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Scriptures That Prove The Trinity


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[quote name='Damiano' date='09 February 2010 - 02:34 AM' timestamp='1265700874' post='2054021']
(61)RC says: Scripture and Tradition together are the Church's supreme rule of faith (80, 82).
BC says: Scripture is the Church's rule of faith [Mark 7:7-13;2 Timothy 3:16-17].

You do realize that the Scriptures were oral tradition before they were written down some decades after Christ's resurrection?

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[quote name='Damiano' date='09 February 2010 - 01:21 PM' timestamp='1265750504' post='2054300']
***What points?


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[quote name='Damiano' date='09 February 2010 - 12:34 AM' timestamp='1265700874' post='2054021']
*["Examples please."]

***Before I cite my examples, I will post the 1992 Catechism of the Catholic Church website (on line) so that you can read the citations yourself. Too, the abreviations RC=Catholic Church and BC=Biblical Christianity. The bracketed numbers are references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church---and all scripture references are from the King James Bible.

The Catholic website: [url="http://www.christusrex.org/www1/CDHN/ccc.html"]www.christusrex.org/www1/CDHN/ccc.html[/url]

(1)RC says: Justification is a transformation of the soul in which original sin is removed and sanctifying grace infused (1987-1995).
BC says: Justification is an act of God in which He declares a sinner to be righteous in His sight, having forgiven his sins and imputed to him God's own righteousness [Romans 3:21-31;4:1-8].

(2)RC says: Initial justification is by means of baptism (1262-1274).
BC says: Justification is by faith alone [Romans 3:28].

(3)RC says: Adults must prepare for justification through faith and good works (1247-1249).
BC says: God justifies ungodly sinners who believe [Romans 4:5]...Good works are the result of salvation, not the cause [Ephesians 2:8-10].

(4)RC says: The justified are in themselves beautiful and holy in God's sight (1992, 1999-2000, 2024).
BC says: The justified are in Christ holy and blameless before God [Ephesians 1:1-14].

(5)RC says: Justification is furthered by sacraments and good works (1212, 1392, 2010).
BC says: Justification is the imputation of the perfect righteousness of God [2 Corinthians 5:21]...In Christ the believer has been made complete [Colossians 2:10].

(6)RC says: Justification is lost through mortal sin (1033, 1855, 1874).
BC says: Justification cannot be lost. Those whom God justifies, He also glorifies [Romans 8:30].

(7)RC says: Catholics guilty of mortal sin are justified again through the sacrament of penance (980, 1446).
BC says: There is no second justification. Those whom God justifies, He also glorifies [Romans 5:8-9].

(8)RC says: Salvation from the eternal consequences of sin is a lifelong process (161-162, 1254-1255)
BC says: Salvation from the eternal consequences of sin is an instantaneous and secure act of God coinciding with justification [Romans 5:9].

(9)RC says: Salvation is attained by cooperating with grace through faith, good works, and participation in the sacraments (183, 1129, 1815, 2002).
BC says: Dalvation is attained by grace through faith apart from works [Ephesians 2:8-9]...Good works are the result, not the cause, of salvation [Ephesians 2:10].

(10)RC says: Faith is belief in God and the firm acceptance of all that the Church proposes for belief (181-182, 1814).
BC says: Saving faith is the entrusting of oneself to Christ as Lord and Savior [Romans 10:8-17].

(11)RC says: Sanctifying grace is a quality of the soul, a supernatural disposition that perfects the soul (1999-2000).
BC says: Grace is the undeserved favor of God [Ephesians 1:7-8].

(12)RC says: The sacraments are necessary channels for the continual infusion of grace. They bestow grace in virtue of the rite performed (1127-1129).
BC says: The child of God is the constant object of the Father's grace [Romans 5:1-2].

(13)RC says: Grace is merited by good works (2010, 2027).
BC says: Grace is a FREE gift [Romans 11:6].

(14) RC says:Venial sins do not incur eternal punishment (1855, 1863).
BC says: EVERY SIN is punishable by eternal death [Romans 6:23].

(15)RC says: Serious sins must be confessed to a priest (1456-1457).
BC says: Sin is to be confessed directly to God [Ezra 10:11].

(16)RC says: The priest forgives sins as a judge (1442, 1461).
BC says: No one can forgive sin but God alone [Mark 2:7].

(17)RC says: When the guilt of sin is forgiven, temporal punishment remains (1472-1473).
BC says: When God forgives sin, He completely forgives [Colossians 2:13;Isaiah 43:25].

(18)RC says: Acts of penance make satisfaction for the temporal punishment of sin (1434, 1459-1460).
BC says: Jesus Christ made perfect satisfaction for all sins [1 John 2:1-2].

(19)RC says: Indulgences dispensed by the Church for acts of piety release sinners from temporal punishment (1471-1473).
BC says: Jesus releases believers from their sins by His BLOOD [Revelation 1:5].

(20)RC says: Purgatory is necessary to atone for sin and cleanse the soul (1030-1031).
BC says: Purgatory does not exist. Jesus made purification for sins on the cross [Hebrews 1:3].

(21)RC says: Poor souls suffering in purgatory can be helped by those alive on earth offering up prayers, good works, and the sacrifice of the Mass (1032, 1371, 1479).
BC says: Those who sleep in Christ need no help. To be absent from the body is to be at home with the Lord [2 Corinthians 5:8].

(22)RC says: No one can know that he will attain eternal life (1036, 2005).
BC says: Yhe believer can know that he has eternal life by the Word of God [1 John 5:13].

(23)RC says: Eternal life is a merited reward (1821, 2010).
BC says: Eternal life is the free gift of God [Romans 6:23].

(24)RC says: The Roman Catholic Church is necessary for salvation (846).
BC says: There is salvation in no one but the Lord Jesus Christ, "for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved" [Acts 4:12].

(25)RC says: The Last Supper was a real sacrifice in which Christ's blood was poured out for our sins in the cup (610-611, 621, 1339).
BC says: The Last Supper was a Passover meal. Christ's blood was poured out for our sins at the Cross [1 Peter 2:24].

(26)RC says: The bread and wine become the real body and blood of Christ (1373-1377).
BC says: The bread and wine are symbols of the body and blood of Christ [1 Corinthians 11:23-25].

(27)RC says: Christ's body and blood exist wholly and entirely in every fragment of consecrated bread and wine in every Roman Catholic church around the world (1374, 1377).
BC says: Christ is bodily present in heaven [Hebrews 10:12-13].

(28)RC says: The consecrated bread and wine are heavenly food which help one to attain eternal life (1392, 1405, 1419).
BC says: The bread and wine are symbols which help one remember Christ [Luke 22:19].

(29)RC says: God desires that consecrated bread and wine be worshipped as divine (1378-1381).
BC says: God forbids the worship of any object, even those intended to represent Him [Exodus 20:4-5;Isaiah 42:8].

(30)RC says: Christ has ordained certain men to a ministerial priesthood to perpetuate the sacrifice of the cross (1142, 1547, 1577).
BC says: Christ has ordained every believer to a holy and royal priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices, the praise of their lips, and lives yielded to God [1 Peter 2:5-10;Hebrews 13:15;Romans 12:1].

(31)RC says: The Sacrifice of the Mass is the sacrifice of the cross (1085, 1365-1367)...Only the manner in which it is offered is different (1367).
BC says: The sacrifice of the cross is a historical event. It occurred once, approximately 2000 years ago, outside Jerusalem [Mark 15:21-41].

(32)RC says: The sacrifice of the cross is perpetuated in the Sacrifice of the Mass (1323, 1382).
BC says: The sacrifice of the cross is FINISHED [John 19:30].

(33)RC says: The Mass makes Christ present in His death and victimhood (1353, 1362, 1364, 1367, 1409).
BC says: Christ cannot be made present in His death and victimhood, for He has risen and is alive forevermore [Revelation 1:17-18;Romans 6:9-10].

(34) RC says: At each Mass, the priest re-presents to the Father the sacrifice of Christ (1354, 1357).
BC says: Christ presented the sacrifice of Himself to the Father "once at the consummation of the ages" [Hebrews 9:24-28].

(35) RC says: The Mass is an unbloody sacrifice which atones for the sins of the living and the dead (1367, 1371, 1414).
BC says: Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins [Leviticus 17:11;Hebrews 9:22].

(36)RC says: Each sacrifice of the Mass appeases God's wrath against sin (1371, 1414).
BC says: The once-for-all sacrifice of the cross fully appeased God's wrath against sin [Hebrews 10:12-18].

(37)RC says: The faithful receive the benefits of the cross in fullest measure through the sacrifice of the Mass (1366, 1407).
BC says: Believers receive the benefits of the cross in fullest measure in Christ through Faith [Ephesians 1:3-14].

(38)RC says: The sacrificial work of redemption is continually carried out through the sacrifice of the Mass (1364, 1405, 1846).
BC says: The sacrificial work of redemption was finished when Christ gave His life for us on the cross [Ephesians 1:7;Hebrews 1:3].

(39)RC says: The Church is to continue the sacrifice of Christ for the salvation of the world (1323, 1382, 1405, 1407).
BC says: The Church is to proclaim the Lord's death for the salvation of the world [1 Corinthians 11:26].

(40)RC says: Mary was preserved from all stain of original sin from the instant of her conception (the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception--490-492).
BC says: Mary, a descendant of Adam, was born in sin [Psalm 51:5;Romans 5:12].

(41)RC says: Mary, "the All-Holy," lived a perfectly sinless life (411, 493).
BC says: Mary was a sinner; God alone is holy [Luke 18:19;Romans 3:23;Revelation 15:4].

(42)RC says: Mary was a virgin before, during, and after the birth of Christ (486-511).
BC says: Mary was a virgin until the birth of Christ [Matthew 1:25;13:55-56;Psalm 69:8].

(43)RC says: Mary is the Mother of God (963, 971, 2677).
BC says: Mary was the earthly mother of Jesus [John 2:1].

(44)RC says: Mary is the Mother of the Church (963, 975).
BC says: Mary is a member of the church [Acts 1:14;1 Corinthians 12:13, 27].

(45)RC says: Mary is the co-redeemer, for she participated with Christ in the painful act of redemption (618, 964, 968, 970).
BC says: Christ alone is the Redeemer, for He alone suffered and died for sin [1 Peter 1:18-19].

(46)RC says: At the end of her life, Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven (966, 974).
BC says: Upon her death, Mary's body returned to dust [Genesis 3:19].

(47)RC says: Mary is the co-mediator to whom we can entrust all our cares and petitions (968-970).
BC says: Christ Jesus is the one mediator to whom we can entrust all our cares and petitions [1 Timothy 2:5;John 14:13-14;1 Peter 5:7].

(48)RC says: We should entrust ourselves to Mary, surrendering "'the hour of our death'" wholly to her care" (2677).
BC says: We should entrust ourselves to the Lord jesus, surrendering the hour of our death wholly to His care [Romans 10:13;Acts 4:12].

(49)RC says: God has exalted Mary in heavenly glory as Queen of Heaven and Earth (966)...She is to be praised with special devotion (971, 2675).
BC says: The name of the Lord is to be praised, for He alone is exalted above heaven and earth [Psalm 148:13]...God commands, "you shall have no other gods before Me" [Exodus:20:3].

(50)RC says: Peter was head of the apostles (552, 765, 880).
BC says: Christ was the head of the apostles [John 13:13].

(51)RC says: The bishops are the successors of the apostles (861-862, 938).
BC says: The apostles had no successors, for to succeed them one needed to be a witness of Christ's resurrection [Acts 1:21-22].

(52)RC says: The bishops, with the Pope as their head, rule the universal church (883, 894-896).
BC says: Christ, the head of the body, rules the universal church [Colossians 1:18].

(53)RC says: God has entrusted revelation to the Roman Catholic bishops (81, 86).
BC says: God has entrusted revelation to the saints [Jude 3].

(54)RC says: The Magisterium is the authoritative teacher of the Church (85-87).
BC says: The Holy Spirit is the authoritative teacher of the Church [John 14:26;16:13;1 John 2:27].

(55)RC says: The Magisterium is the infallible interpreter of Scripture (890-891, 2034-2035).
BC says: Scripture is the only infallible interpreter of Scripture [Acts 17:11].

(56)RC says: The Pope is infallible in his authoritative teaching (891).
BC says: God alone is infallible [Numbers 23:19].

(57)RC says: The Magisterium alone has the ability and the right to interpret Scripture (85, 100, 939).
BC says: Every Christian, aided by the Holy Spirit, has the ability and the right to interpret Scripture [Acts 17:11;1 Corinthians 2:12-16].

(58)RC says: Scripture is to be interpreted in the sense in which it has been defined by the Magisterium (113, 119).
BC says: Scripture must be interpreted in the original sense intended by the Holy Spirit [2 Peter 3:14-16].

(59)RC says: The Magisterium has the right to define truth found only obscurely or implicitly in revelation (66, 88, 2035, 2051).
BC says: No one has the right to go beyond what is written in Scripture [1 Corinthians 4:6;Proverbs 30:6].

(60)RC says: Scripture and Tradition together are the Word of God (81, 85, 97, 182)
BC says: Scripture is the Word of God [John 10:35;2 Timothy 3:16-17;2 Peter 1:20-21]...Tradition is the words of menn [Mark 7:1-13].

(61)RC says: Scripture and Tradition together are the Church's supreme rule of faith (80, 82).
BC says: Scripture is the Church's rule of faith [Mark 7:7-13;2 Timothy 3:16-17].

This is only a partial list.

Thread :hijack:

What do any of these dubious points have to do with the dogma of the Trinity?

If you want to talk about [i]justification[/i], or [i]sacramental theology[/i], etc., why not create threads dealing specifically with those topics. Also, it is best to avoid spamming by dumping tons of useless information into a thread.

Edited by Apotheoun
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*["Thread [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/hijack.gif[/img] "]

***Don't be ridiculous! I am only one guy against this whole board of papists. Evidently "gang jumping" one person is not a big thing to people like you. The real reason that you are crying "foul" is because you have no counter to my arguments.

Too, my answers are in response to questions posed by others on this board---who are ALL Catholics!

Sorry...NO CIGAR!!

*["What do any of these dubious points have to do with the dogma of the Trinity?"]


*["...Also, it is best to avoid spamming by dumping tons of useless information into a thread."]

***It is useless to you because of your unregenerate condition.


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[quote name='Damiano' date='10 February 2010 - 01:53 AM' timestamp='1265784835' post='2054613']
The real reason that you are crying "foul" is because you have no counter to my arguments.

You have been refuted. You just chose to ignore the refutations.

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[quote name='Damiano' date='09 February 2010 - 11:53 PM' timestamp='1265784835' post='2054613']
*["Thread [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/hijack.gif[/img] "]

***Don't be ridiculous! I am only one guy against this whole board of papists. Evidently "gang jumping" one person is not a big thing to people like you. The real reason that you are crying "foul" is because you have no counter to my arguments.[/quote]
The title of the thread is "Scriptures that prove the Trinity," what does your post have to do with the stated topic?

Besides, I did not say that you could not post on the other topics; instead, I simply said that you should create threads on those topics rather than hijack this thread.

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Actually, I think it might be better to keep things in one thread where we can try to pin him down on the refutations he's ignored (no doubt because there is only one of him or because such arguments are invalidated by our heretical religion).

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If it makes it easier for the poor overworked guy, we could compile a handy-dandy list of everything he has yet to address. :mellow:

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[quote name='Arpy' date='10 February 2010 - 02:30 PM' timestamp='1265837432' post='2054857']
Actually, I think it might be better to keep things in one thread where we can try to pin him down on the refutations he's ignored (no doubt because there is only one of him or because such arguments are invalidated by our heretical religion).
No one is going to take the time to write a refutation to 50 or 60 bullet points. But he has the ability to create threads that deal with the topics he finds interesting.

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[quote name='Arpy' date='10 February 2010 - 04:30 PM' timestamp='1265837432' post='2054857']
Actually, I think it might be better to keep things in one thread where we can try to pin him down on the refutations he's ignored (no doubt because there is only one of him or because such arguments are invalidated by our heretical religion).

It's not a heretical religion, it's a heretical cult. Sheesh! :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Apotheoun' date='10 February 2010 - 04:19 PM' timestamp='1265840375' post='2054902']
No one is going to take the time to write a refutation to 50 or 60 bullet points. But he has the ability to create threads that deal with the topics he finds interesting.

He also has the ability to properly use the quote and multiquote features.

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[quote name='Damiano' date='09 February 2010 - 01:34 AM' timestamp='1265700874' post='2054021']
*["Examples please."]

***Before I cite my examples, I will post the 1992 Catechism of the Catholic Church website (on line) so that you can read the citations yourself. Too, the abreviations RC=Catholic Church and BC=Biblical Christianity. The bracketed numbers are references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church---and all scripture references are from the King James Bible.

The Catholic website: [url="http://www.christusrex.org/www1/CDHN/ccc.html"]www.christusrex.org/www1/CDHN/ccc.html[/url]

(1)RC says: Justification is a transformation of the soul in which original sin is removed and sanctifying grace infused (1987-1995).
BC says: Justification is an act of God in which He declares a sinner to be righteous in His sight, having forgiven his sins and imputed to him God's own righteousness [Romans 3:21-31;4:1-8].

(2)RC says: Initial justification is by means of baptism (1262-1274).
BC says: Justification is by faith alone [Romans 3:28].

(3)RC says: Adults must prepare for justification through faith and good works (1247-1249).
BC says: God justifies ungodly sinners who believe [Romans 4:5]...Good works are the result of salvation, not the cause [Ephesians 2:8-10].

(4)RC says: The justified are in themselves beautiful and holy in God's sight (1992, 1999-2000, 2024).
BC says: The justified are in Christ holy and blameless before God [Ephesians 1:1-14].

(5)RC says: Justification is furthered by sacraments and good works (1212, 1392, 2010).
BC says: Justification is the imputation of the perfect righteousness of God [2 Corinthians 5:21]...In Christ the believer has been made complete [Colossians 2:10].

(6)RC says: Justification is lost through mortal sin (1033, 1855, 1874).
BC says: Justification cannot be lost. Those whom God justifies, He also glorifies [Romans 8:30].

(7)RC says: Catholics guilty of mortal sin are justified again through the sacrament of penance (980, 1446).
BC says: There is no second justification. Those whom God justifies, He also glorifies [Romans 5:8-9].

(8)RC says: Salvation from the eternal consequences of sin is a lifelong process (161-162, 1254-1255)
BC says: Salvation from the eternal consequences of sin is an instantaneous and secure act of God coinciding with justification [Romans 5:9].

(9)RC says: Salvation is attained by cooperating with grace through faith, good works, and participation in the sacraments (183, 1129, 1815, 2002).
BC says: Dalvation is attained by grace through faith apart from works [Ephesians 2:8-9]...Good works are the result, not the cause, of salvation [Ephesians 2:10].

(10)RC says: Faith is belief in God and the firm acceptance of all that the Church proposes for belief (181-182, 1814).
BC says: Saving faith is the entrusting of oneself to Christ as Lord and Savior [Romans 10:8-17].

(11)RC says: Sanctifying grace is a quality of the soul, a supernatural disposition that perfects the soul (1999-2000).
BC says: Grace is the undeserved favor of God [Ephesians 1:7-8].

(12)RC says: The sacraments are necessary channels for the continual infusion of grace. They bestow grace in virtue of the rite performed (1127-1129).
BC says: The child of God is the constant object of the Father's grace [Romans 5:1-2].

(13)RC says: Grace is merited by good works (2010, 2027).
BC says: Grace is a FREE gift [Romans 11:6].

(14) RC says:Venial sins do not incur eternal punishment (1855, 1863).
BC says: EVERY SIN is punishable by eternal death [Romans 6:23].

(15)RC says: Serious sins must be confessed to a priest (1456-1457).
BC says: Sin is to be confessed directly to God [Ezra 10:11].

(16)RC says: The priest forgives sins as a judge (1442, 1461).
BC says: No one can forgive sin but God alone [Mark 2:7].

(17)RC says: When the guilt of sin is forgiven, temporal punishment remains (1472-1473).
BC says: When God forgives sin, He completely forgives [Colossians 2:13;Isaiah 43:25].

(18)RC says: Acts of penance make satisfaction for the temporal punishment of sin (1434, 1459-1460).
BC says: Jesus Christ made perfect satisfaction for all sins [1 John 2:1-2].

(19)RC says: Indulgences dispensed by the Church for acts of piety release sinners from temporal punishment (1471-1473).
BC says: Jesus releases believers from their sins by His BLOOD [Revelation 1:5].

(20)RC says: Purgatory is necessary to atone for sin and cleanse the soul (1030-1031).
BC says: Purgatory does not exist. Jesus made purification for sins on the cross [Hebrews 1:3].

(21)RC says: Poor souls suffering in purgatory can be helped by those alive on earth offering up prayers, good works, and the sacrifice of the Mass (1032, 1371, 1479).
BC says: Those who sleep in Christ need no help. To be absent from the body is to be at home with the Lord [2 Corinthians 5:8].

(22)RC says: No one can know that he will attain eternal life (1036, 2005).
BC says: Yhe believer can know that he has eternal life by the Word of God [1 John 5:13].

(23)RC says: Eternal life is a merited reward (1821, 2010).
BC says: Eternal life is the free gift of God [Romans 6:23].

(24)RC says: The Roman Catholic Church is necessary for salvation (846).
BC says: There is salvation in no one but the Lord Jesus Christ, "for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved" [Acts 4:12].

(25)RC says: The Last Supper was a real sacrifice in which Christ's blood was poured out for our sins in the cup (610-611, 621, 1339).
BC says: The Last Supper was a Passover meal. Christ's blood was poured out for our sins at the Cross [1 Peter 2:24].

(26)RC says: The bread and wine become the real body and blood of Christ (1373-1377).
BC says: The bread and wine are symbols of the body and blood of Christ [1 Corinthians 11:23-25].

(27)RC says: Christ's body and blood exist wholly and entirely in every fragment of consecrated bread and wine in every Roman Catholic church around the world (1374, 1377).
BC says: Christ is bodily present in heaven [Hebrews 10:12-13].

(28)RC says: The consecrated bread and wine are heavenly food which help one to attain eternal life (1392, 1405, 1419).
BC says: The bread and wine are symbols which help one remember Christ [Luke 22:19].

(29)RC says: God desires that consecrated bread and wine be worshipped as divine (1378-1381).
BC says: God forbids the worship of any object, even those intended to represent Him [Exodus 20:4-5;Isaiah 42:8].

(30)RC says: Christ has ordained certain men to a ministerial priesthood to perpetuate the sacrifice of the cross (1142, 1547, 1577).
BC says: Christ has ordained every believer to a holy and royal priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices, the praise of their lips, and lives yielded to God [1 Peter 2:5-10;Hebrews 13:15;Romans 12:1].

(31)RC says: The Sacrifice of the Mass is the sacrifice of the cross (1085, 1365-1367)...Only the manner in which it is offered is different (1367).
BC says: The sacrifice of the cross is a historical event. It occurred once, approximately 2000 years ago, outside Jerusalem [Mark 15:21-41].

(32)RC says: The sacrifice of the cross is perpetuated in the Sacrifice of the Mass (1323, 1382).
BC says: The sacrifice of the cross is FINISHED [John 19:30].

(33)RC says: The Mass makes Christ present in His death and victimhood (1353, 1362, 1364, 1367, 1409).
BC says: Christ cannot be made present in His death and victimhood, for He has risen and is alive forevermore [Revelation 1:17-18;Romans 6:9-10].

(34) RC says: At each Mass, the priest re-presents to the Father the sacrifice of Christ (1354, 1357).
BC says: Christ presented the sacrifice of Himself to the Father "once at the consummation of the ages" [Hebrews 9:24-28].

(35) RC says: The Mass is an unbloody sacrifice which atones for the sins of the living and the dead (1367, 1371, 1414).
BC says: Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins [Leviticus 17:11;Hebrews 9:22].

(36)RC says: Each sacrifice of the Mass appeases God's wrath against sin (1371, 1414).
BC says: The once-for-all sacrifice of the cross fully appeased God's wrath against sin [Hebrews 10:12-18].

(37)RC says: The faithful receive the benefits of the cross in fullest measure through the sacrifice of the Mass (1366, 1407).
BC says: Believers receive the benefits of the cross in fullest measure in Christ through Faith [Ephesians 1:3-14].

(38)RC says: The sacrificial work of redemption is continually carried out through the sacrifice of the Mass (1364, 1405, 1846).
BC says: The sacrificial work of redemption was finished when Christ gave His life for us on the cross [Ephesians 1:7;Hebrews 1:3].

(39)RC says: The Church is to continue the sacrifice of Christ for the salvation of the world (1323, 1382, 1405, 1407).
BC says: The Church is to proclaim the Lord's death for the salvation of the world [1 Corinthians 11:26].

(40)RC says: Mary was preserved from all stain of original sin from the instant of her conception (the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception--490-492).
BC says: Mary, a descendant of Adam, was born in sin [Psalm 51:5;Romans 5:12].

(41)RC says: Mary, "the All-Holy," lived a perfectly sinless life (411, 493).
BC says: Mary was a sinner; God alone is holy [Luke 18:19;Romans 3:23;Revelation 15:4].

(42)RC says: Mary was a virgin before, during, and after the birth of Christ (486-511).
BC says: Mary was a virgin until the birth of Christ [Matthew 1:25;13:55-56;Psalm 69:8].

(43)RC says: Mary is the Mother of God (963, 971, 2677).
BC says: Mary was the earthly mother of Jesus [John 2:1].

(44)RC says: Mary is the Mother of the Church (963, 975).
BC says: Mary is a member of the church [Acts 1:14;1 Corinthians 12:13, 27].

(45)RC says: Mary is the co-redeemer, for she participated with Christ in the painful act of redemption (618, 964, 968, 970).
BC says: Christ alone is the Redeemer, for He alone suffered and died for sin [1 Peter 1:18-19].

(46)RC says: At the end of her life, Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven (966, 974).
BC says: Upon her death, Mary's body returned to dust [Genesis 3:19].

(47)RC says: Mary is the co-mediator to whom we can entrust all our cares and petitions (968-970).
BC says: Christ Jesus is the one mediator to whom we can entrust all our cares and petitions [1 Timothy 2:5;John 14:13-14;1 Peter 5:7].

(48)RC says: We should entrust ourselves to Mary, surrendering "'the hour of our death'" wholly to her care" (2677).
BC says: We should entrust ourselves to the Lord jesus, surrendering the hour of our death wholly to His care [Romans 10:13;Acts 4:12].

(49)RC says: God has exalted Mary in heavenly glory as Queen of Heaven and Earth (966)...She is to be praised with special devotion (971, 2675).
BC says: The name of the Lord is to be praised, for He alone is exalted above heaven and earth [Psalm 148:13]...God commands, "you shall have no other gods before Me" [Exodus:20:3].

(50)RC says: Peter was head of the apostles (552, 765, 880).
BC says: Christ was the head of the apostles [John 13:13].

(51)RC says: The bishops are the successors of the apostles (861-862, 938).
BC says: The apostles had no successors, for to succeed them one needed to be a witness of Christ's resurrection [Acts 1:21-22].

(52)RC says: The bishops, with the Pope as their head, rule the universal church (883, 894-896).
BC says: Christ, the head of the body, rules the universal church [Colossians 1:18].

(53)RC says: God has entrusted revelation to the Roman Catholic bishops (81, 86).
BC says: God has entrusted revelation to the saints [Jude 3].

(54)RC says: The Magisterium is the authoritative teacher of the Church (85-87).
BC says: The Holy Spirit is the authoritative teacher of the Church [John 14:26;16:13;1 John 2:27].

(55)RC says: The Magisterium is the infallible interpreter of Scripture (890-891, 2034-2035).
BC says: Scripture is the only infallible interpreter of Scripture [Acts 17:11].

(56)RC says: The Pope is infallible in his authoritative teaching (891).
BC says: God alone is infallible [Numbers 23:19].

(57)RC says: The Magisterium alone has the ability and the right to interpret Scripture (85, 100, 939).
BC says: Every Christian, aided by the Holy Spirit, has the ability and the right to interpret Scripture [Acts 17:11;1 Corinthians 2:12-16].

(58)RC says: Scripture is to be interpreted in the sense in which it has been defined by the Magisterium (113, 119).
BC says: Scripture must be interpreted in the original sense intended by the Holy Spirit [2 Peter 3:14-16].

(59)RC says: The Magisterium has the right to define truth found only obscurely or implicitly in revelation (66, 88, 2035, 2051).
BC says: No one has the right to go beyond what is written in Scripture [1 Corinthians 4:6;Proverbs 30:6].

(60)RC says: Scripture and Tradition together are the Word of God (81, 85, 97, 182)
BC says: Scripture is the Word of God [John 10:35;2 Timothy 3:16-17;2 Peter 1:20-21]...Tradition is the words of menn [Mark 7:1-13].

(61)RC says: Scripture and Tradition together are the Church's supreme rule of faith (80, 82).
BC says: Scripture is the Church's rule of faith [Mark 7:7-13;2 Timothy 3:16-17].

This is only a partial list.



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[quote name='sacredheartandbloodofjesus' date='13 December 2009 - 02:28 PM' timestamp='1260739681' post='2019809']
There seems to be alot of confusion among the muslims about our beleif in the Trinity and the Divinty of Christ. They claim the Bible doesnt directly point these out which is untrue and I will prove it with direct quotes from The Holy Bible, New and Old Testaments. Anybody else who wants to contribute scripture quotes that prove these two doctrines please feel free. But remember we are only going to use scripture here to refute the claim that the Bible doesnt teach these two doctrines.


[u]Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 26-27[/u]

26 And he said: Let us make man to [b]our [/b]image and likeness: and let him have dominion over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and the beasts, and the whole earth, and every creeping creature that moveth upon the earth. 27 [b]And God created man to his own image[/b]: to the image of God he created him: male and female he created them.

[color="#ff0000"]"Let us make man to our image"... God speaketh here in the plural number, to insinuate the plurality of persons in the Deity.[/color]

[u]1John 5:7[/u]

"And there are [b]three who give testimony in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost[/b]. And these [b]three[/b] are [b]one[/b]."

[b][size="4"]Divinity of Christ[/size][/b]

[u]Gospel of John 20:27-31[/u]

27 Then he saith to Thomas: "Put in thy finger hither, and see my hands; and bring hither thy hand, and put it into my side; and be not faithless, but believing." 28 Thomas answered, and said to him: "[b]My Lord, and my God[/b]." 29 Jesus saith to him: "Because thou hast seen me, Thomas, [b]thou hast believed[/b]: blessed are they that have not seen, and have believed." 30 Many other signs also did Jesus in the sight of his disciples, which are not written in this book.
31 But these are written, that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God: and that believing, you may have life in his name.

[u]Gospel of John 1:1-5[/u]

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, [b]and the Word was God[/b]. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him: and without him was made nothing that was made. 4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

There are many more but I will be nice and let others participate(code language for "Im lazy") [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/D.gif[/img]

***The one biblical verse that I feel summarizes the truth of the Trinity is: "Come ye near unto me, hear ye this; I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, there am I: and now the Lord GOD, and His spirit, hath sent me" [Isaiah 48:16].

If we re-phrase it and apply the proper designations we get the following: "Come ye near unto me (JESUS), hear ye this; I (JESUS) have not spoken in secret from the beginning (JESUS was in the beginning...John 1:1); from the time that it was, there am I (JESUS...John 1:1-3;Hebrews 1:2;Revelation 19:13); and now the Lord GOD (the FATHER), and His Spirit (HOLY SPIRIT), hath sent me (JESUS)" [Isaiah 48:16].


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