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What Is The Cause Of The Rapid Decline Of Christianity In Europe?

Guest Daniel Nicholas

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[quote name='Varg' date='15 December 2009 - 05:15 PM' timestamp='1260915343' post='2021283']
I saw him.

Well, that MUST settle it.

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[quote name='Varg' date='15 December 2009 - 05:18 PM' timestamp='1260915538' post='2021292']
Yeah. Better than you've done, no?


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[quote name='Winchester' date='15 December 2009 - 05:20 PM' timestamp='1260915626' post='2021297']
I saw Odin. He was at your mom's house.
Explains how I feel such a "father-son" connection with him, I guess.

Edited by Varg
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[quote name='Varg' date='15 December 2009 - 05:21 PM' timestamp='1260915691' post='2021300']
Explains how I feel such a "father-son" connection with him, I guess.
Well played.

I have to stop lest I overstep.

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[quote name='Varg' date='15 December 2009 - 05:55 PM' timestamp='1260914122' post='2021251']
I still see lightning and hear thunder, Thor still rides. But where is your God?

Lightening Thunder.......That's just weather. I thought we were past putting gods in charge of elements? I mean, we have science now to explain that sorta thing. :)

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[quote name='Varg' date='15 December 2009 - 04:34 PM' timestamp='1260912881' post='2021208']
Odinism is a [i]polytheistic religion[/i], [mod]personal attack -- IP [/mod]. I know that might make too much sense for a Christian to understand, but still...
:hehe: I'm so glad we have an enlightened 13 year old around to disavow us of our antiquated notions.

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[quote name='Daniel Nicholas' date='15 December 2009 - 12:54 PM' timestamp='1260899681' post='2021052']
So, What is the Catholic explanation? And, do you find it ironic that the countries who spread Christianity in the first place are the first ones to give it up?

The efforts of Organized Naturalism are the cause of our situation.

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So...are you doing the whole, "Everyone's an atheist because if you deny one supreme being there is no reason why your claim to one is any better""

Edited by Servus_Mariae
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[quote name='Daniel Nicholas' date='15 December 2009 - 12:54 PM' timestamp='1260899681' post='2021052']
According to the most recent relevant [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurostat"]Eurostat[/url] [i]Eurobarometer[/i] poll, (conducted by the European Union based in Luxembourg) in 2005, 48% of European Union citizens responded that "they don't believe there is a God".


Belief in God:

Germany - 47%
United Kingdom - 38%
France - 34%
The Netherlands - 32%
Denmark - 31%
Norway - 31%
Sweden - 23%

Here is a graph using statistical results from the British Social Attitudes Survey from the United Kingdom showing trends in religion. Which shows a sharp decline in those who identify as Christians.


So, What is the Catholic explanation? And, do you find it ironic that the countries who spread Christianity in the first place are the first ones to give it up?

Everyone has decided that there is nothing immoral with any consensual sexual activity, so any belief structure that declares any act of consensual sex as immoral is regarded as false.

Germany can really not surprise anyone I mean Nitschke, Marx, Hitler. this is basically where Atheism comes from. though I think the large portion of Atheism is due to the fact that religion was illegal in half the country for over 40 years. Note that of all the nations bar France were hisorically protestant. Meaning in the historically Catholic nations about 80% of people still believe in God. Does this high number annoy you, what about the fact that at its most prominent Atheism is still a minority belief.

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Daniel Nicholas,

Do you actually have any substantial arguments against theism? You've posted a lot of stuff about religion but never actually argued against its teachings or basis, just the actions of its members. Pretty poor reason to be an atheist imo.

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[quote name='OraProMe' date='15 December 2009 - 10:52 PM' timestamp='1260935531' post='2021632']
Daniel Nicholas,

Do you actually have any substantial arguments against theism? You've posted a lot of stuff about religion but never actually argued against its teachings or basis, just the actions of its members. Pretty poor reason to be an atheist imo.
WARNING: The ensuing exchange(s) is/are going to be hilarious.

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[quote name='OraProMe' date='15 December 2009 - 10:52 PM' timestamp='1260935531' post='2021632']
Daniel Nicholas,

Do you actually have any substantial arguments against theism? You've posted a lot of stuff about religion but never actually argued against its teachings or basis, just the actions of its members. Pretty poor reason to be an atheist imo.

I think the purpose of this thread was to only highlight the decline of Christianity in Europe which actually hasn't happened as there is nothing to compare it too. All we have here are a snapshot of some percentages at one point in time. The assumption made is that Christianity used to have much higher rates in Europe but I wonder where the evidence for that is.

Again we have percentages, not actual numbers so you can't run far with it. Even if we did see actual numbers, the believers still outnumber the nonbelievers by a large number.

Arguing against theism is another subject and should be dealt with in its own thread.

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