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Is Purgatory In Eternity


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Not sure why someone deleted my previous post, but as I said before "I, as a Catholic, reject the idea that all religions lead to God."

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[quote name='reyb' date='26 January 2010 - 10:00 PM' timestamp='1264561204' post='2045472']
Okay. Just for the sake of our discussion, let us consider that this ‘bread and wine’ becomes the true ‘body and blood’ of Jesus and that this ‘act’ is not just for remembering but also a true offering of a true body and blood of Christ which is an offering in heaven ‘on-going and complete’. Why then you need to eat it day after day after day after day and …after day if not in every hour and in everyday.

What I mean is this, it is written in John 6:53-58 that the flesh and blood of the Son of Man is real ‘food and real drink’ and whoever eats 'this' flesh and drinks 'this' blood remains in Him (Jesus) and I (Jesus) in him.’…...and he(whosooever it eat) will not go hungry.

Now, since you said the ‘Eucharist’ becomes the true body and blood of Jesus (and everything you claim about it). Why then you need to eat it again and again and……again? Is your 'first time' not enough if this Eucharist is true and for real?

easy answer. I already wrote about it a couple of months ago ;)


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[quote name='kafka' date='27 January 2010 - 04:38 PM' timestamp='1264628320' post='2045995']
easy answer. I already wrote about it a couple of months ago ;)


I started another topic 'The Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is a Lie'.

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[quote name='reyb' date='28 January 2010 - 08:57 AM' timestamp='1264690657' post='2046394']
I started another topic 'The Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is a Lie'.
Such an endearing name too. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='TIWW' date='26 January 2010 - 04:55 PM' timestamp='1264542934' post='2045174']
Welcome to Phatmass, but Catholics do not believe that all paths lead to God.

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[quote name='mommas_boy' date='19 January 2010 - 12:16 PM' timestamp='1263928615' post='2040228']
I would reply that the war in heaven is both ongoing and completed at the same time and for all eternity. For, it was Christ's sacrifice that defeated sin and death, and it is Christ's sacrifice which is offered as liturgy (which the liturgy of the Catholic Church imitates) for all eternity in heaven. Heaven is the liturgy which the liturgy of the Church joins with. This liturgy is offered for all eternity. This liturgy is the conquering force in the war.

***Total speculation...with no evidence at all.


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[quote name='kafka' date='19 January 2010 - 04:33 PM' timestamp='1263944022' post='2040367']
Purgatory has Time, yet it is a time beyond earthly sort of Time.

Time is simply the seperation into a before and an after.

A soul in Purgatory undergoes a purification or change becoming more like Jesus Christ as well as making up for sins. At one point he is less purified, less Christ-like, and more indebted to sin than a following point, thus there is a true seperation of a before and after in Purgatory, thus a sort of Time. Yet it is closer to Heaven so the time is unlike Earthtime. Moses and the just Israelites did not have to wait literally hundreds of years for Christ to come and release them since Christ's human nature is mystically and irrevocably united to his Divine Nature which is Eternity, hence beyond all Time and Place and able to enter into Purgatory when each soul was ready and purified to meet him.

Heaven is with God who is Eternity. Eternity is beyond Time and Place, thus it is a theological opinion that once assumed into Heaven always in Heaven from its creation or beginning. One doesnt have to for a friend to die in order to be with him in Heaven.

Obviously some of this is speculative theology and not Churh doctrine.

***Total speculation.


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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' date='20 January 2010 - 10:54 AM' timestamp='1264010078' post='2040839']
Keep in mind that Purgatory is not necessarily a place, but more rather a state of being. It is what happens to the soul that still has lingering attachment to sin in some way, such that it is not clean and purified and thus cannot yet enter heaven. Purgatory is where/when/how the soul is cleansed or purgated of that final attachment to worldly things.

Remember also that God created time, so He exists outside of it. Heaven Purgatory hell all have a notion of time, but it is doubtless nothing like our flawed and limited human conception of time. Trying to apply the label of 'time' to the changing of events in any of these is flawed and the analogy, like all analogies, breaks down at some point.

Just remember the 4 final things: Death Judgement Heaven and hell. Purgatory is just a waypoint on the way to Heaven. Do not dwell on it, but rather keep your eyes and heart fixed on the prize - eternal joy with Christ in Heaven.

***Total speculation with no evidence at all.


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