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Is The Virgin Mary Appearing In Egypt?


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[quote name='Antigonos' date='25 December 2009 - 02:46 PM' timestamp='1261770391' post='2025970']
You're comparing William Shatner to Christ?
Well they're both Jewish afterall.
Hey, maybe I could start a movement to get my grandad to be used as a common avatar.

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[quote name='Antigonos' date='25 December 2009 - 01:04 AM' timestamp='1261721040' post='2025787']
There's a sucker born every minute.

But then, if you can believe that a man is God, and worship the man by a form of ritual cannibalism, I guess you can believe just about anything.

Or if you follow the teachings of a man who had intercourse with a child, rode on a horse with a womans face, and taught that you should respect other peoples faith, and then taught that you should kill people of other faiths.

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[quote name='sacredheartandbloodofjesus' date='25 December 2009 - 10:58 PM' timestamp='1261771121' post='2025975']
Or if you follow the teachings of a man who had intercourse with a child, rode on a horse with a womans face, and taught that you should respect other peoples faith, and then taught that you should kill people of other faiths.

That's not my religion either.

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[quote name='sacredheartandbloodofjesus' date='25 December 2009 - 04:16 PM' timestamp='1261775770' post='2026000']
Then what is your religion? Are you agnostic?

From what I've seen of her posts, she is a follower of Rabbinic Judaism.

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[quote name='sacredheartandbloodofjesus' date='25 December 2009 - 04:16 PM' timestamp='1261775770' post='2026000']
Then what is your religion? Are you a gnostic?


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[quote name='sacredheartandbloodofjesus' date='25 December 2009 - 01:28 PM' timestamp='1261769317' post='2025967']
yes that would be the name I was afraid of typing due to my memory.
Interesting man. He was a hermit for something like nine years.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' date='25 December 2009 - 06:05 PM' timestamp='1261782347' post='2026035']
Interesting man. He was a hermit for something like nine years.

How does the Church veiw these orthodox popes? Like Bishops in schism?

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Antigonos' date='25 December 2009 - 10:54 PM' timestamp='1261742080' post='2025873']
Completely off topic, but: why do so many posters use photos of William Shatner [from Star Trek] on a Catholic forum? He's Jewish, you know. [And I rather think Captain Kirk was likely to have been an agnostic]

A strange comment from someone who uses a Rabbit or is it a Cavy for an avatar! Besides my avatar is not Cpt Kirk it is Mr Spock, Gym! Mr Spock is very spiritual from a mystical race of people. In my avatar he is depicted as entrusting his soul with another. I also entrust my soul to another, his name is Jesus. If I'm wrong I will have lost nothing! However I have experienced sufficient evidence to know without any doubt that the Jesus story is truth. The only thing I cannot do is convince others. They would just dismiss me as another nutter.

[quote name='Resurrexi' date='26 December 2009 - 08:22 AM' timestamp='1261776128' post='2026004']
From what I've seen of her posts, she is a follower of Rabbinic Judaism.

If that is true then s/he cannot say that our practice of communion is a lot of ma rigmarole. As I have been reading in a 'A Portrait of Jesus' by Joseph Girzone there were 613 commandment that the Jews had to obey plus 365 prohibitions and St. Paul described them as "An unbearable burden."


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[quote name='sacredheartandbloodofjesus' date='25 December 2009 - 06:00 PM' timestamp='1261785637' post='2026046']
How does the Church veiw these orthodox popes? Like Bishops in schism?
Schismatic and heretic, but still validly ordained. I guess valid yet illicit. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, or if I'm leaving out important bits. In the case of Shenouda III and the Coptic Orthodox Church, they're somewhat different than the rest of the Orthodox because they entered into schism earlier after the council of Chalcedon. I think someone said that the particular heresy is the monophysite heresy........? :) I don't understand the finer details.

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[quote name='Resurrexi' date='26 December 2009 - 12:22 AM' timestamp='1261776128' post='2026004']
From what I've seen of her posts, she is a follower of Rabbinic Judaism.

Got it in one, but I'd leave out the "rabbinic". I'm Jewish, full stop. And live in Jerusalem, if that matters.

My signature quote should have given me away immediately. It is from the section of the Mishnah known as The Ethics of the Fathers [Pirke Avot], attributed to Antigonos of Socho, one of the Sages, roughly contemporary with the life of Jesus.

BTW, can see Bethlehem's lights from my house. In spite of the Christian population having mostly left or been forced out, in recent years [Bethlehem is now a Moslem town, as the Pope discovered on his visit, when the muezzin interrupted his speech, a deliberate act of rudeness], this year's festivities were very pleasant, I'm told. Of course, there's a couple of re-runs in the next few weeks, as the Orthodox and Armenian communities celebrate Christmas on different dates.

I have been in the Church of the Nativity, but the whole manger area is so built over that I found it impossible to have any sense of the original place at all. Same thing in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which has the added problem of the antagonism of the five churches/religious orders which administer the site: they all hate each other, and try to convince tourists that the other four are all heretics, which makes for an unpleasant visit. Numerous Christian tourists have told me that it was only in the Galilee that they could feel close to the historical Jesus. Archeologists, btw, have just discovered the ruins of a house in Nazareth which goes back to the first century AD. Looks to be very interesting.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' date='26 December 2009 - 12:15 AM' timestamp='1261804545' post='2026138']
Schismatic and heretic, but still validly ordained. I guess valid yet illicit. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, or if I'm leaving out important bits. In the case of Shenouda III and the Coptic Orthodox Church, they're somewhat different than the rest of the Orthodox because they entered into schism earlier after the council of Chalcedon. I think someone said that the particular heresy is the monophysite heresy........? :) I don't understand the finer details.

You got it.

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My uncle lives in Egypt and he said he saw her on top of a church radiating. He said he saw her on top of something that looked like a cloud and the "cloud" was right above them going as fast as a helicopter and she finally ended up on top of a Church. He also said there were white doves the size of ducks flying with her.

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[quote name='Elijah' date='29 December 2009 - 12:06 AM' timestamp='1262063187' post='2027138']
My uncle lives in Egypt and he said he saw her on top of a church radiating. He said he saw her on top of something that looked like a cloud and the "cloud" was right above them going as fast as a helicopter and she finally ended up on top of a Church. He also said there were white doves the size of ducks flying with her.


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this isnt even a private revelation at all. Usually Mary appears to an appointed person, or small group of people and there is a message of substance such as fasting and prayer, or some particular work she would like to have done in a particular area of the world, or perhaps some clarification of Divine Revelation such as the message of La Salette.

These are mere light shows caused by nature or perhaps by fallen angels. People love this sort of thing because they can just look on and not have to change their lives.

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