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Ok Tell me if this is correct, I have never heard this befor until yesterday, but someone said that if someone dies and they were baptized they go to purgatory, if they weren't then it's God's judgement alone that can save them. Now that whole "if you are baptized" thing is that correct. Becuase I was under the understanding that purgatory was a place sins' such as venial were "purged". And if you have mortal sin on your soul, well you can't enter heaven with a mortal sin wich is consided a grave act. Please enlighten me on what the teachings of the church say.
Thanks again!

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4/10 - Holy Saturday


It sounds like you've got the right idea regarding Purgatory. One cannot enter Heaven with stain on his soul - he must be purged of it, either in this life or in the next. Unrepented mortal sin is Condemnation; anything else (remembering the baptized part) gets one into Heaven, albeit through Purgatory.

By the way, nice name - you know, the Irish were the ones who started the tradition that says that, though St. Peter guards the gates of Heaven, St. Patrick guards the gates of Purgatory. ;) Peace.

Pio Nono

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