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[quote name='morostheos' date='16 March 2010 - 11:59 PM' timestamp='1268794778' post='2074408']
Just from listening to other's vocation stories, I think that it is not uncommon to feel called to religious life but not really attracted to it. I know for me right now that's definitely the case. So many times God's plan for our lives isn't the same as our own, and when you realize that it's not always pleasant. :P Even though right now I don't feel particularly attracted to religious life, I'm kind of just getting used to the idea. There are certainly a lot of sacrifices, some of them big ones! Of course, that's one of the things that makes religious life so special, because it allows you to make such an open gift of your life to God. There have been so many times in life where the right decision or the one that would make me most happy in the long run was not the one I wanted to choose. That's just being human though.

Does that make any sense? Sorry, I just kind of started rambling there...

It makes all the sense in the world and is a very good way of explaining something unexplainable.

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Sister Rose Therese

I had a desire to be a Sister when I was after confirmation and through high school. When I was in college that desire left me. I really had to struggle with my desire for marriage. It took a while for me to realize that marriage was not going to satisfy me, but even then I did not desire religious life.
I didn't even desire it when I entered. Once I was there though I was quite happy and have never regretted it.
It isn't uncommon. I think even Father Benedict Groeschel had to struggle with this.

You may want to check out this [url="http://www.pathsoflove.com/Vocations-Doyle.pdf"]link[/url].
Look at section 3 on Signs of a Religious Vocation.

Edited by Sister Rose Therese
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I have my up and down days. I just want to know God`s Will for me. Plus you are not going crazy. I am thinking that part of me going crazy, then thinking about something good.

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Dear M.M.

I was 13 when I realised that God was calling me to be completely His. I was almost disowned from my parents because they were totally against my vocation. They did not accept me nor my vocation for about two years....two years of rejection and loniless, but they were also two years of purification. Then once they finally began to accept me and my vocation, I was allowed to visit different congregations....I went from the Fransicans to the Dominicans, to the Carmelites.....from New York to Europe to Mexico in search of a home...of a family to which I could belong to. Then I found an order that I thought was absolutely amazing...I was accepted and I rejoiced at finally finding what I was searching for....then I got a call from one of the sisters saying that the Mother Founderess has changed her mind, and she thought I should look elsewhere....tja....I was pretty much broken after that blow. I thought of throwing in the towel...[i]maybe it was just a bunch of wishful thinking..how could God ever call a wretch like me....what could I possibly do for Him, for the glory of His Name.I [/i]I was do close to quiting and I almost did if it wasn't for the Mysterious Ways of the Trinity...... to make a long long story short... Mater Misericordiae, you are not crazy, it is a test of love....but be careful in the dicernment of your emotions right now. I.T. put is beautifully when she said "[i]Just remember feelings come and go and love is best shown in the will and not emotions only... but most important in this life is to be in God's will whether it is in marriage, single life, or consecrated life... all gives glory to God."[/i] Only you can tell what God wants from you, of course I do recommend a Spiritual Director to help you in your discernment. Sometimes others notice things, that we tend to overlook. I am praying for you!

Yours in the Trinity,
Sr. M. Gina csj

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