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Christian Witchcraft?


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In my daily internet rummages I came upon this. I was rather surprised that there could be people who think that these two things can co-exist, even in a twisted liberal form.



Seems its just more cafeteria styled picking at religion.

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It is because they don't really understand what witchcraft is all about. They are being cafeteria witches as well as cafeteria Christians - and coming up with their own religion. They need our prayers big time because they don't mean to be evil - they are ignorant and confused and need spiritual help! :pray:

And we mustn't forget that the Adversary disguises himself as an angel of light - a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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Guest Mariecarew


Freedom of speech can often be called Blasphemy. Bible Passage: Jeremiah 6:16 (New International Version[b]) [/b]Relay's the Lords word.

"Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it and you will find rest for your souls.

The ancient pathways are in my belief are the pagan pathways.

Hopefully this will explain Christian Witchcraft from a spiritual perspective. I am a minister with the Assembly of Jesus Christ and The church of Christian Witchcraft. Christian witchcraft and the Assembly of Jesus Christ is all about reflection.

How can a human being alter their perception on how they are viewing the traditional interpretations of the Holy Bible while also using their intellect and humanity to view Jesus Christ in a more liberated way? Christian witchcraft and the Assembly of Jesus Christ take the fear out of the Bible, God and Christianity through offering the parishioner an alternative faith so Christianity can still be a part of their lives.

Why are so many human beings seeking spiritual enlightenment from a fresh and new perspective and why can't the human race just settle for being of one religion, under one God? The answer is diversity and equality. All religions make up their own stipulations concerning who they will accept as worthy of their worship.

As soon as a religion alienates the equality and diversity of an individual that individual will start seeking their spiritual guidance and enlightenment elsewhere. This is why there are so many Christian denominations, including Christian Witchcraft. Christianity is no longer whole, it is now open to individual interpretation.

As a catholic who turned Christian Unitarian, I understand the great need for keeping Christ in my life. Many Human beings feel they have to give up Christ and their Christian upbringings all because they do not believe in the individual interpretations of the Holy Bible.

Christ and God are for everyone, there can be no exceptions. The argument that is always presented is the same. If you do not believe in the interpretations of the Holy Bible and you do not believe in the Holy Trinity as told to you by your spiritual leaders, then you cannot be a true Christian.

Jesus Christ was not a Christian. The concept of Christianity came after the death of Christ and in fact, the name Christ itself was given to many human beings in those times. Christ is not the true last name of Jesus. Christ was used as a sir name. The name Christ is used in same way Goody was used in the fifteenth century. The name Goody was given to all women who where upstanding citizens. (A.K.A. Salem Mass Witch trials: Goody Proctor and Goody Rhodes.)

Christian Witchcraft has always been a polytheistic religion. (More Pagan then Christian.) Although it is true that most Christian Witches do not believe in the traditional Christian beliefs, they do acknowledge Christ's humanitarian teachings.

Seeing Christ in a new light is what separates a Christian Witch from a Catholic, Baptist, Mormon or protestant. A Christian Witch is an open minded, free thinking individual who is encouraged to think for themselves using the principals of humanity as their guide.

Everyone has their own unique take on Christian Witchcraft. I have been a practicing Christian Witch for thirty two years and a professional psychic for twenty seven.

Christian Witchcraft and The Assembly of Jesus Christ offers the teachings of Jesus Christ to be heard from a humanitarian perspective.

All faith and religion is open to individual interpretation. Those who believe in Christen Witchcraft have many diversified beliefs and opinions, this is why it is so important that each person find the belief system that is right for them. The misinterpretations of a human beings mind can be extremely dangerous. Opinions are only right to those who speak them and to those who follow them as their own truth. Look for your own truth in the definition of the faith you chose to follow.

My truth concerning Christian Witchcraft is this: most Christians, (including myself) were brought up on the self serving interpretations of the original Bible. I say: "Self Serving" because each church leader's interpretations serve to benefit their own beliefs, as well as the individual beliefs of their church founder. (Very few churches serve to inspire or please the diversity of their congregations.) My church offers a fresh perspective on some old interpretations, while allowing The Parishioner to make their own choices and formulate their own ideas. The points of views expressed in my church are only there to guide you and to show you another way that may be different then your own yet worthy of your attention.

[size="3"]What is humanity and how can it help our society today? The definition for humanity is: Every single human being who inhabits this planet. Humanity is an act of being humane, tender, generous, broadminded, charitable, considerate, forgiving, helpful, lenient, liberal, open minded, tolerant, and understanding. Humanity is an act of showing kindness, mercy, sympathy and compassion for people and animals. The more faith you have in humanity the more open your mind will become.[/size]

[size="3"]Jesus Christ was against commerce yet the religions that have been formed in his name are all big money making businesses. Jesus taught the barter system. "Our gifts of talent and creativity are our riches as surely as Gold and Silver are the riches of the Earth. It is not money that we should be using to survive here on this Earth. It is our talents; skills and creativity. These are the things we were given to make our livelihood. Use the gifts you have been given in exchange for that which you need to survive and let no man or woman keep you from your right to prosper here."[/size]

To personally serve Christ's teachings, I preach his word and use my psychic gifts to help bring closure to people's lives involving, missing people cases and murders all over the country as well as helping people with personal problems while instructing them on how to live a more non-violent humanitarian lifestyle through opening their own psychic channels and redirecting their negativity into creativity. I also write gospel and environmental music and I am a musical therapist and art instructor for the elderly, disabled and infirmed.

It is a shame that in this modern society many Witches, Wiccans and Pagans that I meet and whom I have known do not understand the principals of a Christian Witch. In fact, many young people today use witchcraft as a fanciful escape rather than a source for inspiration, spirituality and Earth worship. This is why the word Witch in itself it mis- understood.

Being a "witch" means much more then make up and clothes. It is not the outside image of a human being that people will gravitate towards, it is the depth of the human soul that people will remember. The compassion and kindness that a human being reflects outward to the world is the greatest gift a human being owns. This is what makes a true witch become a supreme supernatural being.

From the dust of the Earth all life came and back into the dust we all must go. Our natural order is to live our lives as Earth Guardians and protectors of all life.

My beliefs are this: Although the Bible and many Christians shun witchcraft, it is no secret that the original Bibles God and Christ himself used their own powers of witchcraft and psychic awareness to rule the nations.

"One man's sin cannot be another man's holy ground."

The Holy Bible teaches us to condemn witchcraft, yet In the American dictionary Witchcraft is defined as being the practice of sorcery or magic. The definition is in the dictionary and cannot be disputed. So, with that knowledge wouldn't you agree that parting the red sea, turning water into wine, breaking one loaf of bread into several new loaves, sending plagues and curses to destroy entire lands, healing telepathically with the touch of a hand and making burning bushes speak, are all feats of paranormal activity and supernatural magic? In essence, they are feats of witchcraft and so this is how the Christian Witch was born.

It is my belief that no religion should practice or preach intolerance or sacrifice of any kind. This is what is important. Not who is practicing Sorcery. All religions should teach humanity. Any religion that is against gay rights, animal rights, Women's rights, human rights, witchcraft and other religious beliefs are also against humanity. I do not condone negative religious practices. I believe in standing up for what is right even if you are standing alone. Human beings are both God and Goddess. If we do not do Gods work, Gods work will not get done. Everyone is responsible for their own actions and reactions.

(You Can Start A War With One Disagreement. You can prevent A War When All Parties Involved Agree To Act Humanly.)

Both God and Goddess are an individual's choice of faith. No deity is greater than another for no human being is greater than another. Human beings are not the most important life forms on this earth; however, there are some individual human beings who believe that they are the most important, because of their supposed capacity for higher intellect. I believe, that all life forms on this planet were created equal regardless of their race, color, creed, religion, species or personal and sexual preference.

"One act of humanity is bliss one act of ignorance is devastating."

No species on this planet can claim a higher intellect unless they use that intellect to benefit all life forms on this Earth without excluding anyone or anything that breaths life. As long as you act humanly pray to whomever you choose and allow others to pray to whom they choose.

My God is the God of humanity. My Goddess is the mother of my God. The Bible is a great book to read but one must remember it is a fictional story filled with paranormal activity. When interpreted with an open mind. The Bible teaches us not to follow the barbaric teachings of a God but to use our own free will and humanity while we follow our own clear conscience. To explain my affiliation with Christianity I must say that those who read the Bible with an open mind know that Jesus Christ was a liberal who loved everyone. The only thing Christ was against was the inhumanities he saw in his short life time. Jesus Christ was one of the first noted humanitarians in human history but others have also done great things to benefit our Earth and society human beings like, Gandhi, Buddha (Who was before Christ) Chief Seattle, The Dali Lama, Martin Luther King Jr, Abraham Lincoln, John Denver, Michael Landon, Princess Diana, Mother Theresa, John and Robert Kennedy and so many more. I hope this was insightful.

Although I am the spiritual leader of this church, I believe that the Earth needs more defenders not more people who stand in defense. No human being can claim the right to a holy title or a holy existence when all human beings are flawed. The only measure of one's holiness is in the humane acts that they commit while they are serving the Earth and all of her life forms."

(Gandhi once said: The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.) If you can harm any life form without remorse, then you have no respect for life and therefore you have no respect for humanity.

[center][b][u]The Assembly Of Jesus Christ Statement Of Faith[/u][/b][/center][center][b][u]What Is Different From Our Beleifs Compared To Yours.[/u][/b][/center]
1.) With Billions of human beings upon this Earth, there could never be just one book of The Holy Scriptures or one deity to pray to. Diversity is what makes this world an interesting and unique place.
2.) All life is equal from insect to man. No human being or deity can be holy or divine without being compassionate and humane. We are the only fathers and mothers, we are the only sons and daughters and should we act holy, then we are the only ones capable of having a holy spirit. Acting according to the definition of holiness is our free will choice. Holiness means to be perfect in goodness and righteousness.
3.) There is separation from God. For we are God and if we do not do the work of a God then Gods work will not get done. Every human being alive is responsible for their actions and reactions. Every human being can alter their way of thinking and live a more humane and compassionate way of life.
4.) Jesus Christ was not the son of God. Jesus Christ was born of mortal man and raised in God's Image through being taught by his mother to live the life of a God, by acting, thinking and speaking humanely and compassionately. It was the free will choice of Jesus Christ to teach others to act, speak and think the same. Jesus was not born of virgin birth, because the authors of the original Bible were against a woman's menstrual cycle, (See passage Leviticus 15:19-24(New International Version.) It was written that Jesus was born of virgin birth to protect his purity from the "Unclean way of mortal conception.) Jesus Christ did not die for our sins. Jesus Christ died at the hands of an inhumane group of human beings who put greed and commerce ahead of humanity. In essence Christ was used as a scapegoat for these individuals who then presented him as a martyr and built a billion dollar religious empire around his life and death. Jesus Christ was murdered due to the lack of tolerance that other human beings had for his humane teachings. Jesus Christ died for his beliefs, the same way Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy and so many others were murdered when they tried to teach the world. Jesus Christ rises from the dead every time a new humanitarian is born and stands up for the very things Christ stood for. Compassion, humanity, Equality and justice for all.
5.) Human salvation is an individual's choice. "It takes only one human being to make a difference in this world. It takes many human beings to uphold that difference."
6.) No God or deity will intervene on our behalf. We must be the change this Earth needs to see. It is our free will choice to act and think with compassion and it is our free will choice to act, think and educate others to act and think humanely before engaging in all things. "One act of humanity is bliss, one act of ignorance is devastating. You can start a war with one disagreement. you can prevent a war when all parties involved agree to act humanly."

[center][i][u]The Seven Rules To Humanity And Christian Witchcraft.[/u][/i] [/center]
[i]1. Harm not one living thing for all life is created equal regardless of color, race, species, size, religion, personal or sexual preference.[/i]

[i]2. Always be kind, compassionate, respectful and tolerant of all life and never cast stones.[/i]

[i]3. Protect, defend, heal, educate and lend a hand to all life and replenish that which you take from the earth for your survival.[/i]

[i]4. Banish all hate, cruelty, violence and negativity while you think humanely before you act and speak on all matters.[/i]

[i]5. Advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves and stand up for what is right, regardless if you are standing alone.[/i]

[i]6. Channel your negativity into acts of creativity and always let positive thoughts and actions rule your life.[/i]

[i]7. Alter your attitude and you can alter your entire existence as well as altering the existence of all the lives you touch.[/i]

Many people do not understand the true meaning of Christ's teachings and look to the Bible and religious orders to help them clarify what Christ was all about. Christ represents the savior of humanity. Jesus was a liberal. He taught human beings how to live a more humane lifestyle through justice, fairness, compassion, tolerance, love, peace and kindness. Applying Christ's teachings to our everyday lives is a simple process. All we must do is follow the humanitarian acts and deeds inside our own hearts, such as:

1. Easing the burdens of others with a word or deed of kindness.

2. Sharing with those who are less fortunate.

3. Soothing those who are in despair or fear.

4. Comforting those in pain and sorrow.

5. Caring for the sick and dying by reading to the blind, translating to

the deaf, running errands for the crippled.

6. Giving our time and our love to those who are lonely, while offering

our talents and creative gifts to those who may need them.

There are so many ways we can help others in need simply by

offering a ride to those who have no transportation, assisting

someone who cannot come up with the remainder of a grocery bill,

taking over the care of a loved one, so the care taker can take a

break from their daily routine, the giving of a hat, coat, pair of gloves,

or shoes to those who may not have any or retrieving an item that

cannot easily be reached, carrying a load that is too heavy to bear.

Offering assistance when it is needed.

7. Never hoarding money or possessions, if they can be put to use by

others who may need them.

8. Playing with a child that has no playmate.

9. Giving praise and confidence to the self conscious.

10. Respecting all life while teaching others to do the same.

11. Planting a seed to create food to sustain a life.

12. Being compassionate, understanding, tolerant and

humane to all living things regardless of their differences.

13. Righting a wrong, standing up for an injustice and learning from

that injustice so it will not repeat itself. Always be mindful that what

we say and how we act today will soon be our past, but what we take

with us from those moments, we will have to live within our future.

Don't let your words and actions haunt you.

14. Reflect before you speak or act by asking yourself: "Am I saying

or doing the humane thing?

15. Give your time, talents and love freely and selflessly without

expecting or wanting anything in return.

16. Make the unselfish effort to be the first one to commit an act of

humanity, even when it seems all others are ignoring important

issues and the inhumanities to life and to the Earth. When you see

trash on the ground, pick it up and throw it in a proper receptacle,

and recycle whenever you can.

17. Never believe what is told to you, even by the experts. Believe

only what your conscience, common sense and humanity


18. Treat your body as if it were the vessel for the awakening of your

soul and your entire essence.

19. Love, accept and respect yourself always, for only then, can you

truly love, accept and respect others.

Remember, Jesus is only one representation of humanity and only one interpretation of what a humanitarian should be. Buddha, The Dali Lama, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Chief Seattle, Mother Therese, they were all humanitarians as are so many others.

"No one has more value on this Earth than anyone else. No God, No Prophet and certainly no deity. Let there be peace on this earth and peace in your homes. Only in peace will you find humanity. Love and respect all life as you do your own. Should anyone on this Earth wish to harm, kill, or defame another being, no matter whom that person is, family, friend, foe, or stranger, it is up to those who know of their atrocity, to stop them and get them help, so in the future, their hearts can be turned towards the light of humanity. Challenge all things that you feel are not right for the good of all. Change the things you can in life to make life better for all. Never be afraid to ask for help, or to offer help to others in need. Always stand up for your rights and the rights of others. Never let anyone malign your rights, or silence your intelligence, with their own ignorance. Surrender only to humanity and let it guide you in all endeavors.

Love, Peace and Blessings,

Marie Carew

Psychic Advisor, Counselor, Instructor. Spiritual Leader,



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Saint Therese

[size="5"][b]You cannot be a Christian and practice witchcraft.
Any kind of sorcery is a sin against the first commandment. [/b][/size]

Engaging in witchcraft is a supremely bad idea, because it opens you up to all kinds of demonic influence.

Edited by Saint Therese
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[quote name='Saint Therese' date='15 March 2010 - 06:24 PM' timestamp='1268691857' post='2073659']
Wow. That was long.:mellow:
the short way of saying that is tl;dr. :smokey:

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Choosing and picking

[quote name='Saint Therese' date='16 March 2010 - 12:24 AM' timestamp='1268691857' post='2073659']
Wow. That was long.:mellow:

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[quote name='Saint Therese' date='15 March 2010 - 03:24 PM' timestamp='1268691857' post='2073659']
:yawn: didn't even read most of it, it was too long.

:shock: you edited!!

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Saint Therese

[quote name='Lil Red' date='15 March 2010 - 06:27 PM' timestamp='1268692077' post='2073662']
:yawn: didn't even read most of it, it was too long.

:shock: you edited!!

Yes, I posted the first time without reading the post.

If someone doesn't believe that that demons and the devil are real, all they have to do is practice witchcraft or any form of the occult and they will be disillusioned.

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[quote name='Mariecarew' date='15 March 2010 - 03:21 PM' timestamp='1268691704' post='2073656']
4.) Jesus Christ was [s]not[/s] the son of God. Jesus was [s]not[/s] born of virgin birth, Jesus Christ did [s]not[/s] die for our sins. [/quote]
i only had time to fix this. ;)

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Saint Therese

[quote name='Lil Red' date='15 March 2010 - 06:34 PM' timestamp='1268692493' post='2073671']
i only had time to fix this. ;)

Good job.

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Saint Therese

[quote]My beliefs are this: Although the Bible and many Christians shunwitchcraft, it is no secret that the original Bibles God and Christhimself used their own powers of witchcraft and psychic awareness torule the nations. [/quote]


Edited by Saint Therese
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Guest Mariecarew

Thank you all for your feedback. All faith and religion is open to individual interpretation. I'm glad I could share a new perspective with you. Opinions are only right to those who speak them and to those who follow them as their own truth. Look for your own truth in the definition of the faith you chose to follow. As Christ said:

"Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable, whatever is praiseworthy-think about such things"…. (Philippians 4:8)

"Whatever you desire that someone do to you, do even so to them." (Matthew 22:40 )

Blessed are those who make peace, for they are the sons and the daughters of God" (Matthew 5:9)

Intolerance, Discrimination, Hate, Negativity, Prejudices, Bigotry, Violence and Cruelty are not Humanitarian, Compassionate, Peaceful or Praiseworthy.

"What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul." (Matthew 16:26:)

(John 8:7) "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone."

(Luke 6:45) "The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks."

(Luke 10:27) You shall love the Lord, your God. (who ever that God may be.) with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your intelligence; and your neighbor you shall love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Love Peace and Blessings.<BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">


<BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">

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