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Not A Mallard

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Not A Mallard

I started out in this subforum (back when it was Creepy Aliens) and it's sad to see it go down over the years. :( When it was going down I went over to the Lame Board, but now that's getting lame! (no pun intended) Man, I miss those old threads here such as Tell a Story, Would You Rather..., RPG (I made this one back when I used my Fonebone account...it really didn't last long). :sadder:

Man, I wish this place were still alive

Edited by Not A Mallard
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The cpr thread got quite a few replies, more or less related to the OP but nevertheless...

Also, I stopped being a teen. I have to go around pretending I'm an adult or whatever.

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So I ordered a drink at a restaurant today, and didn't get IDd. That made me happy. :)

Legally everybody under 25 has to be IDd, no matter how old they look.

Edited by Nihil Obstat
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tisk tisk, breaking the rules. What kind of example are you sending these youngins? That simply growing a beard solves the world's problems?

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[quote name='Christie_M' date='19 February 2010 - 08:52 PM' timestamp='1266634375' post='2059752']
tisk tisk, breaking the rules. What kind of example are you sending these youngins? That simply growing a beard solves the world's problems?
It's not me breaking the rules- it's them. There's no law saying I have to show ID without them asking. :)

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I usually don't get IDd at bars and restaurants and stuff, but I have been at the supermarket and the wine store.

Edited by Hilde
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