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Cloisters Outreach Caveat Emptor


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[url="http://notesfromstillsong.blogspot.com/2010/03/cloisters-outreach-bishops-approval-or.html"]Read here[/url]

This has been a concern for some of us here, and Sr. Laurel spoke about this yesterday in her blog.

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Thank you very much for that link, and thanks to Sr Laurel, who is now a member of phatmass I believe, for providing that information. It is true that many have had concerns about this project, while still wanting to be charitable to all involved, so comments have perhaps not been as strongly worded as they should have in the past. We have erred on the side of charity.

But through her research, I think Sr Laurel has made it quite clear what the current status of Cloister Outreach (Cloisterites) is and she is right is saying caveat emptor at this time. Thank you Sr Laurel for taking the time to make those contacts with the diocese.

Persons with a real vocation need to be aware of this information.

Thank you tnavarro for posting this thread.

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what is caveat emptor? is it similar to this meaning from wikipedia? It is a counter to caveat emptor and suggests that sellers can also be deceived in a market transaction. <disregarding the word seller>

thanks to sr. laurel.

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[quote name='tnavarro61' date='07 March 2010 - 09:43 PM' timestamp='1267958582' post='2067960']
what is caveat emptor? is it similar to this meaning from wikipedia? It is a counter to caveat emptor and suggests that sellers can also be deceived in a market transaction. <disregarding the word seller>

thanks to sr. laurel.

It originally meant buyer beware, but I think common usage has turned it into a phrase that means to be careful about what is being offered to you (whether it is for sale or not), especially if that thing seems too good to be true.

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[quote name='nunsense' date='07 March 2010 - 07:48 PM' timestamp='1267958932' post='2067963']
It originally meant buyer beware, but I think common usage has turned it into a phrase that means to be careful about what is being offered to you (whether it is for sale or not), especially if that thing seems too good to be true.

now i have something new to use on my English subjects!

I've been to the website of the Cloisters and Cloisterites as well and i was hoping for a clarification from Gemma.

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[quote name='tnavarro61' date='07 March 2010 - 09:53 PM' timestamp='1267959193' post='2067964']
now i have something new to use on my English subjects!

I've been to the website of the Cloisters and Cloisterites as well and i was hoping for a clarification from Gemma.

Gemma is a wonderful person and I love her very much but I have been worried for a long time about the whole Cloisterite project simply because it can distract people who might have real vocations from looking into this while they wait for her communities (plural) to take off. In all charity, I wish her well, but I do believe that she needs a disclaimer on her site to the effect that all of her communities are still in the ideas stage and not one of them is ready for vocations yet. If I am wrong, I am happy to be corrected, but it sounds like Sr Laurel did the research.

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[quote name='nunsense' date='07 March 2010 - 07:58 PM' timestamp='1267959480' post='2067965']
Gemma is a wonderful person and I love her very much but I have been worried for a long time about the whole Cloisterite project simply because it can distract people who might have real vocations from looking into this while they wait for her communities (plural) to take off. In all charity, I wish her well, but I do believe that she needs a disclaimer on her site to the effect that all of her communities are still in the ideas stage and not one of them is ready for vocations yet. If I am wrong, I am happy to be corrected, but it sounds like Sr Laurel did the research.

personally i feel that the communities aren't just ideas at all since they already have their habits, religious names and are already postulants (i assume since they are in postulant's habits). I'll quote her recent update
[quote]After making their novena prayer on November 21, [b]the Novas donned their black Postulant garb[/b]. They now have their religious names, and are using them on the yahoo group.

Gemma's mother then passed on January 5. The family computer sustained heavy damage in a cyber attack not long after that. Cloister Outreach was offline for a month. Gemma had access to only the email and yahoo groups via BlackBerry during that time.

One Canadian woman was accepted on February 7 (World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life) as a Cloisterite Hermit aspirant, and is a white-cord Lay Cloisterite until November.

Two other women--both non-annulment divorcees--were accepted as grey-cord Lay Cloisterites. One has plans to enter the Cloisterite Hermit aspirancy once her circumstances change. The other is a Benedictine Oblate desiring a more structured prayer life. The daily dedications appealed to her.

The "Cloisterite Resources" page was added at the end of the navigation bar on this website.

We are presently studying the "Conferences of St. John Cassian" for Lent. [b]Novitiate plans are being made[/b]. Habit sources are being secured. [/quote]

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I assume you are an adult, so I will leave you to make your own discoveries. I find it strange though that you posted the link to Sr Laurel's blog about this, since you obviously don't agree with her. I have no investment in this issue one way or the other since I am not discerning with the Cloisterites. I have concerns, just as Sr Laurel does, but I have think I have said all that I have to say on this topic now. Thank you for the link though.

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[quote name='nunsense' date='07 March 2010 - 08:37 PM' timestamp='1267961820' post='2067968']
I assume you are an adult, so I will leave you to make your own discoveries. I find it strange though that you posted the link to Sr Laurel's blog about this, since you obviously don't agree with her. I have no investment in this issue one way or the other since I am not discerning with the Cloisterites. I have concerns, just as Sr Laurel does, but I have think I have said all that I have to say on this topic now. Thank you for the link though.

oops i think u misunderstood me. i was referring to your suggestion: but I do believe that she needs a disclaimer on her site to the effect that all of her communities are still in the ideas stage and not one of them is ready for vocations yet. what i mean is that gemma is not presenting mere ideas but she's presenting us that there's already a foundation.

i agree with sr laurel.

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I would like someone to thank Sr.Laurel for me. I ran into the cloister outreach website several months ago. I was rather curious about the various orders which seemingly kept "popping up". I showed it to my mom,who didn't know what to think, really. Nunsense, out of curiosity, I heard something that there were different colored habits being planned, is there any truth in that?

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i think i have to clear myself first. i am just so surprised and saddened with nunsense's reply. and i am very very sorry if i wasn't able to express myself clearly. what i am trying to say in post #7 is that Gemma probably is not treating the foundations as mere ideas but as true and existing. i posted the link and that means i agree with Sr. Laurel, and the outreach has been a concern for me.

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I have to say that I am totally confused as to your intentions here tnavarro and sorry that you have been upset by my reply to your original post. I certainly don't want to cause distress to anyone but I felt that Sr Laurel was echoing my own concerns about this topic, and since you posted the link, I thought that is what you were trying to say as well. Now you tell me that you are saddened by what I thought would be an agreement of your OP. I am very confused.

I do not want to participate any further in this conversation, because I believe that there is no real clarity about the topic or understanding about my own posts. If I could, I would delete my posts, and I will certainly ask a moderator to do this. Sr Laurel can post what she wants on her own site, and I will agree with her there, and leave this topic alone on phatmass. Each person can make their own determination as to the validity or not of Sr Laurel's statements. I will not respond to any further posts on this thread.

pax xti

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Glory to Jesus Christ!

tnavarro, I understood your posts and their intentions. Not to worry. This group(s) of the Cloister Outreach have been a concern of yours, especially since on the groups' website it states that it has ecclesial support, when in fact, as SrLaurel pointed out, it does not.

You're also concerned that some of these groups proclaim they are not in the idea stage but have in fact dressed up in habits and have religious names, which may be misleading since they don't have the support of the bishop as the site proclaims.

nunsense, I also see where he would be confused by your post #8, because in it you clearly state 'since you obviously don't agree with her' (I cannot see how you drew that conclusion). Then, in #13, you're confused by his being saddened? It might be good of you to go back and read the flow of this thread again. You might understand his confusion then. I think his intentions by posting both blog and quotes from the CO site are in congruence.

In Christ,


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Saint Therese

I think everyone on here should read this blog post. I've also shared these concerns, and have suggested that someone from Phatmass research the legitmacy of Gemma's statements here, if for no other reason, as Sr. Lauren said, for concern about legitimate vocations that may be lead astray.

In addition, I think that the "Freelance Priests" thread also falls under this category. I don't understand why it was allowed. It seems that it might be more prudent for guidelines to be more strict as far as content in Vocation Station because of the above stated reason.

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