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Confession/reconciliation - Poll


Confession Frequency  

51 members have voted

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[quote name='OraProMe' date='14 January 2010 - 10:37 PM' timestamp='1263469030' post='2036870']
What the? Are there people that seriously go two weeks/a month without falling into mortal sin? That's pretty amazing.

Yeah, nuns.

Cardinal Sheen is rumoured to have said that hearing confession from nuns was like being stoned with popcorn!

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1. Once a month

2. Once a month (lately trying for 3 weeks though)

3. Other - When I began to make Confession frequently, I would occasionally go to a parish in the next town. I suppose you could say I was embarrassed to go to my parish. Funny story, I think it annoyed God, because I only made Confession two of the five times (rough estimation) I went. For instance, I would get to the Church but every door I tried was locked.

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[quote name='HisChildForever' date='14 January 2010 - 12:05 PM' timestamp='1263488759' post='2036991']
1. Once a month

2. Once a month (lately trying for 3 weeks though)

3. Other - When I began to make Confession frequently, I would occasionally go to a parish in the next town. I suppose you could say I was embarrassed to go to my parish. Funny story, I think it annoyed God, because I only made Confession two of the five times (rough estimation) I went. For instance, I would get to the Church but every door I tried was locked.

I would be really surprised to learn that God was ever annoyed with someone going to confession (even if it was a different priest)

People should go once a year. I go once a month. I have a SD who is also my confessor. I find it really helps when I show up with the same laundry list rather than taking the laundry list to various priests.

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It's generally recommended in the Church that people go to confession at least once a month. One should go more often if he needs to. Once a year is the bare minimum requirement for being a member of the Church.
Regular confession is actually recommended even for those without serious sin on their souls.

[quote name='mcts' date='13 January 2010 - 08:10 AM' timestamp='1263388220' post='2036084']
I go about every week. I almost feel like I should go every month, though, because it makes it easier to sin if i know I'm going to confession.
I've had a number of priests "beat me up" over going to confession for the same sins over and over - which can actually be a good motivator, though not pleasant. The idea is to focus on actually repenting and seriously working to overcome your sinful habits, rather than just regularly sinning and going to confession as a "get out of hell free card" and falling into presumption.
However, you shouldn't put off confession too long if you really need to go - just as long as you're genuinely repentant and working to improve.

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='14 January 2010 - 12:44 PM' timestamp='1263491055' post='2037008']
I would be really surprised to learn that God was ever annoyed with someone going to confession (even if it was a different priest)

Perhaps disappointed that I am avoiding priests I know, when I should swallow my pride and vanity by going to them.

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[quote]Also, have you ever been so embarrassed by a sin (petty or serious), and gone to another priest so that your parish priest wouldn't know about it? This is also a sin (vanity) but I was very tempted once to do this because I know that my voice is very identifiable to my priest and that he would know who I was.[/quote]

I wasn't under the impression that going to a different priest for confession was a sin. You have a canonical right to an anonymous confession, and if for some reason you think your anonymity might be compromised you're well within your right to choose another priest.

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='14 January 2010 - 10:44 AM' timestamp='1263491055' post='2037008']People should go once a year. I go once a month. I have a SD who is also my confessor. I find it really helps when I show up with the same laundry list rather than taking the laundry list to various priests.[/quote]
yeah, i try to go to the same priest all the time for that reason.

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[quote name='somethingfishy' date='14 January 2010 - 02:29 PM' timestamp='1263497371' post='2037094']
I wasn't under the impression that going to a different priest for confession was a sin. You have a canonical right to an anonymous confession, and if for some reason you think your anonymity might be compromised you're well within your right to choose another priest.

Your motive could be sinful.

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[quote name='HisChildForever' date='15 January 2010 - 06:35 AM' timestamp='1263497712' post='2037106']
Your motive could be sinful.

That's what I meant. What I was talking about was petty sins (nothing mortal) that make one "appear less" in the eyes of the priest who knows us, because we want him to think well of us. This is vanity, and going to another priest for this reason just felt like a sin to me, even though I could have rationalised it or justified in some way I am sure.

Perhaps if one had committed a grievous mortal sin and didn't want the priest to be able to identify them (even though they can't reveal anything anyway), then yes, everyone has the right to an anonymous confession. But when it is just so that the priest continues to think well of one, well, that's kind of sleezy in my mind, so I had to swallow my pride and not only make the confession, but also confess the vanity that was tempting me to hide the sins from him... the priest was great about it, and I don't think that this particular sin of vanity is going to have as much control over me now just because God gave me the grace to stand up to it. I actually find it embarrassing sometimes that I don't have any mortal sins to confess, because sometimes that makes me feel like I am being too scrupulous or "fanatical", but I know that I have a lot of little sins (including ones of omission) and that each and every sin is offensive to God, no matter how small. And since the whole point of Confession, to me, is to reconcile oneself completely with God by removing all that offends Him, then I figure that going on a regular basis is the best way for me to do this. I go every two weeks just because that is what we did in the convent, and it seems to be acceptable to my Confessor as well. Any more, and I probably would start to get scrupulous, and any less, and I would most likely forget all the little ways that I have offended Him and maybe even start to forget that I am a sinner in need of mercy. We are all different, so that is why I thought it would be interesting to see what everyone else does.

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[quote name='nunsense' date='14 January 2010 - 05:25 PM' timestamp='1263507952' post='2037182']
That's what I meant. What I was talking about was petty sins (nothing mortal) that make one "appear less" in the eyes of the priest who knows us, because we want him to think well of us. This is vanity, and going to another priest for this reason just felt like a sin to me, even though I could have rationalised it or justified in some way I am sure.

Perhaps if one had committed a grievous mortal sin and didn't want the priest to be able to identify them (even though they can't reveal anything anyway), then yes, everyone has the right to an anonymous confession. But when it is just so that the priest continues to think well of one, well, that's kind of sleezy in my mind, so I had to swallow my pride and not only make the confession, but also confess the vanity that was tempting me to hide the sins from him... the priest was great about it, and I don't think that this particular sin of vanity is going to have as much control over me now just because God gave me the grace to stand up to it. I actually find it embarrassing sometimes that I don't have any mortal sins to confess, because sometimes that makes me feel like I am being too scrupulous or "fanatical", but I know that I have a lot of little sins (including ones of omission) and that each and every sin is offensive to God, no matter how small. And since the whole point of Confession, to me, is to reconcile oneself completely with God by removing all that offends Him, then I figure that going on a regular basis is the best way for me to do this. I go every two weeks just because that is what we did in the convent, and it seems to be acceptable to my Confessor as well. Any more, and I probably would start to get scrupulous, and any less, and I would most likely forget all the little ways that I have offended Him and maybe even start to forget that I am a sinner in need of mercy. We are all different, so that is why I thought it would be interesting to see what everyone else does.

nice post, out of plus ones though.

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If I were home--in Illinois--I'd go every week. Living in Oregon, I go monthly as it's a 4 hour drive to the priest. I find the Byzantine/Eastern Rite ritual both healing and humbling. It helps me focus. I do go to the local Roman Rite priest if something comes up in between...usually stuff like holding anger or judging etc. The grace of the sacrament is such a gift.

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I have a problem. I used to go to confession much more frequently, but I sin so much, all the time. Mortal sins. So I have questioned whether I really have firm purpose of amendment (it is the same two or three serious sins over and over again). Sometimes it seems like I am using confession like the "get out of Hell free" card mentioned above. Wash the dirt off just so I can go roll around in it some more. And I don't want to insult the sacrament... so I don't go... and so it turns into a couple months where I don't receive the Eucharist. Then I get my act together and go, and I am good for a week, maybe two. Then flushhhh all those good intentions down the drain. Rinse and repeat... so I probably go to Confession four or five times a year?

This is not a scrupulosity thing. This is about me involving myself in the occasion of sin, and when the opportunity presents itself I jump right in. I mean I don't come out of the Confessional saying "ah, that'll do me for a little while until I get the chance to have some more fun" - who would do that? When I say I'm sorry I really think I mean it. But at the same time when temptation presents itself it seems like I offer virtually NO resistance whatsoever. :weep: So am I really sorry at all?

Edited by Maggie
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And I always try to go to a different priest if I can help it... I drive all around town. I hope it is not a sin. I am always pretty nervous going to confession and it helps to think that I never have to "see" this particular priest again if I don't want to...

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