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Christian Witchcraft?


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Nihil Obstat

There are not many things in the universe more disgusting than real witchcraft, and there are not many things more laughably ridiculous than earth worship.

Edited by Nihil Obstat
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[quote name='tinytherese' date='15 March 2010 - 09:25 PM' timestamp='1268709938' post='2073802']
I remember reading an argument against relativism. The author said that the statement, "There is no truth" is self refuting, that it would be like saying "I alwa spell correctly" or something like that.

sure, because saying assuredly that "there is no truth" is making a statement claiming to be true, which would render the statement false. Perhaps one could qualify one's statement with "I think" or "it would seem likely that" or "ihmo" some such thing, but such qualifiers, instead of being taken as honesty, is often seen as wishy-washy or an unwillingness to commit to an argument. And anyone who has an agenda to push doesn't want to come off as uncommitted.

Edited by goldenchild17
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Despite the nonsense that was posted, I expect more charity from you people. And you can't use the excuse that "it's lent" <_<

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='Sacred Music Man' date='16 March 2010 - 12:31 AM' timestamp='1268713916' post='2073834']
Despite the nonsense that was posted, I expect more charity from you people.
Gave it up...for Lent.

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='Nihil Obstat' date='16 March 2010 - 12:39 AM' timestamp='1268714369' post='2073838']
I reserve the right to be a bit of a jerk just once in a while. :mellow:
I reserve the right to be a [s]bit of a[/s] huge jerk [s]just once in a while[/s] most of the time.

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[quote name='Sacred Music Man' date='16 March 2010 - 12:31 AM' timestamp='1268713916' post='2073834']
Despite the nonsense that was posted, I expect more charity from you people. And you can't use the excuse that "it's lent" <_<
thank you brother.


i'm sorry for being goofy.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' date='15 March 2010 - 11:38 PM' timestamp='1268714315' post='2073837']
Gave it up...for Lent.
Ha. Ha. :mellow:

[quote name='Nihil Obstat' date='15 March 2010 - 11:39 PM' timestamp='1268714369' post='2073838']
I reserve the right to be a bit of a jerk just once in a while. :mellow:
It is not a right, but a license, and I revoke that too!

[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='15 March 2010 - 11:54 PM' timestamp='1268715292' post='2073843']
thank you brother.


i'm sorry for being goofy.
You are most forgiven. Go forth in peace, o herald of Chesterbellocirokianism.

Edited by Sacred Music Man
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Guest Mariecarew

I was hoping to address you all sooner but I was called away to work. Forgive the length of this reply, I know some of you told me that you like to keep your intellectual stimulation short. Let me try to address all of your concerns and Questions. Jesus Worshipped the earth and encouraged others to do so.

The interpretations of the Bible are only the ultimate word for some. Everybody is entitled to their own conclusions on what the Bible means. This is a 2000 year old document that cannot be verified by the original authors who wrote it. If you beleive your spiritual leaders that this is the Ultimate word then indeed that is your truth and let no man sway you from it.I saw your post on Christen Witchcraft and so I shared my knowledge with you so that you will have an understanding of the Bible from a different perspective then your own. (Seek and you shall find. Your hearts were seeking the enlightenment of how others could practice such a faith which seemed blasphemous to your own good teachings. So I filled you with the knowledge of what many of those individuals believed. Are these individuals wrong to believe such things? Certainly not. They are no more wrong to believe them then you are wrong to believe what you believe.)

I don't ask that you agree with me on my beliefs. I only wish to enlighten you, as you all have enlightened me with your replies. Each of us can only teach God's word as we see fit to teach it. In the Bible passage Matthew 28:19-20 (New International Version) Men were encouraged to preach Gods word. That is our right.

</H2>[sup]"[/sup]Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Sharing ones knowledge is a gift of God.

Never dismiss a point of view that differs from your own. Try to understand and open your mind to new concepts and Ideas. No religion is absolute. The Bible has been translated over a hundred times. The Bible is open to individual interpretation it does not have one set ultimate meaning. This is why there are so many different Christian denominations using it as the basis of their teachings. Baptists, Protestants, , Mormons the list goes on and on and each group uses their own self serving interpretation to benefit their own belief system.

The British philosopher Bertrand Russell once said "Many people would sooner die than think. In fact, many people they do..."

Although I admire you all for being strong in your beliefs. A person's Spiritual views and philosophies are their own truth. Individual Truth is never exact. Truth is a verified or indisputable fact. No religion or belief is greater or more valid then another. We are here on this Earth to learn and grow from each other's point of views.

Having to defend one's belief is a great way of strengthening them! If everybody agreed with you might begin to question your beliefs. But when you have to defend your views against unbelievers this strengthens your belief. So the people who actively oppose you are your best allies - they are reinforcing your prejudices! The actions of a few do not represent the actions of the group in its whole. Witches are not all evil anymore than people who believe differently than us are all intolerant, We are all individually responsible for our actions and reactions.

Too much Data clouds an issue. Objective thinking means not allowing one's emotional or spiritual point of view to cloud one's evaluation. Black and white thinking is when a human being becomes so passionate about their own stance that they immerse themselves in their own feelings while ignore other people's opinions and ideas.

There is no absolute standards of right and wrong. View points are individual. Every human being has the free will to do what's right and what's wrong in this world according to their own individual belief system.

Respecting and learning from our differences is what helps us grow. Never be systematic about hating something that is different always try to use your intellect to understand that which you do not approve of.

Try to consider what a situation looks like from the view point of view of those whom you disagree with. Never refine your ability to only look at situations through your own eyes and through your own needs.

By reducing everything to black and white you are choosing to be intolerant. Always keep an open mind and heart and remember absolutes can change depending on how a person perceives a situation.

As Jesus would say: Think humanely and intellectually on all things before speaking and acting out of turn[b]. [/b](Luke 6:45) "The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks."

Due to the fact I am causing so much distress here I shall leave this group.

Love, Peace and Blessings,

Reverend Marie Carew

<BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">

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I for one apologize if I said anything rude. To tell the truth, witchcraft somewhat hits close to home for me because my mother grew up in that atmosphere, and my parents attended a similar-minded unitarian church for a time when I was very young.

If you really are actually interested in discussing these and other issues, then I (and I'm sure others) would be interested in talking with you. But I will say that if you do want to discuss things here, it would be helpful if you could try to defend your position rather than just say that it is the truth for you and that any truth is okay for anyone. Because that is not something that is believed by the majority here. Why do you believe truth is subjective? Is our reality just what we each make it to be? You say that the bible cannot be trusted because it is an old document that we cannot reference through the original authors. Well that may possibly be true (or not true depending on what each person's truth is :mellow: - just kidding sorry :P or maybe not :ninja: ) but as a history major I believe there are certain things that we can do to verify information and truth of old documents and I believe the Bible definitely passes all tests that could be thrown at it. I think it is certainly a very trustworthy document.

Edited by goldenchild17
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[quote name='Mariecarew' date='15 March 2010 - 06:21 PM' timestamp='1268691704' post='2073656']
professional psychic for twenty seven.


I'll join your following if you can tell me what song I'm listening to right now.

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Pray for this 'Reverend' - she is very lost and in need of the mercy of God. Pray that her eyes be opened as St. Paul's were, and that she be given the gift of faith. Her interpretations of Jesus are preventing her from seeing the Truth. I think she does mean well, so please pray for her conversion. :pray:

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Saint Therese

I have a feeling that he'll be back.
Ive seen what can happen when someone messes with the occult. Its not pretty. I think we've been been sort of numbed to how very evil any kind of occult practice is by pop culture.

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