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The Church Dogmatically Teaches The Muslims Worship The One True God


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[quote name='Winchester' date='15 December 2009 - 09:06 PM' timestamp='1260929160' post='2021581']
More like somebody else has a lot to say. And he might be entering text tags manually.

And proofreading to make sure he has all his insults in place.

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But they're not worth proof-reading. I think there's actually Humorless Protestant boilerplate out there. Anyway, he's dropped off the radar. I think he must do stuff offline, or something. I visualize him as the sort who doesn't agonize over whether something's brilliant.

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So how's it work? Do you jump offline to look stuff up, or pull your stuff into another program? I don't think of you as a big typo guy, in general. Of course, a lot of that has to do with where you cut and paste from, but the stuff you write doesn't strike me as the usual addled semi-literate kid stuff.

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[quote name='Winchester' date='15 December 2009 - 08:38 PM' timestamp='1260927480' post='2021556']
Actually, I discussed this issue with someone around a week ago. Not news to me. I see it as flawed worship of a perfect God, which is something I'm completely free to do as it's not forbidden by the Church. As I believe you worship Christ, in spite of your heresy. You seem to have trouble telling time. It's been longer than five minutes.

I believe one can have a flawed understanding of God and yet worship Him. The religion itself is, of course, corrupt.

An you'll need to defeat Apo's explanations. I think your problem is that your're not really familiar with the faith.


Winchester, I am sick and tired of being told I am not "familiar" with Roman Catholicism, and your condescending cookoo comment saying [i]just that[/i] is the reason I will not respond to any of your posts within a thread from this point on. If however, you want to debate one of the "heresies" you allege I adhere to, and invite me to debate you [i]alone,[/i] I will accept that challenge. But let's face it. You'll never do that, because you not only know you can't support your accusations, but you also know you will lose.

Again, it is outright nauseating to always hear Catholics thinking they can perfectly understand the Protestant point of view----but under no circumstances can a Protestant EVER understand the Catholic point of view. When asked to name ONE Protestant on earth who duzzzz understand the R.C.C. and still rejects it, they can't answer. And it's because you know that I will look up that person's writings and will agree with what they say and--whala! your accusation that I don't understand Catholicism, vanishes. And BTW, on p. 6 of the CCC, just before the Pope's signature of the paperback edition, he says that this volume was made for those who wish to [u]understand[/u] what the R.C.C. teaches. To opine that the Pope thought no Protestant ever could, is beyond ridiculous.

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[quote name='Stormstopper' date='15 December 2009 - 09:14 PM' timestamp='1260929642' post='2021585']
-but under no circumstances can a Protestant EVER understand the Catholic point of view.

If they did, they'd be Catholics.

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[quote name='Stormstopper' date='15 December 2009 - 09:14 PM' timestamp='1260929642' post='2021585']
Winchester, I am sick and tired of being told I am not "familiar" with Roman Catholicism, and your condescending cookoo comment saying [i]just that[/i] is the reason I will not respond to any of your posts within a thread from this point on. [/quote]
You have a problem with context. The Faith was being used in general. Your approach is that of one unfamiliar with it. You use tons of cut and paste as opposed to forming arguments in your own words. Now I have to reference things. Apo generally seems to carry it around in his brain. You seem to carry it in Google. Also, you seem to be able to dish out abuse, but you can't take it. And you can't seem to laugh at yourself.
If however, you want to debate one of the "heresies" you allege I adhere to, and invite me to debate you [i]alone,[/i] I will accept that challenge. But let's face it. You'll never do that, because you not only know you can't support your accusations, but you also know you will lose. [/quote]
You don't debate. You cut and paste humongous work from other people. I don't have time to read someone else's dissertation or your proof-texting. You don't make arguments.
Again, it is outright nauseating to always hear Catholics thinking they can perfectly understand the Protestant point of view----but under no circumstances can a Protestant EVER understand the Catholic point of view. When asked to name ONE Protestant on earth who duzzzz understand the R.C.C. [/quote]
Catholic Church, StPr--we're not talking about the Rite, which is Roman. This shows a lack of knowledge.
and still rejects it, they can't answer. And it's because you know that I will look up that person's writings and will agree with what they say and--whala! your accusation that I don't understand Catholicism, vanishes. And BTW, on p. 6 of the CCC, just before the Pope's signature of the paperback edition, he says that this volume was made for those who wish to [u]understand[/u] what the R.C.C. teaches. To opine that the Pope thought no Protestant ever could, is beyond ridiculous.
But your interpretation of this (and other) interpretations is wrong. Your response is empty invective. Apo provided an argument and you basically farted in response. You didn't refute his argument, you just made a baseless accusation. You don't seem familiar with Catholicism past a very thin veneer and much of what you post is biased to your point of view. You've decided already what our response will be, but no, I know no protestant who has ever explained correctly the dogmas of the Church and then rejected them. Of course, I've had few discussions that lasted that long with protestants about that subject. You've yet to properly explain without invective, a dogma of the
Catholic Church (that I've seen). You simply murdered this subject and now you're whining. Get a thicker skin.

And here's the whole quote:[quote]Edit: I think your problem is you're not really familiar with the Faith. You have to go grab stuff to cut and paste. You might want to read more hard copy stuff instead of bits and pieces on the web. I've fallen into that trap, before.
If you're honest, you'll admit we're quite familiar with what's been said regarding the Muslims and their religion--you've not illuminated anything. It's been quite the topic in your absence.[/quote]
Why are you so dihonest?

Edited by Winchester
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[quote name='Winchester' date='15 December 2009 - 09:30 PM' timestamp='1260930616' post='2021590']
I can't believe I stayed online to read someone's hissy fit.

How dare you accuse me of being nothing but cut and paste but provide no proof! How dare you! Cutting and pasting direct quotes from your own church is not allowed.???? Get a life! After writing this, I will promptly report you to the moderator, for whatever it's worth. This is the typical, baseless Catholic response---when they have nothing relevent to say, go for your opponent's character. This was exactly what they tried to do with Jesus, trying to find false accusations. It is inexcusable and I won't tolerate your worthless comments a moment longer.
CUT and PASTE? You betcha buddy boy. I'm cutting AND pasting your baseless and unsubstantiated accusations of cutting and pasting, as well as "dishonesty", to the moderator this minute.

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[quote name='Stormstopper' date='15 December 2009 - 09:49 PM' timestamp='1260931753' post='2021596']
How dare you accuse me of being nothing but cut and paste but provide no proof! How dare you! Cutting and pasting direct quotes from your own church is not allowed.???? Get a life! After writing this, I will promptly report you to the moderator, for whatever it's worth. This is the typical, baseless Catholic response---when they have nothing relevent to say, go for your opponent's character. This was exactly what they tried to do with Jesus, trying to find false accusations. It is inexcusable and I won't tolerate your worthless comments a moment longer.
CUT and PASTE? You betcha buddy boy. I'm cutting AND pasting your baseless and unsubstantiated accusations of cutting and pasting, as well as "dishonesty", to the moderator this minute.


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[quote name='Stormstopper' date='15 December 2009 - 09:49 PM' timestamp='1260931753' post='2021596']
How dare you accuse me of being nothing but cut and paste but provide no proof! How dare you! Cutting and pasting direct quotes from your own church is not allowed.???? Get a life! After writing this, I will promptly report you to the moderator, for whatever it's worth. This is the typical, baseless Catholic response---when they have nothing relevent to say, go for your opponent's character. This was exactly what they tried to do with Jesus, trying to find false accusations. It is inexcusable and I won't tolerate your worthless comments a moment longer.
CUT and PASTE? You betcha buddy boy. I'm cutting AND pasting your baseless and unsubstantiated accusations of cutting and pasting, as well as "dishonesty", to the moderator this minute.
I already reported you for changing the format of my quote.

Like I said, you can dish, but you can't take. Also, you don't provide quotes, you provide snippets. Then you provide color commentary.

Edit: I was thinking to myself in the shower that there was a very good chance my quote, even in its entirety, would be misunderstood. It's really not definitively clear, when one looks at it honestly. Or when one looks at it through the eyes of someone on the receiving end of my taunting. I should have been clearer. Oh well.

Editedit: You used the word proof. I said you don't formulate arguments. TLDR syndrome. Look at Apo, he's succinct.

Edited by Winchester
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[quote name='Stormstopper' date='15 December 2009 - 09:49 PM' timestamp='1260931753' post='2021596']
How dare you accuse me of being nothing but cut and paste but provide no proof! How dare you! Cutting and pasting direct quotes from your own church is not allowed.???? Get a life! After writing this, I will promptly report you to the moderator, for whatever it's worth. This is the typical, baseless Catholic response---when they have nothing relevent to say, go for your opponent's character. This was exactly what they tried to do with Jesus, trying to find false accusations. It is inexcusable...[/quote] :weep:
[quote]I won't tolerate your worthless comments a moment longer.
Don't let it hit ya. :bye:

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How is accusing someone of cutting and pasting a personal attack? I don't use smilies, but I didn't feel attacked when someone noticed and pointed it out.

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