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What Are Your Opinions About Transexualism?

King's Rook's Pawn

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[quote name='OraProMe' date='25 December 2009 - 08:43 PM' timestamp='1261791794' post='2026081']
I have not studied the issue enough to formulate a valid opinion.
Neither have I, but that's never stopped me in the past!

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I can't imagine the regret someone would feel if they did that to themselves. I can't fathom what kind of doctor would be willing to perform such a surgery. I would try my best to talk them out of it.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' date='25 December 2009 - 09:25 PM' timestamp='1261794359' post='2026095']
Neither have I, but that's never stopped me in the past!

Very true of all of us, my friend. I guess we just have to remove the word "valid" then :D

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' date='25 December 2009 - 12:47 AM' timestamp='1261720041' post='2025776']
No different than the people who feel the need to lob off their thumbs or cut themselves on their wrists. It's indicative of mental problems. [b]Instead of hiring a surgeon to happily rearrange the basement, we ought to rather seek counselling for this poor fellow.[/b] It's really a shame. :ohno:

[quote name='Nihil Obstat' date='25 December 2009 - 01:59 PM' timestamp='1261767563' post='2025946']
I agree with your reaction to this. [b]It's just a delusion that 'doctors' are pandering to.[/b] Just very wrong on a variety of levels.

I agree with you guys. This is a mental disorder that should be treated with counseling and, if necessary, medication.

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I want to start by saying that I am a recent convert to Catholicism so I don't don't know the standing of the Church on this, so this is just my opinion.

God doesn't make mistakes. He made us all exactly how he meant us to be, and that while he gives us all crosses to bear, he never gives us more than we can handle. If god made this person a man, then he is a man. I believe that he has some mental problems, and since you mentioned he's had suicidal thoughts this makes sense. Speaking from personal experience, mental illness may be one of the hardest crosses to bear, and so difficult to overcome. BUT IT IS POSSIBLE. One problem I see is that the way society is right now he may get a lot of support from liberals in favor of being politacally correct and tolerant, and maybe he won't be able to get a therapist who think that what he has is a mental illness, which is a shame. I'm glad that you expressed your dissapproval honestly, while still supporting him as a person, I think that was a very charitable thing to do, and brave, as I can sometimes be scared to admit that I don't agree w/ gay marriage because I am go to an art school that is very liberal. Anyways, hope this helped a little.

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[quote name='kayla_veronica' date='26 December 2009 - 12:31 AM' timestamp='1261805462' post='2026149']
I want to start by saying that I am a recent convert to Catholicism so I don't don't know the standing of the Church on this, so this is just my opinion.
Seemed orthodox to me! :thumbsup:

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If anyone watched the previous season of America's next top model they'll know that there was a contestant there who was transexual: Isis. I saw Isis on the Tyra show later and they used expressions like "used to be a man, but is now a woman". It got me thinking what makes someone a woman though. I don't think she's like me in the way my XX-chromosomed sisters are. This seems to be a rather commonly accepted disorder.

And to reference another TV-show did anyone watch the episode where one boy got a "negroplasty" to become black, and then his dad had an operation to become a dolphin. :topsy:

Feeling the way they do must be distressing though. :mellow:

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[quote name='tinytherese' date='26 December 2009 - 04:26 AM' timestamp='1261790762' post='2026077']
[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/clap.gif[/img] It seems as if people cater to these bizarre wishes claiming, "We just want them to be happy." [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/huh.gif[/img]

I think it is part of this mania of "political correctness". Or simply, "anything goes". Whenever I hear that, I'm reminded of "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire".

And that brings me around to homosexuality. I can't call homosexuals "gay" because I think they are tragic. Whether the problem is societal, or genetic, or some form of illness, the bottom line is that homosexuality is a perversion of the innate drive to reproduce one's own species and therefore ensure its survival. And in all forms of animate matter above the level of an amoeba, that means sexual reproduction. Earthworms, to be sure, can be either male or female, but they mate with an earthworm of the "opposite" sex. If we all were homosexual, that would solve the overpopulation problem in one generation.

Do I think homosexuality should be criminalized? No, what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms is their business [and if they believe in a God, between them and God]. But flaunting it, in these disgusting "Gay Pride" parades, demanding special privileges in the name of "tolerance"*, to me, goes way beyond the acceptable. That was precisely the same kind of degeneracy which sapped the morality of the Roman Empire and which I think is sapping ours. Hell, I'm diabetic, but you won't see me demanding special rights, parading with my syringes and insulin, in the name of being "special" and therefore entitled to be put on a pedestal.

Sex change surgery has the same implications for me as does the rampant "approval" of homosexuality as a "normal" form of sexuality. Call me old-fashioned. [Well, I'm old, that's for sure]

*I think same-sex couples who live together in stable relationships should have a way of being able to pass on insurance, etc. benefits just as normally married people do. I've got nothing against "civil unions", but I'm darned if I accept the redefinition of [i][b]marriage,[/b][/i] which has always been the permanent union of a [i]man[/i] and a [i]woman[/i], to be the same thing in single sex relationships. It offends my sense of correct English usage. Once you start playing football with tennis rackets, it's neither football or tennis. All games have rules.

Bah humbug. I'm always crotchety before breakfast.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='kayla_veronica' date='26 December 2009 - 04:31 PM' timestamp='1261805462' post='2026149']
Speaking from personal experience, mental illness may be one of the hardest crosses to bear, and so difficult to overcome. BUT IT IS POSSIBLE.

And speaking from experience you can say that again. You have no idea what I went through as a young person in the army with a mental illness. I've survived through faith alone and the constant coaching from Jesus himself. :saint:

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Hmmmm. Interesting.

[quote name='Antigonos' date='26 December 2009 - 02:51 AM' timestamp='1261813877' post='2026183']
And that brings me around to homosexuality. I can't call homosexuals "gay" because I think they are tragic. Whether the problem is societal, or genetic, or some form of illness, the bottom line is that homosexuality is a perversion of the innate drive to reproduce one's own species and therefore ensure its survival.r
This is interesting too. I'm going to ask you to prove your assumption that we have an "innate drive to reproduce one's own species". If such a drive was innate then contraception would not be so wide spread. Is sex visceral? Yes. Do we have an animalistic desire to continue our own species? I don't think so. Again I'd point to the wide spread use of contraception to prove this point. This is an age when it's acceptable to indulge in our most animalistic desires, if posterity were truly instinctual then humane vitae would have had a much better reception.

I'm aware that you're not Catholic but for other forum members reading I'd like to point out that such a position isn't contrary to Catholicism. In fact my argument above is basically me regurgitating what C.S Lewis wrote in "The Abolition of Man" to prove that posterity cannot be used as a basis for morality.

Hell, I'm diabetic, but you won't see me demanding special rights, parading with my syringes and insulin, in the name of being "special" and therefore entitled to be put on a pedestal.

Well diabetics were never thrown in jail/killed/cast out of their families etc. I've said before that hate crime legislation is simply a reaction to past persecution. You can only kick a dog so much until it bites back.

I haven't studied hate crime legislation though so have no opinion either way.

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[quote name='OraProMe' date='26 December 2009 - 12:48 PM' timestamp='1261820936' post='2026195']

I'm going to ask you to prove your assumption that we have an "innate drive to reproduce one's own species". [/quote]

It is a basic biologic assumption that life perpetuates itself. Otherwise, the earth would be as sterile as the moon, or home to no organisms more advanced than single cell ones.

The first collection of amino acids that resulted in an amoeba never faced the choice of "life" or "death", because, by splitting into two organisms, and the resulting two splitting again, an amoeba of today is a bit of "all the amoebas who ever were" -- the organism never dies*. But as soon as higher organisms -- even as simple as jellyfish -- appeared, so did death, which required a mechanism to replicate itself before it died. All organisms more advanced than an amoeba need to have specialized cells; an amoeba cannot specialize [and remain an amoeba]. Apparently the method of choice is to have specialized sex cells which carry all the necessary genetic material on genes and chromosomes.

This has nothing to do with enjoying sex, or needing contraception, etc. Humans are a bit odd in terms of always being in low grade estrous -- most mammals do not want or seek sex outside of certain periods when the female is capable of reproducing [when an animal is, however, their sexual drive is much higher than humans] Humans, in fact, have fairly inefficient reproductive mechanisms [part of my work deals with infertility]. All societies and religions, therefore, have rules about sexual conduct. And today, technology is running ahead of ethics, and I personally feel there are numerous minefields ahead of us.

*Even viruses mutate to become less harmful. A virus which ALWAYS kills its host before being able to infect another host would quickly exterminate all possible hosts, and the virus does not exist without a host. Historically this has been shown a number of times.

I take your point about diabetics never having been punished by society for being diabetics. But I'm not to blame for being diabetic, and the current "philosophy" about homosexuality is that they aren't responsible for their behavior, either, that it is somehow outside their control and therefore must not just be tolerated, it has to be shown to be a legitimate alternative lifestyle, indeed actually urged as a variety of normal sexuality. I disagree with this. It is a form of disability, just as being diabetic is.

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[quote name='Antigonos' date='26 December 2009 - 06:11 AM' timestamp='1261825918' post='2026198']
It is a basic biologic assumption that life perpetuates itself. Otherwise, the earth would be as sterile as the moon, or home to no organisms more advanced than single cell ones.

The first collection of amino acids that resulted in an amoeba never faced the choice of "life" or "death", because, by splitting into two organisms, and the resulting two splitting again, an amoeba of today is a bit of "all the amoebas who ever were" -- the organism never dies*. But as soon as higher organisms -- even as simple as jellyfish -- appeared, so did death, which required a mechanism to replicate itself before it died. All organisms more advanced than an amoeba need to have specialized cells; an amoeba cannot specialize [and remain an amoeba]. Apparently the method of choice is to have specialized sex cells which carry all the necessary genetic material on genes and chromosomes.

This has nothing to do with enjoying sex, or needing contraception, etc. Humans are a bit odd in terms of always being in low grade estrous -- most mammals do not want or seek sex outside of certain periods when the female is capable of reproducing [when an animal is, however, their sexual drive is much higher than humans] Humans, in fact, have fairly inefficient reproductive mechanisms [part of my work deals with infertility]. All societies and religions, therefore, have rules about sexual conduct. And today, technology is running ahead of ethics, and I personally feel there are numerous minefields ahead of us.

*Even viruses mutate to become less harmful. A virus which ALWAYS kills its host before being able to infect another host would quickly exterminate all possible hosts, and the virus does not exist without a host. Historically this has been shown a number of times.

I take your point about diabetics never having been punished by society for being diabetics. But I'm not to blame for being diabetic, and the current "philosophy" about homosexuality is that they aren't responsible for their behavior, either, that it is somehow outside their control and therefore must not just be tolerated, it has to be shown to be a legitimate alternative lifestyle, indeed actually urged as a variety of normal sexuality. I disagree with this. It is a form of disability, just as being diabetic is.

You've dodged a lot of what I said and addressed issues I haven't raised.

If we're going to say we have an "innate drive" to do something then it has to be backed up. Again contraception is a great illustration to counter your claim that humans have some primal urge that motivates them to populate the world.

A "basic biological assumption" does not equal an innate desire and drive. You simply cannot compare the two. Sure it's practical, but do you ever see a girl and think "oh man I'd so love to perpetuate the human race with her. Our descendents would be so hot"? You get my point.

I take your point about diabetics never having been punished by society for being diabetics. But I'm not to blame for being diabetic, and the current "philosophy" about homosexuality is that they aren't responsible for their behavior,
Do you mean orientation or behaviour? Homosexuals aren't "to blame" for their sexuality. It's not a choice.

I disagree with this. It is a form of disability, just as being diabetic is.
We need to be careful when throwing around terms like this. A disability means the lack of an ability to do something.What is it that I, as a homosexual, cannot do that you, as a heterosexual, can?

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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='OraProMe' date='26 December 2009 - 07:20 AM' timestamp='1261833646' post='2026205']
You've dodged a lot of what I said and addressed issues I haven't raised.

If we're going to say we have an "innate drive" to do something then it has to be backed up. Again contraception is a great illustration to counter your claim that humans have some primal urge that motivates them to populate the world.

A "basic biological assumption" does not equal an innate desire and drive. You simply cannot compare the two. Sure it's practical, but do you ever see a girl and think "oh man I'd so love to perpetuate the human race with her. Our descendents would be so hot"? You get my point.

Do you mean orientation or behaviour? Homosexuals aren't "to blame" for their sexuality. It's not a choice.

We need to be careful when throwing around terms like this. A disability means the lack of an ability to do something.What is it that I, as a homosexual, cannot do that you, as a heterosexual, can?
This innate drive is something which is observed across the board. There isn't a way to "prove" it outside of observation because there isn't a gene or part of the brain we can look at and say "ah ha!"

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[quote]Seemed orthodox to me! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.gif[/img]

Good. Thanks!

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