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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Dealing With Extreme Differences Of Opinion And/or Beliefs


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Today there have been a lot of heated discussions on the board and it seems to me that there needs to be a bit of a reminder given to all (especially some of us who may not be familiar with or who need reminders of the phorum guidelines, see them all [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules"]HERE[/url]) .

[i]Personal Attacks
A post or comment that has nothing to do with the topic, but is specifically meant to upset or criticize another person or group of people. This includes, but is not limited to, calling people "heretics" (used in a derogatory manner), "democrooks", etc.[/i]

Personal attacks are absolutely against the rules. Lets all try to remain civil in our dialogue. Just because we disagree doesn't mean we need to be calling one another names and acting like juvenile delinquents.

[i]Negative Criticism of Other Religions
A post or comment that negatively criticizes (as opposed to constructively criticizes) a different religion in a way that is harmful to open ecumenical dialogue.

This goes for all of us. Lets not confuse a negative criticism with a difference in doctrine or belief. Chances are we will hear something voiced by someone who is not of the same religion that will upset us. Saying "Jesus was not the Son of God" if you are a Muslim is different than saying, "Jesus was a chump" (even if you are a Muslim). If everyone only posted things from a Catholic POV, it would be extremely dull and non-productive.

Unless it's a clear case of criticism this might not get edited. Oftentimes it is better to deal with the misconception with facts and sources rather than censorship. Censoring a disagreement won't result in any sort of productive dialogue or conclusion. If someone of a different faith says something that you feel is blasphemous then feel free to report it, but defend it within the thread. The moderators may determine that the comment is something that is best discussed and proved wrong rather than censored.

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