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Which Communities?


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[quote name='tnavarro61' date='17 March 2010 - 11:04 AM' timestamp='1268787891' post='2074318']
am i the only guy in here? please pray for me. i am discerning with the Missionary Benedictines of St. Ottilien www.digosmonks.org . I have difficulty in contacting them because their place has a low cellphone signal. So I am sending them an email. I am going to make a vocation retreat there probably in April and this is my first time.. and if ever i'll make the retreat, it would be also my first time to ride a plane. Please please pray for me, I need financial help. I need more or less $100 to go there (round trip). It's quite expensive for us. God bless you.


There are other guys around on VS but right now they are pretty quite. Prayers for you as you discern and that you get the money you need to go there. BTW I love flying, so I hope you`ll like it too, but I never got on a plane until I was 20 so like 8 years ago.

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I'd rather not say quite yet. But I do have a community that I am very much in love with and feel Our Lord leading me to!


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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' date='14 March 2010 - 10:21 PM' timestamp='1268619705' post='2073252']
I am not actively discerning, but I probably in the category of hopeful religious with some discernment issues :rolleyes: . There are a few communities that I would consider a visit to in the future:

[url="http://www.littlesistersofthepoor.org/"]Little Sisters of the Poor[/url]

[url="http://www.hawthorne-dominicans.org/"]Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne[/url]

[url="http://www.sistersop.com/"]Dominican Sisters of the Immaculate Conception[/url]

Prayerfully, I will be making a visit to the Hawthorne Dominicans in the fall! :yahoo:

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And I'd like to look into:


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[quote name='HollyDolly' date='17 March 2010 - 01:52 PM' timestamp='1268844767' post='2074615']
I'm not discerning with anyone now. However, I had contacted the Sisters of charity of St.Joan Antida in Milwaukee,who taught me when I attended their nursey school, Guardian Angel. I did visit with the discaled Carmelite Nuns in San Antonio years ago. However, my mother had health problems due to high blood pressure, and she later had a stroke.So I took care of her,so no convent for me.My father ,back in the 1990s had his COPD get worse, so took care of him too.
If I had entered any community,I probably would have had to leave for family reasons. I still think about the religious life, but at age 54,would have to find some community that takes older vocations, or be a secular member of the Franciscans,Dominicans, or some such order.
This makes me think of a Dominican congregation in Europe. By the time one woman was in a position to enter, she was a widow with grandchildren; they said she was one of their best sisters.

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