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Keys Of Enoch

Cow of Shame

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Try this: [url="http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/pontifical_councils/interelg/documents/rc_pc_interelg_doc_20030203_new-age_en.html"]Jesus Christ, The Bearer of the Water of Life: A Christian reflection on the "New Age"[/url]

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My problem: I'm dealing with an artistic, emotional, non-scientific (yet wants to be scientific), mother-in-law who believes in reincarnation & a lot of new-age cr@p & is married to a non-practicing Jew. She believes in chakras (sp?) and the rearrangement of energies in the body for healing. She's pro-abortion. I'm in all honesty trying to be respectful, thoughtful, logical, and persuasive in any conversation I engage her in when it comes to religion. (I know, not my typical MO, but whatcha gonna do?) Thus, my quest to find something that refutes this book so *I* don't have to read any of it & make myself sick.

That last link looks promising. Hopefully I can find some time to look into it.

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[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='29 January 2010 - 07:11 PM' timestamp='1264813907' post='2047545']
My problem: I'm dealing with an artistic, emotional, non-scientific (yet wants to be scientific), mother-in-law who believes in reincarnation & a lot of new-age cr@p & is married to a non-practicing Jew. She believes in chakras (sp?) and the rearrangement of energies in the body for healing. She's pro-abortion. I'm in all honesty trying to be respectful, thoughtful, logical, and persuasive in any conversation I engage her in when it comes to religion. (I know, not my typical MO, but whatcha gonna do?) Thus, my quest to find something that refutes this book so *I* don't have to read any of it & make myself sick.

That last link looks promising. Hopefully I can find some time to look into it.

That's a heck of a list of eccentricities. There isn't anything worse to discuss things of importance with than a sentimental artsy pseudoscientist chakra-aligning pro-abortion mother-in-law. If I were you I would just avoid discussion. She's your wife's mom so even if you win, you lose.

As much as I hate to suggest it, I don't think anything will be sufficient of a rebuke other than reading the book and attacking specific points of ridiculousness. Sometimes people just think that their hamster is talking to them.


Edited by Veridicus
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[quote name='Veridicus' date='29 January 2010 - 10:19 PM' timestamp='1264814346' post='2047547']
Sometimes people just think that their hamster is talking to them.


Actually, that would be tons of fun! I'll have to suggest it to her. First we'll have to convince her she owns one...


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[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='29 January 2010 - 07:23 PM' timestamp='1264814580' post='2047548']
Actually, that would be tons of fun! I'll have to suggest it to her. First we'll have to convince her she owns one...


Her cranial chakra is in fact a hamster. I really am sorry about that. That is possibly the most difficult set of adjectives I've ever typed about a single person. The only thing more challenging would be if she was a lesbian vegan cat-person.

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[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='29 January 2010 - 08:11 PM' timestamp='1264813907' post='2047545']
My problem: I'm dealing with an artistic, emotional, non-scientific (yet wants to be scientific), mother-in-law who believes in reincarnation & a lot of new-age cr@p & is married to a non-practicing Jew. She believes in chakras (sp?) and the rearrangement of energies in the body for healing. She's pro-abortion. I'm in all honesty trying to be respectful, thoughtful, logical, and persuasive in any conversation I engage her in when it comes to religion. (I know, not my typical MO, but whatcha gonna do?) Thus, my quest to find something that refutes this book so *I* don't have to read any of it & make myself sick.

That last link looks promising. Hopefully I can find some time to look into it.
I don't know if this is a quality option, maybe the first place to start looking for your answer is by asking yourself, "Why do I know the Keys of Enoch is completely false?" If you're just answering yourself, then that answer would be the most honest. That answer might be helpful in directing your research, or at least be helpful if your MIL brings up the subject again.

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[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='29 January 2010 - 08:11 PM' timestamp='1264813907' post='2047545']
...a non-practicing Jew...[/quote]
So he's perfected it, or is he just lazy?

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[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='29 January 2010 - 08:11 PM' timestamp='1264813907' post='2047545']
My problem: I'm dealing with an artistic, emotional, non-scientific (yet wants to be scientific), mother-in-law who believes in reincarnation & a lot of new-age cr@p & is married to a non-practicing Jew. She believes in chakras (sp?) and the rearrangement of energies in the body for healing. She's pro-abortion. I'm in all honesty trying to be respectful, thoughtful, logical, and persuasive in any conversation I engage her in when it comes to religion. (I know, not my typical MO, but whatcha gonna do?) Thus, my quest to find something that refutes this book so *I* don't have to read any of it & make myself sick.

That last link looks promising. Hopefully I can find some time to look into it.

May I ask how long you have been married? Or, how long you've known your inlaws? My MIL is similarly off the wall although she claims to be a practicing Catholic. She has given me more terrible books to read than I would have imagined existed. I don't read them. Since I am a writer, I usually look at the introduction or the first page or so, and heavily criticize the writing (which is almost always terrible) and then she backs off. I sympathize with your situation.

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[quote name='Veridicus' date='29 January 2010 - 09:28 PM' timestamp='1264814903' post='2047549']
Her cranial chakra is in fact a hamster. I really am sorry about that. That is possibly the most difficult set of adjectives I've ever typed about a single person. The only thing more challenging would be if she was a lesbian vegan cat-person.

I think you and the Cow are going to get along . . . you're a little more subtle than his typical MO . . . but he's trying not to go over the top in this situation

I liked LML's suggestion also . . . don't critique the subject matter, just the grammar, punctuation, etc. If they can't write a coherent sentence, why should you give them credit for coherent thought?

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