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Why Are You A Christian?


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When I began to stop the business of my life and look around me, I felt the presence of the Triune God, calling me to Himself through reality. The feeling is similar to somebody you love so much that you never want to leave that person's side, because that person loves you. I believe the Church is the extension of the Life and Ministry of Christ, and so I stay with the love of my life.

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[quote name='OraProMe' date='10 December 2009 - 11:37 PM' timestamp='1260506274' post='2018165']
Q. Why are you a Christian?
A. I am a Christian by the grace of God.

-Catechism of Pope St. Pius X.

Good one! :)

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Long story short I channel flipped to EWTN in seventh grade, in high school read The Case for Christ, and http://www.catholic.com/.

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[quote name='tinytherese' date='10 December 2009 - 11:42 PM' timestamp='1260506555' post='2018169']
Long story short I channel flipped to EWTN in seventh grade, in high school read The Case for Christ, and http://www.catholic.com/.

I might get that, is it good? What's it deal with? I had "this is the faith" by Canon Francis Ripley ages ago but threw it out :(

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[quote name='OraProMe' date='10 December 2009 - 11:47 PM' timestamp='1260506849' post='2018175']
I might get that, is it good? What's it deal with? I had "this is the faith" by Canon Francis Ripley ages ago but threw it out :(

I wish you'd have sent it to me instead. :P

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' date='10 December 2009 - 07:18 PM' timestamp='1260487090' post='2017944']
Why are you not Christian?

Good question. I am not because (don't take this the wrong way) it doesn't make logical sense to me. The 3 in 1 and 1 in 3 Godhead. I've heard all of the analogies too, the eggshell/eggwhite/yolk analogy, the ice/water/vapor analogy etc, and how it's impossible to fully grasp this idea because we're like a 2-d square trying to understand a 3d cube etc etc. My idea about Jesus, pbuh, is pretty simple, he was a great Prophet and his mother was one of, if not the greatest women to walk this earth. So a counter question, does the trinity make sense to you guys? Logically?

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[quote name='Hussain' date='11 December 2009 - 12:14 AM' timestamp='1260508458' post='2018200']
Good question. I am not because (don't take this the wrong way) it doesn't make logical sense to me. The 3 in 1 and 1 in 3 Godhead. I've heard all of the analogies too, the eggshell/eggwhite/yolk analogy, the ice/water/vapor analogy etc, and how it's impossible to fully grasp this idea because we're like a 2-d square trying to understand a 3d cube etc etc. My idea about Jesus, pbuh, is pretty simple, he was a great Prophet and his mother was one of, if not the greatest women to walk this earth. So a counter question, does the trinity make sense to you guys? Logically?

The mystery of the Trinity is a truth that is above human reason.

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[quote name='Hussain' date='11 December 2009 - 12:14 AM' timestamp='1260508458' post='2018200']
Good question. I am not because (don't take this the wrong way) it doesn't make logical sense to me. The 3 in 1 and 1 in 3 Godhead. I've heard all of the analogies too, the eggshell/eggwhite/yolk analogy, the ice/water/vapor analogy etc, and how it's impossible to fully grasp this idea because we're like a 2-d square trying to understand a 3d cube etc etc. My idea about Jesus, pbuh, is pretty simple, he was a great Prophet and his mother was one of, if not the greatest women to walk this earth. So a counter question, does the trinity make sense to you guys? Logically?

When understanding the Trinity its important to define what is being stated. We don't believe that the number 1 somehow equals 3. We believe 3 *Persons* fully possess the same infinite Divine *Nature.* There is nothing in creation that perfectly represents what God is so it is impossible for our minds to grasp it, although we can understand it to a certain extent. The theologians proposed looking at the human which is the highest of God's creatures. When the intellect seeks to know something it creates an image of it in the mind, but for humans even when that knowledge is directed at ourselves, the image is imperfect. For God however, His knowledge of Himself is infinite and perfect, and this Knowledge does not merely exist as an "image" but is so perfect and infinite, that it exists as a Person that is the perfect likeness of God in all ways except by it's origin, namely the distinction between Thinker and Thought. Now we just went over the first power of the Soul whitch is the intellect, but the next power is the will which loves. It is true that God love's His creation, but for that infinite and perfect love to be directed towards finite and imperfect creatures almost seems unjust. This infinite and perfect love is directed that perfect and infinite knowledge of God, which reflects God perfectly, and this Love also exists as a Third Person. In other words, the Thinker and Thought love eachother perfectly and infinitely, and this Love exists as a Third Person. All three Persons possess the same infinite Divine Nature, and therefore they are one in being, and therefore monotheism is preserved. The distinction is in the procession, thus the Thinker is the Father, the Font of Divinity, originating from no one... the Thought, or Logos (Word), is the Son who proceeds from the Father but also shares in the procession of the Holy Spirit, Who is pure receptive Divinity.

This is my imperfect explanation of a magnificent piece of revelation that has been thought over by countless minds. It is impossible to have come to this understanding of God outside of revelation. Now just because something is mysterious is no reason to deny it... any Muslim should call to mind why Abu Bakr was given the title as-saddiq.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now and forever will be, one God forever, amen.

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[quote name='OraProMe' date='10 December 2009 - 11:47 PM' timestamp='1260506849' post='2018175']
I might get that, is it good? What's it deal with? I had "this is the faith" by Canon Francis Ripley ages ago but threw it out :(

The Case for Christ is a real former atheist (or agnostic perhaps) goes to interview experts in the fields of history, archaelogy, theology, etc. on whether or not Christ really did exist and whether or not He really was God. I found it fascinating. It looks at it from so many angles, even asking a therapist if Our Lord was crazy, the possibilities that the apostles and other followers just made up that He was God, whether the gospels are reliable, if the disciples hallucinated or succumbed to group think when it came to preaching what they saw, whether Jesus really died or if He survived, if He really did rise form the dead, etc. I'd have to read it again sometime. I learned so very much. I personally found it readible and informative. The author, Lee Strobel, ended up converting to Christianity and becoming a minister. He has also written some other books that I want to get to reading someday which follow along the same lines, The Case for Creator, and The Case for Faith.

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[quote name='Hussain' date='11 December 2009 - 12:18 AM' timestamp='1260508725' post='2018208']
So it does not make sense to you?

What he is saying is that they mystery of the trinity is above the realm of human knowledge. We cannot possibly grasp the full scope of it.

As for why I am a Christian...pretty simple actually...

Jesus said to him, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
-John 14:6

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What he is saying is that they mystery of the trinity is above therealm of human knowledge. We cannot possibly grasp the full scope ofit.[/quote]
Then why did god create us with a mind that can not understand his nature?

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[quote name='Hussain' date='11 December 2009 - 12:18 AM' timestamp='1260508725' post='2018208']
So it does not make sense to you?

I personally found these books helpful.

Mere Christianity

Theology for Beginners

Also, I've had to read this for my introduction to theology class regarding philosophical issues regarding the faith by this one philosopher.

Fundamentals of the Faith: Essays in Christian Apologetics

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