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Servants Of Our Lord And Lady Of Matara


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Does anyone out there know anyything much about the SSVMs? I was on their website, and would very much like to know more about them. All info would be useful. Thank you so much!


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I met a gaggle of them at a restaurant in Toronto. I'm assuming they were Argentine ex-pats, as they had very strong accents.

They were very lovely ladies, but aside from my little anecdote here, I'm afraid I can't offer much more.

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laetitia crucis

I was with the [url="http://www.ssvmusa.org"]Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara[/url] for about 2.5 years of formation and lived with their apostolic Sisters for a year.

You can PM me if you like. :) Or ask general questions here. I will do my best to answer.

I found their old US website to be much more informational, but perhaps eventually this new one will be, too. :smokey:

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i was so surprised to see some of them in my country, and i want to approach them but i cannot because i was riding on a public vehicle. they seem to be a very good order. very very good.

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ah goodness! they are in our archdiocese (lipa)! that's great!


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laetitia crucis

P.S. -- There are a lot of threads from Vocation Station about the SSVMs: [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?app=core&module=search&section=search&do=quick_search&search_app=core&fromsearch=1"]search results[/url]

I found this one pretty informative:

- [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=81007&view=&hl=Servants%20of%20the%20Lord%20and%20the%20Virgin%20of%20Matara%20SSVM&fromsearch=1"]Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara (The long-awaited topic...with pictures!)[/url]


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Thank you for all ya''ll's help! I have a bit of a list put together, of orders now that I am interested in really, and SSVM's are one of 'em. I have the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Our Saviour (if they come into Communion, I won't even have time to shut my account down, I will be there so fast) The DSMME in Ann Arbor, and the SSVM's, who seem to awesome. They look dynamic, or is that juyst my impression?

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[quote name='Tridenteen' date='02 February 2010 - 06:59 PM' timestamp='1265162348' post='2050120']
Does anyone out there know anyything much about the SSVMs? I was on their website, and would very much like to know more about them. All info would be useful. Thank you so much!



I have been corresponding with the US vocation director as the SSVM's have eastern rite missions and contemplative monasteries. This sister has been very helpful to me and I find them an attractive order. I will be visiting the local community the vocation director lives in over President's Day weekend. Please pray that I see what the Lord wants me to see. I'll be away at meetings on the East Coast most of next week so you won't be seeing me here. Please pray.


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laetitia crucis

[quote name='brightsadness' date='03 February 2010 - 04:24 PM' timestamp='1265228692' post='2050599']
I have been corresponding with the US vocation director as the SSVM's have eastern rite missions and contemplative monasteries. This sister has been very helpful to me and I find them an attractive order. I will be visiting the local community the vocation director lives in over President's Day weekend. Please pray that I see what the Lord wants me to see. I'll be away at meetings on the East Coast most of next week so you won't be seeing me here. Please pray.


Prayers for you, Anya! I will offer my Sunday Mass for you the weekend of your visit! :pray:

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Hi girls!

Please pray for me. About three weeks I will occur. It is incredibly exciting and I pinch him now. Fortunately Mother Superior is very patient and she calls me "daughter". :hehe:

Now the last things and then I am ready.


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[quote name='Muus' date='09 February 2010 - 05:34 AM' timestamp='1265711669' post='2054038']
Hi girls!

Please pray for me. About three weeks I will occur. It is incredibly exciting and I pinch him now. Fortunately Mother Superior is very patient and she calls me "daughter". [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/hehe.gif[/img]

Now the last things and then I am ready.


We are praying Muus!

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[quote]Mother of Our Saviour (if they come into Communion, I won't even have time to shut my account down, I will be there so fast) [/quote]

haha funny you should say that. I heard them praying the angelus on youtube and was soooo blown away. I went to go order anything I could from them and donate to their order, but low and behold... :( It's so sad.

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='Muus' date='09 February 2010 - 06:34 AM' timestamp='1265711669' post='2054038']
Hi girls!

Please pray for me. About three weeks I will occur. It is incredibly exciting and I pinch him now. Fortunately Mother Superior is very patient and she calls me "daughter". :hehe:

Now the last things and then I am ready.


Praying for you, Muus!! Your entrance date is getting closer and closer -- you must be so thrilled!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi....I'm home from the frozen East. Thank you all for your prayers. I want to let you know that I had a very good talk with the vocation director and I believe the SSVMs are a wonderful community for anyone who is discerning a primarily missionary vocation, which I am not. Please continue to pray for me as I discern my call to Eastern Monastic life with the Basilian Nuns of Sacred Heart Monastery.

your sister,

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