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[quote name='HisChild' date='20 January 2010 - 06:16 PM' timestamp='1264036585' post='2041167']
I LOVE your icon Byzantine Cross! Isn't that taken from Mt Athos?

I'm not sure. Most Eastern Rite Catholics and Christian Orthodox have this in their homes

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Imeant to post this link sooner. This is the Eastern Rite monastery I am in contact with. [url="http://basiliansisters.org/locations/loc-usm.htm"]http://basiliansisters.org/locations/loc-usm.htm[/url]

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[quote name='Tridenteen' date='21 January 2010 - 04:18 PM' timestamp='1264115934' post='2041873']
Thank you for the link. Did you say you were going on a retreat with them?

I have been on retreat with them. In April I'm going for a 10 day visit.[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/upsidedown.gif[/img]

They are uder the Ukrainian Rite Bishop of the Eparchy of Stamford, Bishop Chomsky, OSBM. In this country the Basillians have a Byzantine/ Ruthenian Province and a Ukranian Catholic Rite province. The new monastery is under the Byzantine Rite Bishop. Just to keep it simple.[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif[/img]

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Indwelling Trinity

My Dear Friends I hug you all for this topic!

I am finding this topic not only to be interesting but also a confirmation in my heart of our Lord's leading my heart as I look to start a little community of Carmelites that would combine Carmel, Divine Mercy and both Eastern and Western Catholic liturgy. In a semi eremitical Carmelite Monastic lifestyle. A contemplative and monastic apostolic enclosed life using our gifts at the service of the church in a life of deep contemplation.

Highly Incarnational and Trinitarian it would be a synthesis of Mercy(Incarnational: in God sending His Only son as Man God to redeem us) and Unity (in that living Christs life from the cradle to the cross he dwells within us; so that where ever Jesus dwells so does the Holy Trinity for Jesus is Always in perfect unity with the Father in the spirit of Love) In my heart there need be no division between hermit and community life/ East and West/ Carmelites of the Ancient Observance and those of the Reform (OCD's) All can be seamlessly united in a spirit of Love. "Father I pray That all may be one as you are in me and I am in you." Jesus...the perfect Unity, the perfect Love.

This is not a sales pitch everyone, just an outpouring of my heart as I have begun to live this vocation i feel God calling me too.

Thank You all for what you have written. It strengthens my heart and gives me courage as i make this journey. I too participate also in Eastern Ukranian/Byzantine write at times and find the vertical dimension we seem to have lost in the NO to be especially conducive to contemplative prayer and entering into the mystery of the Eucharistic liturgy. Being body soul and mind I believe we need externals also in order to participate fully as a whole in the mystical life of God.

As His child said. We are standing on Holy Ground. How important to be aware of that. Wherever we may be called and where ever each of us may go... Let us live for Love alone!


Indwelling Trinity

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know this thread hasn't been active over the last couple weeks, but I wanted to respond to the Icon Corner comment. I just finished my own area. This is my prayer/icon corner. I haven't received my Christ the Divine Bridegroom icon yet, however.


I don't know how everyone else spends Lent but I tend to really go into myself and by finishing my prayer area I can truly delve more deeply into the mysteries of God during this special time of our Church's calendar.

Have a blessed and holy Great Lent, everyone!

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='HisChild' date='11 February 2010 - 12:41 AM' timestamp='1265863274' post='2055105']
I know this thread hasn't been active over the last couple weeks, but I wanted to respond to the Icon Corner comment. I just finished my own area. This is my prayer/icon corner. I haven't received my Christ the Divine Bridegroom icon yet, however.


I don't know how everyone else spends Lent but I tend to really go into myself and by finishing my prayer area I can truly delve more deeply into the mysteries of God during this special time of our Church's calendar.

Have a blessed and holy Great Lent, everyone!

I love your prayer/icon corner, HisChild -- this has definitely inspired me to set up one in my room. I don't have as many religious articles (most of mine remained in the convent when I left), but I will try to be as creative as possible. :)

I am especially fond of your [b]sanctuary lamp[/b]!


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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='11 February 2010 - 06:41 AM' timestamp='1265895690' post='2055264']
I love your prayer/icon corner, HisChild -- this has definitely inspired me to set up one in my room. I don't have as many religious articles (most of mine remained in the convent when I left), but I will try to be as creative as possible. :)

I am especially fond of your [b]sanctuary lamp[/b]!


Thank you!

The lamp was purchased at World Market. They've always got something, maybe not in red, but I've got two purple on either side of my bed in my bedroom, one large blue one in my office, and the red one. I also have two white frosted glass ones in my kitchen. Can you tell I prefer firelight to anything that comes from an outlet? LOL

Kaboodle has a ton of lanterns they've reviewed and [url="http://www.kaboodle.com/reviews/red-cathedral-lanterns"]this link[/url] shows you the ones I bought as well as others off to the right.

Then[url="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000CBHVJK/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_3?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B000PCYDEW&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=187424MP8QWVN0S071AP"]this link[/url] is the best I can find now since they're sold out at World Market. Of course in the 'customers who bought this item also bought' section, you can see similar items. They're not expensive. The cross thing on the left side of the table is an iron work chandelier like stand of crosses. On the back side are three votive holders. I got it at Hobby Lobby for something like 15 or 20 and the wooden bowl that's holding the taper was on clearance there for 5 so I bought that and some sand. :-D The wall crosses I've been gathering for years.

I don't have room, but if I did I'd be putting my 3 foot St Teresa of Avila statue there. I love her. She's really beautiful and her veil and rosary are real.

I think by putting that prayer corner in my house and in my living room where it's pretty prominent, it recollects me often.

Happy pre-TGIF!

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='HisChild' date='11 February 2010 - 10:32 AM' timestamp='1265898760' post='2055275']
Thank you!

The lamp was purchased at World Market. They've always got something, maybe not in red, but I've got two purple on either side of my bed in my bedroom, one large blue one in my office, and the red one. I also have two white frosted glass ones in my kitchen. Can you tell I prefer firelight to anything that comes from an outlet? LOL

Kaboodle has a ton of lanterns they've reviewed and [url="http://www.kaboodle.com/reviews/red-cathedral-lanterns"]this link[/url] shows you the ones I bought as well as others off to the right.

Then[url="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000CBHVJK/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_3?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B000PCYDEW&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=187424MP8QWVN0S071AP"]this link[/url] is the best I can find now since they're sold out at World Market. Of course in the 'customers who bought this item also bought' section, you can see similar items. They're not expensive. The cross thing on the left side of the table is an iron work chandelier like stand of crosses. On the back side are three votive holders. I got it at Hobby Lobby for something like 15 or 20 and the wooden bowl that's holding the taper was on clearance there for 5 so I bought that and some sand. :-D The wall crosses I've been gathering for years.

I don't have room, but if I did I'd be putting my 3 foot St Teresa of Avila statue there. I love her. She's really beautiful and her veil and rosary are real.

I think by putting that prayer corner in my house and in my living room where it's pretty prominent, it recollects me often.

Happy pre-TGIF!

Oooooh -- thank you for all the ideas and links, HisChild! I definitely have some pondering to do! :clap:

And might I say: You have a [b]3 foot[/b] St. Teresa of Avila statue!!! -- with REAL veil and rosary! :drool: I feel like a little kid in a candy shop just imagining that! :prop:

This past summer, I got a 2+ foot tall statue of Our Lady of Fatima while I was in the Philippines (as a gift for my birthday). I had to leave her there since I didn't have any room to pack her and I was afraid she might get damaged in cargo. (I wanted her to be the "centerpiece" of my little Mary corner.) Once returning to the States I found it she cost a couple hundred dollars to ship over. :sadder:

I've never had a really strong devotion to Our Lady of Fatima specifically (I'm generally a "Cause of Our Joy" and "Mother of Sorrows" kinda girl ;) ), but upon seeing her, I loved her. To say the least, I live in hope of one day seeing her again. :pray:

Okay. :yes: Today I will begin my prayer corner!!!

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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='11 February 2010 - 07:56 AM' timestamp='1265900218' post='2055282']
Oooooh -- thank you for all the ideas and links, HisChild! I definitely have some pondering to do! :clap:

And might I say: You have a [b]3 foot[/b] St. Teresa of Avila statue!!! -- with REAL veil and rosary! :drool: I feel like a little kid in a candy shop just imagining that! :prop:

This past summer, I got a 2+ foot tall statue of Our Lady of Fatima while I was in the Philippines (as a gift for my birthday). I had to leave her there since I didn't have any room to pack her and I was afraid she might get damaged in cargo. (I wanted her to be the "centerpiece" of my little Mary corner.) Once returning to the States I found it she cost a couple hundred dollars to ship over. :sadder:

I've never had a really strong devotion to Our Lady of Fatima specifically (I'm generally a "Cause of Our Joy" and "Mother of Sorrows" kinda girl ;) ), but upon seeing her, I loved her. To say the least, I live in hope of one day seeing her again. :pray:

Okay. :yes: Today I will begin my prayer corner!!!

Ooooh, I wish I could see OLF too! She sounds lovely.

Here's St. Teresa:

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='HisChild' date='11 February 2010 - 09:38 PM' timestamp='1265938729' post='2055575']
Ooooh, I wish I could see OLF too! She sounds lovely.

Here's St. Teresa:

She's beautiful!!!!! :love: The real veil really adds so much!

And I must say, I like that I can see her toes. :yes: (Very much "Discalced"!)


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LOL I guess I never thought of her that way... I mean I never paid attention that the fact I could see her toes was because she is Discalced. Doh!

I had been looking for a St Teresa statue forever. Not that I don't like St. Therese, but everywhere I went it was Therese, Therese, Therese. (Yes, you can hear Brady Bunch dialogue in the background, LOL)
One day I walked into my local Catholic bookstore and there she was, on the shelf immediately to my right. I burst into tears. And because of that very visceral reaction, I bought her (even though I couldn't afford it!).

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='HisChild' date='11 February 2010 - 10:42 PM' timestamp='1265942521' post='2055601']
LOL I guess I never thought of her that way... I mean I never paid attention that the fact I could see her toes was because she is Discalced. Doh!

I had been looking for a St Teresa statue forever. Not that I don't like St. Therese, but everywhere I went it was Therese, Therese, Therese. (Yes, you can hear Brady Bunch dialogue in the background, LOL)
One day I walked into my local Catholic bookstore and there she was, on the shelf immediately to my right. I burst into tears. And because of that very visceral reaction, I bought her (even though I couldn't afford it!).

I can [i]so [/i]hear "The-rese, The-rese, The-resssse!" in my mind! :lol: And I totally know what you mean! She's EVERYWHERE! (Not that I don't love her, because I do - she's even broken through my Top Five List of Favorite Saints - but wow, sometimes you just want to find other saints, too.) Pretty much all I see is Therese and Francis. Sometimes Anthony will pop up here and there, but yeah.. seems like an exclusive "statue club" to me. :lol_roll:

I've been trying to find a statue of St. Thomas Aquinas -- one that has him with [b]angels' wings[/b] (because he's the ever-amazing Angelic Doctor. :love: Every time I go to any type of Catholic store (which, unfortunately, isn't very often) I search for him. I saw a statue like this in the Philippines in San Pedro's Cathedral in Davao City. They didn't have any in their gift shop, though they did have this larger-than-life-size statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus -- it was HUUUUUGE!! (And cost multiple thousands of dollars -- yes, US Dollars. :shock: )

Have you ever seen a Thomas Aquinas statue like that anywhere? :detective: I think I'd cry if I found one. Although... maybe God knows it better that I don't find one. If I did, and I couldn't afford him... then I might cry even more. :lol_pound:

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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='11 February 2010 - 07:59 PM' timestamp='1265943540' post='2055609']
I can [i]so [/i]hear "The-rese, The-rese, The-resssse!" in my mind! :lol: And I totally know what you mean! She's EVERYWHERE! (Not that I don't love her, because I do - she's even broken through my Top Five List of Favorite Saints - but wow, sometimes you just want to find other saints, too.) Pretty much all I see is Therese and Francis. Sometimes Anthony will pop up here and there, but yeah.. seems like an exclusive "statue club" to me. :lol_roll:

I've been trying to find a statue of St. Thomas Aquinas -- one that has him with [b]angels' wings[/b] (because he's the ever-amazing Angelic Doctor. :love: Every time I go to any type of Catholic store (which, unfortunately, isn't very often) I search for him. I saw a statue like this in the Philippines in San Pedro's Cathedral in Davao City. They didn't have any in their gift shop, though they did have this larger-than-life-size statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus -- it was HUUUUUGE!! (And cost multiple thousands of dollars -- yes, US Dollars. :shock: )

Have you ever seen a Thomas Aquinas statue like that anywhere? :detective: I think I'd cry if I found one. Although... maybe God knows it better that I don't find one. If I did, and I couldn't afford him... then I might cry even more. :lol_pound:
Can't say that I have, although it does sound intriguing. Not to be indelicate... I have to say the only time I've ever seen him is extra large. LOL!

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='HisChild' date='11 February 2010 - 11:03 PM' timestamp='1265943807' post='2055615']
Can't say that I have, although it does sound intriguing. Not to be indelicate... I have to say the only time I've ever seen him is extra large. LOL!


I suppose it's fitting since he was nicknamed "The Dumb Ox", right? :)) I think that makes me love him all the more. :lol:

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