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When Did God Lose The Ability To Confer Infallibility?


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I'm not certain of the exact date, but apparently, according to some schools of thought, God cannot confer infallibility, anymore. Many Christian groups out there claim the Bible is the infallible Word of God. None that I know of believe God Himself wrote the Bible.

Another problem is the "edition" issue. Which infallible publisher is currently publishing the infallible Bible?

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Winchester' date='17 December 2009 - 05:33 AM' timestamp='1260988382' post='2021839']
I'm not certain of the exact date, but apparently, according to some schools of thought, God cannot confer infallibility, anymore. Many Christian groups out there claim the Bible is the infallible Word of God. None that I know of believe God Himself wrote the Bible.

Another problem is the "edition" issue. Which infallible publisher is currently publishing the infallible Bible?
The Bible is mostly a collection of hard to understand ramblings of people. It has been translated to English and as everyone knows translations are far from accurate, so is the individuals interpretation. But through it is a general gist of the wisdom of the teachings of Jesus. It's real infallibility occurs when we read it with contrite hearts for the purpose of finding an answer to something we will be guided by the Spirit. A reading can speak to a person in one way and to another in an entirely different way, but both will receive the word of God. We can also read the Bible in a negative way interpreting readings for the purpose of judging others. It then is not the infallible word of God. :unsure:

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' date='16 December 2009 - 03:20 PM' timestamp='1260994828' post='2021915']
The Bible is mostly a collection of hard to understand ramblings of people. It has been translated to English and as everyone knows translations are far from accurate, so is the individuals interpretation. But through it is a general gist of the wisdom of the teachings of Jesus. It's real infallibility occurs when we read it with contrite hearts for the purpose of finding an answer to something we will be guided by the Spirit.[/quote]

What happens when you have 20,000 people going into 20,000 different directions all claiming to be led by the Spirit? How many Christian churches claim to NOT be lead by the Spirit?

[quote]A reading can speak to a person in one way and to another in an entirely different way, but both will receive the word of God. We can also read the Bible in a negative way interpreting readings for the purpose of judging others. It then is not the infallible word of God. :unsure:

That an infallible teaching?

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in theory, cause i dont say it's necessarily infallible.

the same way the old testament was infallible- the church just put it together under the acts of God. why did we need an infallible heiracrcy continuing on and on, for the old testament, but not for then new?

or, without or without that last idea- the church just put it together under the acts of God, period. it just happened to be the roman bishop who finalized it, as he was the leader at the time.
kinda of like that quote that is often taken out of context- 'rome has spoken, the case is closed' really was effectively something like 'we got some final word from those church, those churches, and rome. the issue is at an end, let the whole matter be at an end'

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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"the same way the old testament was infallible- the church just put it together under the acts of God. why did we need an infallible heiracrcy continuing on and on, for the old testament, but not for then new?"

switch 'new' and 'old', here.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Winchester' date='17 December 2009 - 07:35 AM' timestamp='1260995708' post='2021919']
So you're of the Schrodinger school of Biblical interpretation.
I guess you could say that! Thanks to everyone for the minuses. Positive points appeal to my vanity and ego. Negative ones make me humble. The latter is better and more Christ like.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='eagle_eye222001' date='17 December 2009 - 10:02 AM' timestamp='1261004555' post='2021990']
What happens when you have 20,000 people going into 20,000 different directions all claiming to be led by the Spirit?

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' date='16 December 2009 - 10:21 PM' timestamp='1261020064' post='2022114']
I guess you could say that! Thanks to everyone for the minuses. Positive points appeal to my vanity and ego. Negative ones make me humble. The latter is better and more Christ like.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I don't think Jesus would refer to the bible as " a bunch of ramblings".

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Winchester' date='17 December 2009 - 05:33 AM' timestamp='1260988382' post='2021839']
I'mnot certain of the exact date, but apparently, according to someschools of thought, God cannot confer infallibility, anymore. ManyChristian groups out there claim the Bible is the infallible Word ofGod. [u]None that I know of believe God Himself wrote the Bible.[/u]

Another problem is the [u]"edition" issue. Which infallible publisher is currently publishing the infallible Bible?[/u]

[quote name='Winchester' date='17 December 2009 - 04:24 PM' timestamp='1261027463' post='2022190']
Isn't there a "Book of Ramblings"?

Didn't you write something similar to what I wrote? If you are about to be mugged by a crazed drug user [i]like me[/i] will you turn the other cheek? Scriptures are not very clear in many cases, that's why scholars spend years studying them. The Power of the Bible is the way it speaks to us. Someone asked the question "What should a Special Minister of the Eucharist do if someone presents and is obviously making foolishness of the rite?" Another person opened the Bible and it opened mysteriously at Matthew 7.6 ( [sup]6[/sup]"Do not give dogs whatis sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they maytrample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.) Here was just one classical example of the power of the Bible to speak Gods word even though it has undergone translation and may not be the same as what it's writers originally wrote.

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' date='16 December 2009 - 03:20 PM' timestamp='1260994828' post='2021915']
The Bible is mostly a collection of hard to understand ramblings of people. It has been translated to English and as everyone knows translations are far from accurate, so is the individuals interpretation. But through it is a general gist of the wisdom of the teachings of Jesus. It's real infallibility occurs when we read it with contrite hearts for the purpose of finding an answer to something we will be guided by the Spirit. A reading can speak to a person in one way and to another in an entirely different way, but both will receive the word of God. We can also read the Bible in a negative way interpreting readings for the purpose of judging others. It then is not the infallible word of God. :unsure:
I think what you're trying to say is "The bible is only infallible when one's personal 'reading' of it is politically-correct."

Of course, one of the purposes of the Bible is to help us correctly judge what actions are right and wrong.
Contrary to popular liberal opinion, God is not a moral relativist.

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' date='17 December 2009 - 02:13 AM' timestamp='1261034017' post='2022214']
Didn't you write something similar to what I wrote? If you are about to be mugged by a crazed drug user [i]like me[/i] will you turn the other cheek? Scriptures are not very clear in many cases, that's why scholars spend years studying them. The Power of the Bible is the way it speaks to us. Someone asked the question "What should a Special Minister of the Eucharist do if someone presents and is obviously making foolishness of the rite?" Another person opened the Bible and it opened mysteriously at Matthew 7.6 ( [sup]6[/sup]"Do not give dogs whatis sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they maytrample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.) Here was just one classical example of the power of the Bible to speak Gods word even though it has undergone translation and may not be the same as what it's writers originally wrote.
That's why we have the teaching authority of the Church to guide us on difficult matters.
People's personal interpretations are subjective and often contradict one another's.
And it's the Church that originally gave us the Bible.
That's an inconvenient truth for protestantism.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Socrates' date='18 December 2009 - 12:28 PM' timestamp='1261099722' post='2022520']
That's why we have the teaching authority of the Church to guide us on difficult matters.
People's personal interpretations are subjective and often contradict one another's.
And it's the Church that originally gave us the Bible.
That's an inconvenient truth for protestantism.

Yes I know those things and I do obey Church rules. I just like to stir you people up! :P Seriously I like to propose my idea's and have people respond and see what they think. This is a discussion forum is it not? The terms 'heresy' or 'it's an infallible teaching' or 'wise Fathers have said...' etc are not really appropriate here. I can learn infallible teachings from my priest friends. I decided to give you a pus 1 because essentially your post is correct.

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[quote name='Winchester' date='16 December 2009 - 01:35 PM' timestamp='1260995708' post='2021919']
So you're of the Schrodinger school of Biblical interpretation.

Wouldn't that mean the at LOL Cats translation is the correct one?

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