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Is Abortion Health Care?


isabortion health care  

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I'd rather see every Catholic hospital close than to see one perform a single abortion. Unfortunately some would probably bow to the pressure, if it came to that.

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Having your swollen tonsils out, that's health care.

Having your broken leg ORIF'd, that's health care.

Having your diabetes monitored, that's health care.

Having an abortion? That's not health care. That's just a murder of a child and a maiming of a woman wrapped up in a surgical suite to look like health care.

Its 2010, if a person can't avoid pregnancy there's obviously somethign wrong with the ole gray matter.

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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

[quote name='Nihil Obstat' date='16 January 2010 - 01:20 PM' timestamp='1263662458' post='2038508']
I'd rather see every Catholic hospital close than to see one perform a single abortion. Unfortunately some would probably bow to the pressure, if it came to that.

A friend of mine and I were discussing this last year when all this started. We noted many bishops, religious, and some Protestants said that they would close their hospitals rather than perform abortions. Now if this were to happen and hospitals were mandated to have to perform abortions, no doubt some would threaten to close. Let's not say a sizable but a fair amount of hospitals did. Now they would not be allowed to close. They would probably be sued to keep them open and their would be an injuction filed. If the Catholic hospitals won the case then the government could declare immanent domain (in the name of the greater good of the people to keep the healthcare system functioning) and take the hospitals and "pay a fair price" and keep them open. If they lost the case the government would probably still take it. In this way the government could gain a foothold in the healthcare business not only through national insurance/healthcare but also in the operation of hospitals. I am not saying that this is all one big conspiracy, that this has been planned from the beginning, or that this is the way it will all go down. However, this is not a good scenario that my friend and I discussed as at the very least possible.

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[quote name='Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam' date='16 January 2010 - 01:20 PM' timestamp='1263669623' post='2038620']
A friend of mine and I were discussing this last year when all this started. We noted many bishops, religious, and some Protestants said that they would close their hospitals rather than perform abortions. Now if this were to happen and hospitals were mandated to have to perform abortions, no doubt some would threaten to close. Let's not say a sizable but a fair amount of hospitals did. Now they would not be allowed to close. They would probably be sued to keep them open and their would be an injuction filed. If the Catholic hospitals won the case then the government could declare immanent domain (in the name of the greater good of the people to keep the healthcare system functioning) and take the hospitals and "pay a fair price" and keep them open. If they lost the case the government would probably still take it. In this way the government could gain a foothold in the healthcare business not only through national insurance/healthcare but also in the operation of hospitals. I am not saying that this is all one big conspiracy, that this has been planned from the beginning, or that this is the way it will all go down. However, this is not a good scenario that my friend and I discussed as at the very least possible.
That's a very frightening scenario. :(
If that were to come about, would the Catholic administrators of the hospital have the right to quit en masse?

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If we are allow abortion everywhere, I think that the Catholic hospitals should not allow abortion to be there. Coming from a pro-life background, I think that we should put the effort of having children then not having children.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' date='16 January 2010 - 04:53 PM' timestamp='1263678782' post='2038708']
That's a very frightening scenario. :(
If that were to come about, would the Catholic administrators of the hospital have the right to quit en masse?

The thing is, are Catholic hospitals manned by Catholic administrators? OR are they Catholics like those monkies over at "catholics for a free choice"?

I believe it was Jill Stanek who blew the story about Christ's Hospital doing late term abortions and leaving children born alive during abortions to die in bed pans et al. I'm not sure if its Catholic, but with a name like "Christ's" its gotta be at least Christian. And there have been other "Catholic" hospitals getting busted for such anti-Catholic offenses.

I'd really like our leadership to crack down on Catholic hospitals and universities that flaunt their position as Catholic and then support abortion or allow it to be performed on site.

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[quote name='Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam' date='16 January 2010 - 12:20 PM' timestamp='1263669623' post='2038620']
A friend of mine and I were discussing this last year when all this started. We noted many bishops, religious, and some Protestants said that they would close their hospitals rather than perform abortions. Now if this were to happen and hospitals were mandated to have to perform abortions, no doubt some would threaten to close. Let's not say a sizable but a fair amount of hospitals did. Now they would not be allowed to close. They would probably be sued to keep them open and their would be an injuction filed. If the Catholic hospitals won the case then the government could declare immanent domain (in the name of the greater good of the people to keep the healthcare system functioning) and take the hospitals and "pay a fair price" and keep them open. If they lost the case the government would probably still take it. In this way the government could gain a foothold in the healthcare business not only through national insurance/healthcare but also in the operation of hospitals. I am not saying that this is all one big conspiracy, that this has been planned from the beginning, or that this is the way it will all go down. However, this is not a good scenario that my friend and I discussed as at the very least possible.
I think the next step by the federal government will be to nationalize the country's hospitals.

Edited by Apotheoun
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Healthcare is to promote health and healing. Since abortion is nothing but murder, it's not healthcare. Doctors and hospitals are to heal, never harm.

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To summarize an ethics paper I wrote in my first year of medical school surveying the topic of Physician Assisted Suicide which is equally applicable to this question:

[b][u]Death is not treatment[/u][/b].

I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to the service of humanity:
I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due;
I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity;
The health and life of my patient will be my first consideration;
I will respect the secrets which are confided in me;
I will maintain by all means in my power, the honor and the noble traditions of the medical profession;
My colleagues will be my brothers
I will not permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics or social standing to intervene between my duty and my patient;
I will maintain the utmost respect for human life, from the time of its conception, even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity;
I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honor.

Hippocratic Oath
Declaration of Geneva
General Assembly of the World Medical Association, 1948

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[quote name='apparently' date='16 January 2010 - 09:30 PM' timestamp='1263699007' post='2038890']
Unfortunately, it is official, according to the 2010 democratic universal health plan; pregnancy is a disease.

The medical field has been treating fertility as a disease for decades. My progessor/MD who gave our Pharmacology Reproductive Drugs lecture kept trying to classify Mefipristone as a contraceptive rather than an abortifacient since it 'prevents implantation'. To do this, he intentionally and erroneously synonymized the words "conception" and "implantation." Conception and Implantation are not in fact synonyms as any 1st year biology major could tell you. "Conception" and "Fertilization" ARE in fact synonyms. Contraceptives are not contra-conception in many cases. And in fact the progesterone based pills function primarily though cervical glandular changes and by making the endometrium inhospitible to implantation rather than by stopping ovulation.

It's all a semantic joke. If you can change the definitions of words then you can change reality to make it more palatable for the masses. At least that is what these people have been attempting to do.

Edited by Veridicus
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[quote name='Veridicus' date='16 January 2010 - 10:38 PM' timestamp='1263699494' post='2038894']
The medical field has been treating fertility as a disease for decades. My progessor/MD who gave our Pharmacology Reproductive Drugs lecture kept trying to classify Mefipristone as a contraceptive rather than an abortifacient since it 'prevents implantation'. To do this, he intentionally and erroneously synonymized the words "conception" and "implantation."

When I did my training, our lecturer for this topic spoke of RU-486 or Mifegyne as its known down here, was just another form of ECP. The thing is, while it can be used, in the ECP's time frame, it can be used up till like 60 days or so. It also has an act of attacking fast growing cells and preventing nutrition being given to the embryo.

But our lecturer was also talking about ECP was not abortion and Mifegyne was not abortion. However, abortion ends a pregnancy, and pregnancy doesn't start till implantation, so if it kills the zygote/child before implantation its not technically an abortion.

Its quite sickening really.

Then she started off on a rant about ECP/Mifegyene/IUDs are against some people's "religion" because they think that contraception is wrong.

Of course, I was quick to point out to this lady that it wasn't wrong because it was contraception, (well, that was part of it) but it was morally debase because it KILLS a child.

Life begins at conception, anything that a human does that interfers with that directly with the intent of prevention of implantation or something that seeks its destruction is morally repugnant.

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