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What Is The Cause Of The Rapid Decline Of Christianity In Europe?

Guest Daniel Nicholas

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Guest Daniel Nicholas

According to the most recent relevant [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurostat"]Eurostat[/url] [i]Eurobarometer[/i] poll, (conducted by the European Union based in Luxembourg) in 2005, 48% of European Union citizens responded that "they don't believe there is a God".


Belief in God:

Germany - 47%
United Kingdom - 38%
France - 34%
The Netherlands - 32%
Denmark - 31%
Norway - 31%
Sweden - 23%

Here is a graph using statistical results from the British Social Attitudes Survey from the United Kingdom showing trends in religion. Which shows a sharp decline in those who identify as Christians.


So, What is the Catholic explanation? And, do you find it ironic that the countries who spread Christianity in the first place are the first ones to give it up?

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You're assuming that higher numbers indicated faithful Christians.

I think there's more than one reason, but the decline began with the protestant revolution.

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[quote name='Winchester' date='15 December 2009 - 01:57 PM' timestamp='1260899849' post='2021054']
You're assuming that higher numbers indicated faithful Christians.

I think there's more than one reason, but the decline began with the protestant revolution.

never mind [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/lol_roll.gif[/img]


Edited by JimR-OCDS
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I use to worry about those numbers, but then I realized that they really did not matter. Faithfulness is not a question of counting beans. The fate of the Church is in God's hands no matter what we do; so I just take care of my own little pasture given to me from above.

A better question would be why do people insist on defaming catholicism in whatever they say and do?

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[quote name='Winchester' date='15 December 2009 - 02:19 PM' timestamp='1260901146' post='2021069']
It's history. This particular decline began with the Protestant revolution.

By revolution, you mean the Reformation?


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No. They didn't reform anything. They put themselves in the place of the corruption they claimed to be fighting. They revolted.

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='15 December 2009 - 01:13 PM' timestamp='1260900807' post='2021064']
how is he still here?

We need SOMEONE to start controversies. The Muslims all left.

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Percentages only tell half the story. Having 100% of a country be atheist is useless if the population is 5 or so. So while you see some decent percentages, you have to be careful with what belief you put in it. What would be more interesting is if they showed actual numbers of non-believers to believers and then compared it to something many years ago.

I do not deny that atheism is on the rise, however to say Europe has given up religion is pretending the ballgame is won in the fourth inning when your still trailing by two runs.

I partly blame the secularism of Europe on materialism.

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[quote name='eagle_eye222001' date='15 December 2009 - 01:24 PM' timestamp='1260901456' post='2021074']
I do not deny that atheism is on the rise, however
I do. Most people aren't atheists--they're simply hedonists at war with God. It's really antitheism.

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[quote name='Varg' date='15 December 2009 - 01:25 PM' timestamp='1260901546' post='2021075']
Common sense.

Oh never mind, we have Varg.

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