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P.S. Dame Agnes' link is a generic nuns'-veil manufacturer. How interesting! I always thought they were homemade.

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Sister Marie

That is so interesting - I didn't know that there were any communities who had the same veil for professed sisters and novice sisters. What is the difference between the professed and the novices? Do the professed wear a ring that the novices don't? In my community the professed sisters wear black veils and the novices white. The professed wear a gold ring and novices do not. I had no idea that some communities went right to black veil! Thanks for sharing that!

Dame Agnes - I think your description of the veil as "Jackie Kennedy" is wonderful! I can't imagine wearing a veil like that because sometimes I can barely keep mine on when the wind is blowing and it covers my ears! I wonder what their trick is to get it to stay on?

It isn't just discerners who wonder about different communities! I love to learn new things about different religious.

Sister Marie

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[quote name='Sister Marie' date='13 March 2010 - 10:20 PM' timestamp='1268533238' post='2072588']
That is so interesting - I didn't know that there were any communities who had the same veil for professed sisters and novice sisters. What is the difference between the professed and the novices? Do the professed wear a ring that the novices don't? In my community the professed sisters wear black veils and the novices white. The professed wear a gold ring and novices do not. I had no idea that some communities went right to black veil! Thanks for sharing that!

Dame Agnes - I think your description of the veil as "Jackie Kennedy" is wonderful! I can't imagine wearing a veil like that because sometimes I can barely keep mine on when the wind is blowing and it covers my ears! I wonder what their trick is to get it to stay on?

It isn't just discerners who wonder about different communities! I love to learn new things about different religious.

Sister Marie

I tried to see from the pictures ... but one difference *may* be with the franciscan cord. Novices may wear a cord without knots. (But I can't tell from the pictures if the professed sisters had a cord with knots).

I did remember finding out about them from the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (yes I remember Sr. Lois -- FSPAs are a wonderful community).

(Edit: More info ... the Brothers wear a cord with knots, so I assume the sisters do likewise)

Edited by cmariadiaz
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When looking into their website, it appears the professed sisters also wear a pendant cross, which is absent on the novices. Maybe that's the difference?

I try usually to not comment on habit/veil styles as I find no fault with the modified ones.
I will say that years ago I encountered some of these sisters in St. Louis when attending a parish council workshop. I thought their veils were very graceful and the habit was about as simple as one could get.

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

Interesting... I was looking at [url="http://nunsandsisters.com/Photographs.html"]the link[/url] from the Habits thread with photos of various communities in their old habit and several photos had sisters with veils of the same translucent material. I guess It's not a new thing...

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Regarding the differences between the novices and professed, what everyone has guessed is correct. The professed have knots on their rope and wear a pendant cross, the novices have neither. I think the perpetually professed sisters wear a ring.

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Sister Marie

Thanks for clarifying! It is so interesting to see how different communities do things! God bless!
Sister Marie

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