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Silent Retreat


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If anyone knows any really good places [i]any[/i]where in the country, please pass on the names! I've always wanted to be able to make a silent retreat, but it never has worked out.

I'm thinking of somewhere that doesn't do centering prayer... is not cringe-inducingly ugly (I mean just that--it doesn't have to have wooded hills or a lake)... has good preaching... and maybe has decent food!

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[quote name='Thomist-in-Training' date='17 March 2010 - 09:04 PM' timestamp='1268874271' post='2074908']
If anyone knows any really good places [i]any[/i]where in the country, please pass on the names! I've always wanted to be able to make a silent retreat, but it never has worked out.

I'm thinking of somewhere that doesn't do centering prayer... is not cringe-inducingly ugly (I mean just that--it doesn't have to have wooded hills or a lake)... has good preaching... and maybe has decent food!

Please consider St. Emma Monastery in western Pennsylvania, run by the Benedictine Nuns.
The cost is a bit on the steep side for a full week, but remember this is the main source of income for them. And you will not be subjected to any flaky spirituality there,and I hear the food is quite good.

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If you like being alone, the Hermits of Bethlehem in NJ will give you a little hermitage in the woods, daily Mass, and meetings with the desert father if you want (if he is well enough, I haven't spoken with him for the past six months).

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[quote name='zunshynn' date='07 March 2010 - 11:23 PM' timestamp='1268018589' post='2068556']
pm MCTS... she goes to school near Notre Dame, and she might know of something.

Or the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament. :saint: But that's in AL.

[quote name='alrichey53091' date='08 March 2010 - 11:08 AM' timestamp='1268060882' post='2068761']
haha i know her!! she helped at my senior retreat!! :) i will have to ask her!!

Thanks for all these wonderful places!!!

haha Actually, I know that there's a silent retreat at ND, and I know that I can go on it, but I don't know if people outside of the tri-campus area can go on it, but I'll check and PM you later. Otherwise, St. Meinrad is probably a good place to contact. Even if they don't have one, I know that their seminarians go on a silent retreat somewhere every year, so they might be able to point you in the right direction.

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I have made a few quiet retreats here. The building is a former novitiate and the grounds are lovely. There is daily Mass and one is not required to participate in any programs. I believe the fee is still $60.00 per day for meals and room. http://www.jesuitcenter.org/index.htm Fr. Walter Ciszeck is buried here and I like to pray at his grave. Great trees for climbing also.

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http://www.jesuitcenter.org/ Don't know how I deleted the first one when posting. I like this place. have made several quiet retreats here. Fr. Walter Ciszcek, SJ is buried here and I like to pray with him.

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Margaret Mary

I know that the Toledo Visitation in Ohio allows lay women to do at least a week silent retreat in the cloister. [url="http://www.toledovisitation.org"]My link[/url]

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I might be late for this. Have you contacted the Benedictine Monks of the Annunciation, in Clear Creek? They will give you a guest house, and you can come to daily Mass, and the Divine Hours. The monks are really nice, and we know one guy who took his family there for a month. They do it every year and feel that it is beficial to their spiritual health. I love the monks, they really are very sweet. Some visiting priest called their abbey a "saint factory". I called the one time and talked to this incredibly elderly french monk, who understood next to no english (I understand next to no french, but I taked really slow, and threw in some german, and he was good) and sounded like an absolute saint.

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You should ask your Pastor if you could spend the weekend in the Church, breaking only for meals. It would be a good penance and a holy experience to spend the entire weekend at the FEET OF CHRIST. I asked repeatedly, but alas, I am not old enough.

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Please read post #86 of the thread linked below before continuing with this thread. Thank you.


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  • 1 month later...

Woa, I could have answered you this one a while ago. Shelbourne conference center in Valparaiso. I've been on their HIgh School retreats, and I hear their college ones are really good too. Typically a weekend long. Although you probably don't need it anymore...


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