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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='11 February 2010 - 09:02 PM' timestamp='1265940152' post='2055583']
I remember when I went to the visit the CFRs a few years ago, they had crown of thorns sitting out on one of their tables... I was so tempted to pick it up and try it on when no one was around... it was really nice and pointy. (Sharper than I expected at least. :lol: )

The CFRs receive a crown of roses on their first profession of vows. On their final profession, they receive the crown of thorns. During my visit, we were shown pictures and one was of Sr. Clare Matthias after her final vows. She was shown hugging her grandmother and Sr. Francesca said that care must be taken to hug someone with the crown on as the thorns are cut on the inside, but they have very sharp thorns on the outside. I thought it was so beautiful.

First profession of Sr. Elizabeth, Sr. Mairead, and Sr. Catherine:


Final profession of Sr. Francis (Vocation Director):


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laetitia crucis

[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' date='11 February 2010 - 10:38 PM' timestamp='1265942283' post='2055600']
The CFRs receive a crown of roses on their first profession of vows. On their final profession, they receive the crown of thorns. During my visit, we were shown pictures and one was of Sr. Clare Matthias after her final vows. She was shown hugging her grandmother and Sr. Francesca said that care must be taken to hug someone with the crown on as the thorns are cut on the inside, but they have very sharp thorns on the outside. I thought it was so beautiful.

First profession of Sr. Elizabeth, Sr. Mairead, and Sr. Catherine:


Final profession of Sr. Francis (Vocation Director):


What wonderful pictures, MaterMisericordiae! Thank you for sharing these!

In that first picture, Sr. Mairead (she's the middle one, right?) looks to be absolutely BEAMING! I also love the look on Sr. Elizabeth's face (white veiled). Just beautiful.

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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='11 February 2010 - 09:49 PM' timestamp='1265942977' post='2055605']
What wonderful pictures, MaterMisericordiae! Thank you for sharing these!

In that first picture, Sr. Mairead (she's the middle one, right?) looks to be absolutely BEAMING! I also love the look on Sr. Elizabeth's face (white veiled). Just beautiful.

The one in the middle is Sr. Elizabeth, actually. The white veiled sister is Sr. Catherine. The one on the far end is Sr. Mairead. All of them look so happy. :)

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Indwelling Trinity

Could any of my Dominican friends help me? I was thinking th crown of thorns was given to Catherine of Sienea in a mystical experience when Jesus asked her to choose during her mystical espousal to Christ? I think I remember that long ago from reading Raymond of Carpua's biograpy of her life.

As for flowers in Carmel It is the sign of the brides mystical marraige with Christ but as i remember roses have thorns! More common in Carmel, you will find that in our houses, in our cells and even on our rosaries, our crosses are without corpus's on them. that is where the Carmelite is supposed to hang with her beloved silently pointing the way to the kingdom. At final profession we receive a large crucifix worn under the scapular over the heart on the left signifying our final espousals to and with the crucified One.

As His Child says...each community has its own symbolism and customs. We are all spouses of the Crucified one.

Another tradition in Many Carmel's not as universal as it used to be was to have a skull on the table before the cross at the Prioresses place
in the refectory, reminding us of the fleeting of the world and to mortify ourselves during meals.

Yes Carmelites are "Fruits!" we grow in a garden! The garden of Carmel! WOOT! :topsy:


Indwelling Trinity

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I read in the St. Catherine of Siena from the Classics of Western Spirituality that she was given a wedding band that wasn't able to be seen by others. That made me all tingly. Almost made me want to be a Dominican. Almost :saint:

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[quote name='HisChild' date='11 February 2010 - 08:52 PM' timestamp='1265939543' post='2055578']
That Dominican community looks so peaceful set there in NZ. Too bad they're not in communion with Rome.

Thanks for spotting that as I only glanced at their site and didnt realize they aren in communion. I pray they one day will be!

They can have THORNS??? [img]public/style_emoticons/default/woot.gif[/img] That's AWESOME![/quote]

Im actually chuckling at this because Ive never read or heard anyone get excited over a crown of thorns before. Theres nothing wrong with that Im just amused is all. :thumbsup: I can see you someday just beaming with your thorns like the sister in the posted photo except not in the CFR habit of course.

[quote]Another tradition in Many Carmel's not as universal as it used to bewas to have a skull on the table before the cross at the Prioressesplace
in the refectory, reminding us of the fleeting of the world and to mortify ourselves during meals.[/quote]

In the Teresa of Avila miniseries when she pours water into a skull and then takes a big drink I had to pause the movie for a minute as I went through a variety of expressions like :blink: and :shock: because displaying it is one thing but drinking out of it I did not expect!

[quote]As for flowers in Carmel It is the sign of the brides mystical marraigewith Christ but as i remember roses have thorns! More common in Carmel,you will find that in our houses, in our cells and even on ourrosaries, our crosses are without corpus's on them. that is where theCarmelite is supposed to hang with her beloved silently pointing theway to the kingdom[/quote]

I remember looking at the website of a Carmel and noticing in the photos that all the crosses were empty and I thought thats strange are they Protestant until I found out what you just explained.

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Indwelling Trinity

[quote name='vee8' date='12 February 2010 - 09:08 PM' timestamp='1266023291' post='2056174']
Thanks for spotting that as I only glanced at their site and didnt realize they aren in communion. I pray they one day will be!

Im actually chuckling at this because Ive never read or heard anyone get excited over a crown of thorns before. Theres nothing wrong with that Im just amused is all. :thumbsup: I can see you someday just beaming with your thorns like the sister in the posted photo except not in the CFR habit of course.

In the Teresa of Avila miniseries when she pours water into a skull and then takes a big drink I had to pause the movie for a minute as I went through a variety of expressions like :blink: and :shock: because displaying it is one thing but drinking out of it I did not expect!

I remember looking at the website of a Carmel and noticing in the photos that all the crosses were empty and I thought thats strange are they Protestant until I found out what you just explained.

Just to calm your nerves... I never saw any one drink from it! Thank God! The initiial shock of some of the stuff was enough for me when I entered! Laughing.... As for the plain crosses... not protestant just a sign of a passionate love affair with the crucified one! :love::shield:

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[quote name='Indwelling Trinity' date='12 February 2010 - 08:25 PM' timestamp='1266024350' post='2056179']
Just to calm your nerves... I never saw any one drink from it! Thank God! The initiial shock of some of the stuff was enough for me when I entered! Laughing.... As for the plain crosses... not protestant just a sign of a passionate love affair with the crucified one! :love::shield:

After thinking about it having a skull in the refectory certainly makes people uncomfortable but in a good way because life isshort and we need to remember that. Of course drinking fromit is in a whole different league that I cant even begin to contemplate! As for the reasons for the plain cross thats a lot to think about too but a good time to think about it with Lent almost here.

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[quote name='vee8' date='12 February 2010 - 08:08 PM' timestamp='1266023291' post='2056174']
In the Teresa of Avila miniseries when she pours water into a skull and then takes a big drink I had to pause the movie for a minute as I went through a variety of expressions like :blink: and :shock: because displaying it is one thing but drinking out of it I did not expect!

I saw that too, and went through similar expressions. Do Carmels still do that, or was that just St. Teresa of Avila? Also, I saw this one movie (from a link somewhere here - it was in French) where the young postulant goes into her cell (all stone) for the first time, and (in classic movie fashion), turns around and sees a skull on the table. She gasps and stumbles, and all the while, the door is slowly closing behind her. Now, if that were me, I'd probably have these 3 expressions -

1 - Gasp.
2 - Figure it's probably like those medival paperweights/candleholders.
3 - Hold it up and say some Shakespearean quote.

I remember looking at the website of a Carmel and noticing in the photos that all the crosses were empty and I thought thats strange are they Protestant until I found out what you just explained.

Same here. Coming from a Lutheran background, I was like, "Huh? Didn't expect to see a plain cross in a Catholic convent.", then I figured it was your personal cross that you pick up and carry.

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Indwelling Trinity

Just watched that you tube presentation on Therese and boy does it make Carmelite life look warped :blink:! Shocked me too and I am a Carmelite! :shock:

In all my years in Carmel I never found an inkling of such morose drama even amidst the penitential lifestyle. For Petesake the life is down right joyful! Remember I did not say perfect but joyful!

Like OHM said...God preserve us from sad saints! :topsy::P:shield:
Shoots Hollywood.....:getaclue:

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[quote name='Indwelling Trinity' date='15 February 2010 - 10:22 PM' timestamp='1266290558' post='2057763']
Just watched that you tube presentation on Therese and boy does it make Carmelite life look warped :blink:! Shocked me too and I am a Carmelite! :shock:

In all my years in Carmel I never found an inkling of such morose drama even amidst the penitential lifestyle. For Petesake the life is down right joyful! Remember I did not say perfect but joyful!

Like OHM said...God preserve us from sad saints! :topsy::P:shield:
Shoots Hollywood.....:getaclue:


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[quote name='Jennifer G.' date='15 February 2010 - 10:05 PM' timestamp='1266289555' post='2057754']
I saw that too, and went through similar expressions. Do Carmels still do that, or was that just St. Teresa of Avila? Also, I saw this one movie (from a link somewhere here - it was in French) where the young postulant goes into her cell (all stone) for the first time, and (in classic movie fashion), turns around and sees a skull on the table. She gasps and stumbles, and all the while, the door is slowly closing behind her. Now, if that were me, I'd probably have these 3 expressions -

1 - Gasp.
2 - Figure it's probably like those medival paperweights/candleholders.
3 - Hold it up and say some Shakespearean quote.


I just realized a couple of ifs. If God lets me anywhere near a Carmel, and if theres a skull anywhere in it I am seriously going to go through the three things you describe and settle on a fourth one. Pirate.:pirate: Id have it named Cap`n Jack, or just plain Roger right away and be thinking in pirate talk so much Id get kicked out in two weeks for saying ahoy instead of amen, and aye aye captain instead of yes Mother.:whistle:

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Indwelling Trinity

[quote name='vee8' date='17 February 2010 - 10:45 AM' timestamp='1266417939' post='2058305']
I just realized a couple of ifs. If God lets me anywhere near a Carmel, and if theres a skull anywhere in it I am seriously going to go through the three things you describe and settle on a fourth one. Pirate.:pirate: Id have it named Cap`n Jack, or just plain Roger right away and be thinking in pirate talk so much Id get kicked out in two weeks for saying ahoy instead of amen, and aye aye captain instead of yes Mother.:whistle:

Laughing hard here:banana:... well, nobody in Carmel is going to ask you to talk to it! In fact a postulant having a conversation with a skull would better ones risk of seeing the door: unless of course your prioress is talking to it too and you interrupt her conversation! :rolling:


Indwelling Trinity

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[quote name='Indwelling Trinity' date='17 February 2010 - 11:16 AM' timestamp='1266423388' post='2058334']
unless of course your prioress is talking to it too and you interrupt her conversation! :rolling:


Indwelling Trinity

:lol: ok no interrupting the prioress :lol_pound:

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