. You haven't even spoken to the vocation director yet? You should make sure that it's a true invitation before getting nervous. Some communities will question you or even have you fill out a preliminary application to discern if a visit is warranted. It's a mutual discernment process. Not only do you have to discern with them, but they with you.

Depending on how contemplative they are, visitors can be quite a distraction to their solitude. So they may group their visitors together. (Of course, most make exceptions if one cannot make it during coordinated retreats.)

I wouldn't be worried that the director hasn't called. It's Lent. Many monasteries tend to keep correspondence to a minimum until after Easter. So you may be waiting a few more days. I'd wait at least a few more days to a week before you attempt to call again. No rush, right?

As for clothes, it all depends on what you'll be doing while you're there and how long you'll be there. And the vocation director will go over that information with you when you schedule your trip. Maybe the chapel is cold so you'll be asked to bring a sweater or light jacket. Maybe visitors are placed with Brother Baker or Gardener so you'll be asked to bring work clothes or shoes. Stuff like that. And truly, no need to bring anything else except for a Bible and a Rosary, unless told. (Oh and your indoor shoes? LOL Make sure they're relatively silent for the chapel!)

Planes are a little nerve wracking when taking off and landing but once you're in the air, you should be fine. I'd pick an aisle seat if you're afraid of heights. While we hear about plane crashes here and there, think of all the thousands and thousands of planes that get to their destinations fine. Think of it this way: we see car crashes on the road, right? But you still get into a car to go places, because you know the likelihood of a crash is slim. I usually pray my rosary or the Jesus Prayer when flying, and ask our Blessed Mother to place me under her mantle. Very calming.

I will pray that you are able to get the funds to travel, when it comes time to do that.

Be wonderfully immersed in the experience when you get there. Our Lord will show you His will.

God bless you,


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probably he's a part of the "Vocation Team". anyway thank you for expressing your concern. It's good to have a healthy "doubt," :-)

The monk said he's asking the vocation director if they could fetch me from the airport. He said that the director is in another place, in the seminary( St. Anselm house...you could see that in their website). this might be the reason why the other monk talked to me. don't worry, i am not rushing (and please pray that I will not).. i still have more time to think. And I appreciate SO MUCH your reply! i am not aware of the process actually! I'll be waiting until the holy week is over.

what I am really nervous about is how daddy is going to respond. i know he'll be very suspicious if i am really talking to monks. he might think i am talking to bandits. (he's always like that but can't blame him. he is always protecting me from danger.)

thank you for your prayers!

[quote name='HisChild' date='22 March 2010 - 09:24 PM' timestamp='1269260645' post='2077453']
I will keep you in my prayers and am excited for you! However, I'm a little confused. It sounds as if it's not really a definite thing that you'll be visiting. You haven't even spoken to the vocation director yet? You should make sure that it's a true invitation before getting nervous. Some communities will question you or even have you fill out a preliminary application to discern if a visit is warranted. It's a mutual discernment process. Not only do you have to discern with them, but they with you.

Depending on how contemplative they are, visitors can be quite a distraction to their solitude. So they may group their visitors together. (Of course, most make exceptions if one cannot make it during coordinated retreats.)

I wouldn't be worried that the director hasn't called. It's Lent. Many monasteries tend to keep correspondence to a minimum until after Easter. So you may be waiting a few more days. I'd wait at least a few more days to a week before you attempt to call again. No rush, right?

As for clothes, it all depends on what you'll be doing while you're there and how long you'll be there. And the vocation director will go over that information with you when you schedule your trip. Maybe the chapel is cold so you'll be asked to bring a sweater or light jacket. Maybe visitors are placed with Brother Baker or Gardener so you'll be asked to bring work clothes or shoes. Stuff like that. And truly, no need to bring anything else except for a Bible and a Rosary, unless told. (Oh and your indoor shoes? LOL Make sure they're relatively silent for the chapel!)

Planes are a little nerve wracking when taking off and landing but once you're in the air, you should be fine. I'd pick an aisle seat if you're afraid of heights. While we hear about plane crashes here and there, think of all the thousands and thousands of planes that get to their destinations fine. Think of it this way: we see car crashes on the road, right? But you still get into a car to go places, because you know the likelihood of a crash is slim. I usually pray my rosary or the Jesus Prayer when flying, and ask our Blessed Mother to place me under her mantle. Very calming.

I will pray that you are able to get the funds to travel, when it comes time to do that.

Be wonderfully immersed in the experience when you get there. Our Lord will show you His will.

God bless you,


Edited by tnavarro61
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Before the plane takes off, make the sign of the Cross. I do this every time and it probably wouldn't hurt to say a prayer to your Guardian angel :)

Prayers for you!!! This is an exciting time for you, I'm sure!! :)

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[quote name='melporcristo' date='22 March 2010 - 10:26 PM' timestamp='1269264379' post='2077470']

Before the plane takes off, make the sign of the Cross. I do this every time and it probably wouldn't hurt to say a prayer to your Guardian angel :)

Prayers for you!!! This is an exciting time for you, I'm sure!! :)

thank u very much. as HisChild said, i have to make sure of everything. But anyway thank you for your prayers! By the way, I love your signature!

Edited by tnavarro61
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[quote name='melporcristo' date='22 March 2010 - 09:26 AM' timestamp='1269264379' post='2077470']

Before the plane takes off, make the sign of the Cross. I do this every time and it probably wouldn't hurt to say a prayer to your Guardian angel :)

Prayers for you!!! This is an exciting time for you, I'm sure!! :)

I do this everytime I take an airplane. It calms my nerves very well. ;)

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laetitia crucis

Prayers for your trip, your discernment, and for your family, tnavarro61! :sign:

Also, I think it must be such a blessing for your family since both you AND your twin brother are discerning the religious life (even though they don't know it yet). :saint: :saint:

Perhaps eating a few bananas throughout the day before the flight could help calm your nerves about flying, too. I remember in university, before a big solo performance/recital, I would be eating bananas like they were going out of style the next day. :lol: Needless to say, bananas were a favorite in the music department. :primate:

:banana: :banana: :banana:

I love flying on airplanes; however, I also make sure to send up some prayers for safe travel to my guardian angel, St. Michael, and Our Lady. :) Ooh, and St. Christopher -- patron of travelers!

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' date='22 March 2010 - 10:38 PM' timestamp='1269265124' post='2077482']
I do this everytime I take an airplane. It calms my nerves very well. ;)

so it's really scary to ride a plane, huh?! nothing will be very scary if we are with the Lord!

by the way, is it ture that you'll hear a high pitched sound when the planes is starting to fly? and how does it feel inside a plane that goes down?

Edited by tnavarro61
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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='22 March 2010 - 10:46 PM' timestamp='1269265599' post='2077484']
Prayers for your trip, your discernment, and for your family, tnavarro61! :sign:

Also, I think it must be such a blessing for your family since both you AND your twin brother are discerning the religious life (even though they don't know it yet). :saint: :saint:

Perhaps eating a few bananas throughout the day before the flight could help calm your nerves about flying, too. I remember in university, before a big solo performance/recital, I would be eating bananas like they were going out of style the next day. :lol: Needless to say, bananas were a favorite in the music department. :primate:

:banana: :banana: :banana:

I love flying on airplanes; however, I also make sure to send up some prayers for safe travel to my guardian angel, St. Michael, and Our Lady. :) Ooh, and St. Christopher -- patron of travelers!

bananas! there are lots of bananas in our place. we even have banana trees behind us! and i love bananas too so i am happy bananas help.

and i also love your new avatar. was that a mouth? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='tnavarro61' date='22 March 2010 - 10:47 AM' timestamp='1269265626' post='2077485']
so it's really scary to ride a plane, huh?! nothing will be very scary if we are with the Lord.

by the way, is it ture that you'llhear a high pitched sound when the planes is starting to fly? and how does it feel inside a plane that goes down?

I have flown a lot in my life (my father was in the army growing up) and well... I find flying really invigorating. It's quite possibly one of my favorite things to do. (Of course, this comes for someone that longed to be an astronaut for many years of her young life... I tell you, if Starfleet ever forms and they request a religious community in space, I would volunteer ASAP.) :hehe:

When the plane takes off and lands, you will feel the air pressure change. It is common that peoples' ears will pop. (Luckily, mine have only once in my life.) I would recommend taking some chewing gum with you on the plane and chew it as you take off and before you land. It helps to keep the ear canals open, I think.

Do you know which airline you'll be flying? I flew with Philippines Air last summer -- from Davao City to Manilla and back. They are most excellent. :twothumbsup: Before the plane takes off, there's even air vapor coming out of the vents!! (The air tends to get really dry without it.)

If you are nervous about flying and happen to be scared of heights, I would recommend you do NOT get a window seat. But if you are looking forward to flying and getting a full experience, take the window seat!! :smokey: It is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

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you people of Phatmass are great!

Fr. Philip (the vocation director) just contacted me! Makes me wanna shout!! He told me how to get there. Now I know he can't fetch me from the airport and this will make another problem: my father would be very hesitant to allow because that is a strange place (but daddy I am already 18..! and God is with me) so please pray for my father, that he'll get the right decision, whether to allow me or not.

Edited by tnavarro61
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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='22 March 2010 - 11:03 PM' timestamp='1269266604' post='2077493']
I have flown a lot in my life (my father was in the army growing up) and well... I find flying really invigorating. It's quite possibly one of my favorite things to do. (Of course, this comes for someone that longed to be an astronaut for many years of her young life... I tell you, if Starfleet ever forms and they request a religious community in space, I would volunteer ASAP.) :hehe:

When the plane takes off and lands, you will feel the air pressure change. It is common that peoples' ears will pop. (Luckily, mine have only once in my life.) I would recommend taking some chewing gum with you on the plane and chew it as you take off and before you land. It helps to keep the ear canals open, I think.

Do you know which airline you'll be flying? I flew with Philippines Air last summer -- from Davao City to Manilla and back. They are most excellent. :twothumbsup: Before the plane takes off, there's even air vapor coming out of the vents!! (The air tends to get really dry without it.)

If you are nervous about flying and happen to be scared of heights, I would recommend you do NOT get a window seat. But if you are looking forward to flying and getting a full experience, take the window seat!! :smokey: It is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

Actually I do not know how to get tickets. After Daddy has allowed me, for sure Daddy wouldn't allow me to take care of gettin the tickets by myself. He wants it to do by himself. I know my dad. :rolleyes:

I'll be traveling from Manila to Davao City and back. Tell me, how's Davao? are the people kind there? How's the climate compare to Manila? I know no one there and it's scary actually. I'll be traveling in a strange land which is quite dangerous. I need help so badly. :sadder: :sadder:

I might dare to seat near the window. My brother would be very disappointed if I will not take pictures of the sky.

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='tnavarro61' date='22 March 2010 - 11:25 AM' timestamp='1269267905' post='2077519']
Actually I do not know how to get tickets. After Daddy has allowed me, for sure Daddy wouldn't allow me to take care of gettin the tickets by myself. He wants it to do by himself. I know my dad. :rolleyes:

I'll be traveling from Manila to Davao City and back. Tell me, how's Davao? are the people kind there? How's the climate compare to Manila? I know no one there and it's scary actually. I'll be traveling in a strange land which is quite dangerous. I need help so badly. :sadder: :sadder:

I might dare to seat near the window. My brother would be very disappointed if I will not take pictures of the sky.

Davao is lovely! And I definitely prefer the weather there over Manila's weather. During the day, the sky is clear and beautiful, while at night there's a cooling rain. It didn't seem to be as humid (or windy) as Manila was.

It seems the main mode of transportation are those motor-tricycles. Like these:

(Notice the PURPLE TAXI! :lol: )


And these:



Inside most of the bottom pictures, the drivers usually had super-Catholic images. Like these:




There were all taken from my cell phone while riding in a tricycle, so I apologise for the quality! :lol:

I found the people to be VERY KIND in Davao, especially in Digos. :love: I think everyone knows EVERYONE there, and no matter where I went, people were always very charitable and helpful. I felt very safe. And even though the main language spoken is a dialect (Visaya -- sp?), it seemed most were also fluent in Tagalog, and English. (Blessed be God! :) )

There are also religious Sisters at the main church in Digos (San Isidro?). (I think they were Franciscans of some sort, but I can't remember their name for the life of me.)

My father and step-family lives there, too, including my step-Lolo and step-cousins. I actually cried when I left. I hope one day to go back again.

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^ I LOVED those last 2 pictures!! It reminds me of the taxi's in Honduras & how an image of Our Lord was always somewhere in the taxi :)

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