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The CFR Sisters are now in the UK with Sister Jacinta serving as the local community servant. It is such a glory to have them in the UK as it has been their wish for many years.
:lol_roll: :rolleyes: :topsy: :saint: :blink: :wacko: :lol_roll:

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Attention posters:
Please read post #86 of the thread linked below before continuing with this thread. Thank you.


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I posted this to inform people that they are in the UK now as its not well known and their are alot of people wanting to join them but cannot due to visa issues etc. Please respect this and not degrade this thread. We are suppose to be Catholics.

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By His Grace Alone

[quote name='angelofmary' date='20 March 2010 - 06:05 AM' timestamp='1269075943' post='2076189']
I posted this to inform people that they are in the UK now as its not well known and their are alot of people wanting to join them but cannot due to visa issues etc. Please respect this and not degrade this thread. We are suppose to be Catholics

I would have to agree. Why would ANYONE look under "Unusual Personal Hygiene Habits" for information about the CFR Sisters being in the UK now! Don't you people have anything better to do than nitpick on this website (and I am referring to the entire Vocation Station phorum)? If you have that much time on your hands, try doing something worthwhile like working in a shelter for the homeless or a soup kitchen feeding the hundreds of people who have lost everything. It might just give you all some much needed perspective.

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[quote name='By His Grace Alone' date='20 March 2010 - 10:43 AM' timestamp='1269096220' post='2076249']
I would have to agree. Why would ANYONE look under "Unusual Personal Hygiene Habits" for information about the CFR Sisters being in the UK now! Don't you people have anything better to do than nitpick on this website (and I am referring to the entire Vocation Station phorum)? If you have that much time on your hands, try doing something worthwhile like working in a shelter for the homeless or a soup kitchen feeding the hundreds of people who have lost everything. It might just give you all some much needed perspective.
If that rude comment was directed at me, I would ask you, Did you read the post I requested you to read? Here it is:

[quote]Dear Phatmass Posters, Readers, Etc.,

I have written in before as I am "Beatus" mother. He is not allowed to use the computer for he has some issues, but he has found a way (either at school or friends' homes) to get on certain sites. Contrary to what someone accused him of at some point - the "integrity" of his posts are quite real, and in the non-cyber world, disturbing. Without going into specifics, he has a form of autism which renders him extremely high functioning (as in the genius category) but completely lacking in social skills. Often, those suffering with his diagnosis focus on one particular subject to study (investigate) and I believe you all can recognize his interest lies in religion (especially traditionalist Catholicism).

Contrary to what he has displayed here, we are a "normal" practicing Catholic family, not over the top, but not lax either. We attend our local parish. My husband and I are working closely with a multitude of doctors, counselors and priests. There is an unfortunate situation in that we do have a very conservative "new" priest at our parish whom our son has "connected" with and unfortunately confirms some of his radical traditionalist/black white/judgmental views. The pastor of our parish is aware of this and is working with all parties.

This is not the only website he has appeared on to lecture/correct/admonish the members. I monitor as frequently as I can but it is difficult. I see that he has once again found his way here and has caused trouble. For any particular pain, suffering, hurt or embarrassment he has caused any of you, I apologize. It is my (and my husband's) hope that by explaining he is suffering from a condition beyond his control (which is being handled in every way we know) you will have a better understanding of his behavior, comments and actions.

We wish the best for our son and hope he will be able to learn better social skills through the help and medication he is receiving, though it is a very difficult and painful road.

While he is banned from the computer, he obviously finds ways to log on. If I may suggest something to all reading this: it is best if he is ignored. He sees any contradiction as an opportunity to prove he is right and he gets fixated (his hyper-activity over the past few days was the trigger that lead me to check his sites). He is not able to receive constructive criticism in a healthy manner --- it is either proof that he is an "evil-doer" unfit for the world or a "righteous" Catholic fighting for the Lord! He is scrupulous to an unfathomable degree.

At this point, "Beatus" does believe he has a vocation. As many of you suspect and have even hinted at, the reality of this happening is very remote - unless of course, he joins a schismatic group outside of the Church (which we hope and pray won't happen). We can only deal with one hurdle at a time, and right now, our entire family is focused on getting him out of high school. If I may impinge on your charity, I do ask that keep him (and us) in your prayers, as well as all those suffering with problems like his - they are often not easily to identify which in some cases can make it worse.

Again, he is banned from the computer and I sincerely hope and pray that you will not hear from him again. I am not closing his account because I would rather you be able to identify him and treat him accordingly than have him create a new account under a different name. While he is banned, we are not with him at all hours and cannot monitor his every action. Like many parents, we fail every day. I am at a complete loss of words at this point. This is the third email along these lines I have written this afternoon. This is an ongoing struggle and I respectfully ask - again - that if you are able, you ignore his comments/opinions and let him be. Again, I also ask that you accept the apology and explanation I offer from my whole family, including most especially me.

The last time I signed my real name and it was deleted. I will save the owner the problem of doing that again, and I will sign as "Beatus'" mother.

Please pray for all of us. With apologies,

"Beatus" Mother [/quote]

She asks that you not engage in dialog with her troubled son who posted in this thread against his parents wishes.

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Maybe its better to make a thread regarding this person then or perhaps he should be banned. And Yes I read it. Thanks.

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[quote]I posted this to inform people that they are in the UK now as its not well known and their are alot of people wanting to join them but cannot due to visa issues etc. Please respect this and not degrade this thread. We are suppose to be Catholics.[/quote]

[quote]I would have to agree. Why would ANYONE look under "Unusual Personal Hygiene Habits" for information about the CFR Sisters being in the UK now! Don't you people have anything better to do than nitpick on this website (and I am referring to the entire Vocation Station phorum)? If you have that much time on your hands, try doing something worthwhile like working in a shelter for the homeless or a soup kitchen feeding the hundreds of people who have lost everything. It might just give you all some much needed perspective. [/quote]

[quote name='angelofmary' date='20 March 2010 - 09:29 AM' timestamp='1269098998' post='2076264']
Maybe its better to make a thread regarding this person then or perhaps he should be banned. And Yes I read it. Thanks.

The problem with that is that many people don't read every thread, and would still be likely to interact with him if the moderators were not so kind as to keep an eye out for posts by him and warn people. She made the same warning on a similar post by him in the "Tribute to Mother Angelica" thread... which, personally I appreciated and think far from "degrading" the thread, put his seemingly somewhat rude comments in context. And he hasn't technically done anything against the forum rules to be banned. If you don't like how the moderators handle problems on this site, perhaps you should make your own? Honestly, I think both of you owe Cmom an apology. The rudeness that is shown so often on the Vocation Station towards moderators, and others, is embarrassing, to say the least. She was not "degrading" anything. If anything, she was preventing your thread from turning into another VS catfight about the habit.

Edited by zunshynn
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zunshynn if you read my first post its not towards Cmom but beatus before he started any other comments and my second one was in response to reading the article which Cmom pointed us to read, I just suggested maybe we could make a thread and keep it active to warn people or pin it. I don't know what has bothered you but I think there has been a misunderstanding. God Bless.

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By His Grace Alone

[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='20 March 2010 - 12:00 PM' timestamp='1269097234' post='2076257']
If that rude comment was directed at me, I would ask you, Did you read the post I requested you to read? Here it is:

She asks that you not engage in dialog with her troubled son who posted in this thread against his parents wishes.

I nor others were engaging in an exchange with Beatus. The topic was about the CFR Sisters being in the UK and NOTHING whatever to do with an exchange with your son. If you think my comment was rude, get over it and stop looking for insult where none was intended. To reiterate......the topic and replies had nothing to do with your son. Hence the link you posted was unnecessary and not needed and totally unrelated to the topic of the CFR Sisters in the UK.

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[quote name='By His Grace Alone' date='20 March 2010 - 05:31 PM' timestamp='1269124295' post='2076433']
I nor others were engaging in an exchange with Beatus. The topic was about the CFR Sisters being in the UK and NOTHING whatever to do with an exchange with your son. If you think my comment was rude, get over it and stop looking for insult where none was intended. To reiterate......the topic and replies had nothing to do with your son. Hence the link you posted was unnecessary and not needed and totally unrelated to the topic of the CFR Sisters in the UK.

BHGA, I normally do not step in but this warrants, I believe, a second opinion. If you look earlier in the forum topic, you will see a young man posted by the name of "Beatus." Phatmass has had problems with him before, posting on different topics and trying to rouse the posters up. He is not allowed to be on the internet at all, which is the link that HSMom posted because it has escalated out of control before and she wanted to prevent this from happening again. That is all...

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[quote name='By His Grace Alone' date='20 March 2010 - 04:31 PM' timestamp='1269124295' post='2076433']
I nor others were engaging in an exchange with Beatus. The topic was about the CFR Sisters being in the UK and NOTHING whatever to do with an exchange with your son. If you think my comment was rude, get over it and stop looking for insult where none was intended. To reiterate......the topic and replies had nothing to do with your son. Hence the link you posted was unnecessary and not needed and totally unrelated to the topic of the CFR Sisters in the UK.

First of all, I think you need to read posts more closely before responding. She did not say that it was her son. HSMom (who I earlier called CMom by mistake) is a moderator here. She was quoting "Beatus' Mom" because apparently people were not looking at what the post she linked to was about.

Second of all, the link she posted WAS necessary to prevent people from interacting with Beatus. She no where stated that anyone had begun an exchange with Beatus, but posted the link to prevent one from starting. If you think it was unnecessary, then ignore it, but do NOT accuse the moderators here of "not doing something worthwhile". If you don't think posting in Catholic forums and having them moderated so that they are safe and comfortable for those that use them is worthwhile and of value, then don't participate in them.

Edited by zunshynn
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laetitia crucis

[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' date='20 March 2010 - 07:38 PM' timestamp='1269124721' post='2076434']
BHGA, I normally do not step in but this warrants, I believe, a second opinion. If you look earlier in the forum topic, you will see a young man posted by the name of "Beatus." Phatmass has had problems with him before, posting on different topics and trying to rouse the posters up. He is not allowed to be on the internet at all, which is the link that HSMom posted because it has escalated out of control before and she wanted to prevent this from happening again. That is all...

God bless you and thank you, MaterMisericordiae. I was going to respond similarly; however, I believe this is perhaps God's way of preventing me from my own lack of tact. :blush: :hehe: Thank you again for your (very well put -- at least in my humble opinion ;) ) response.

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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='20 March 2010 - 05:46 PM' timestamp='1269125167' post='2076440']
God bless you and thank you, MaterMisericordiae. I was going to respond similarly; however, I believe this is perhaps God's way of preventing me from my own lack of tact. :blush: :hehe: Thank you again for your (very well put -- at least in my humble opinion ;) ) response.

You're too sweet. I think it's just a misunderstanding, is all. :blush:

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