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Honor Killings


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[quote name='extempers' date='09 December 2009 - 09:04 PM' timestamp='1260410650' post='2017129']
I read "pussyfooting" and I stopped reading.

Checking the authenticity of sources partnered with an understanding that individual cultural cases do not remotely reflect what a world-wide religion stands for will lead to a better understanding of Islam.

The article says the author's name is in part "Ibn Hookah"

For those who don't know a Hookah is a water pipe and 'Ibn' is Arabic fro "son of".

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The guy who wrote it is a fraud-- most of his articles deal with demonizing Islam, attaching false attributes to Islam and etc.
It's sad that this crackhead was your source of knowledge, inspiration and information.

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[quote] The saga began in mid-July when Rifqa, after a dispute with her parents, bolted from her home and rode a bus to Orlando. There she took refuge with the Rev. Blake Lorenz, the pastor of a conservative Christian congregation, the Global Revolution Church, and his wife Beverly, whom the cheerleader and honor student had met on Facebook. Almost three weeks later, on Aug. 6, the Lorenzes finally let authorities and Rifqa's frantic parents know the girl was with them. Then, a few days later, Rifqa dropped a bombshell to an Orlando television station: she had run away, she claimed, because her family, angry about her conversion to Christianity, had "threatened to kill me."

Wearing a white dress and a silver cross, her dark hair often falling over her scared eyes, the small and slender Rifqa insisted in the TV interview (now on YouTube) that her father Mohamed Bary, a Columbus jeweler, "said he would kill me or send me back to Sri Lanka," where she said "they have asylums where they put people like me." She said her death would be a Muslim "honor killing," the kind of murder that women in deeply conservative Muslim societies are sometimes victims of when they're deemed to have shamed their families. (The U.N. Population Fund estimates that there are as many as 5,000 worldwide honor killings every year.) Rifqa said that her father, upon discovering her Facebook profile and its declarations of her Christian faith, told her, "If you have this Jesus in your heart, you're dead to me, you're not my daughter." She added, almost hysterically, "They have to kill me ... I want to worship Jesus freely. I don't want to die!" [/quote]


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[quote name='extempers' date='09 December 2009 - 09:54 PM' timestamp='1260413675' post='2017172']
I don't think anyone is reading what I post, lol :P
So you do support the invasion of Panama!

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[quote name='extempers' date='09 December 2009 - 09:54 PM' timestamp='1260413675' post='2017172']
I don't think anyone is reading what I post, lol :P

I feel the exact same. Case in point, the last article I provided.

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[quote name='bhrhrahraa' date='09 December 2009 - 09:33 PM' timestamp='1260412381' post='2017156']
The guy who wrote it is a fraud-- most of his articles deal with demonizing Islam, attaching false attributes to Islam and etc.
It's sad that this crackhead was your source of knowledge, inspiration and information.

If you can provide proof I will believe 'him' to be a fraud. But I have found that 'he' is actually a she, the claimed last name is used as a last name, and the newspaper this person claims to write for seems to exist.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' date='09 December 2009 - 09:58 PM' timestamp='1260413924' post='2017180']
If you can provide proof I will believe 'him' to be a fraud. But I have found that 'he' is actually a she, the claimed last name is used as a last name, and the newspaper this person claims to write for seems to exist.

First of all, the name is pathetic. I'm sorry but I don't think I can take this person seriously.
Secondly, is this person claiming to be a Muslim? If so, then his/her or whatever it is, it's beliefs do not represent the Islamic stance and therefore, this person most likely isn't a Muslim. Clearly, it's a brainwashed, unethical, profound writer and merely cannot accept Islam. If, on the other hand, it left Islam, then it's obvious why it is writing such articles: to provoke Muslims and out of rage.

It would be extremely funny if it's an apostate and it feels that way. It's typical to see such a behavior only after one leaves its own religion.
Also, there are quite a number of people who claim to be Muslims and preach false things about Islam just to gain supporters. Desperate much? If Islam was so bad, then why not leave it all together? No one's forcing anyone to remain a Muslim.

This person isn't a big deal. Just one view of a corrupted, wayward coagulated milk.

PS: Hookahs are disgusting, just like the writer itself.

Edited by bhrhrahraa
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Qur'an 4:15 "If any of your women are guilty of lewdness, take the evidence of four witnesses from amongst you against them; if they testify, confine them to houses until death [by starvation] claims them."

[url="http://www.examiner.com/x-5919-Norfolk-Crime-Examiner~y2009m7d11-Afghanistan-legalizes-rape-starvation-of-women"]Afghanistan legalizes rape, starvation of women[/url]

This week, Afghan President Hamid Karzai signed legislation which among other things, allows Afghan men to starve their wives if they refuse to have sex with them. The measure was an amendment to a law which have husbands the right to force themselves on their wives, if they did not consent.

Some NATO countries have threatened to withdraw their troops from Afghanistan as a result of the measure.

Speaking to British newspaper The Independent, women's rights activist Wazhma Frough said that hard line clerics pressured the Justice Ministry to retain the most outrageous parts of the original legislation. She said: "There have been a few little changes, but they are not enough. For example, if the wife doesn't accept her husband's sexual requirements then he can deny her food."

Afghanistan's Muslim law now allows rapists to go free if they offer to marry their victims. The same practice actually exists in Mexico and is known as ‘Rapto.’

The new law has touched-off riots in the streets of Kabul, as hundreds of women protested the law which would be unthinkable in a civilized society. However, groups of men from Kabul’s largest Shia madrassa also took to the streets and attacked the women. The event has been completely ignored by the American press.

Activist Razia Jan, who is currently building a women's center in Bamiyan said: "Violence against women is already endemic. Men pay thousands of dollars for young girls and they are treated like slaves. Women here are already so vulnerable."

Of course, government sanctioned violence against women is nothing new throughout the Muslim world.

Saudi Arabia recently revised their rape laws (of sorts). Now, in order for a woman to prove that she was raped, she must have three men testify as witnesses to the crime. Until recently, a female rape victim was required to bring four male witnesses to court.

Of course, under such conditions, the crime of rape is almost never prosecuted in Saudi Arabia. In fact, it is often the woman who ends up in jail and charged with adultery or indecency charges.

In 2007 the victim of a brutal gang rape was given a sentence of 200 lashes and six years in prison for having been in an unrelated man’s car at the time of the attack. After the case garnered major world media attention she was pardoned by King Abdullah, though he claimed the sentence to be fair.

A few years ago, a book entitled "The Islamic Woman" was published which detailed beating techniques to be imposed on Muslim women--at the hands of their controlling husbands. The book's author is a Muslim Imam named Mohamed Kamal Mostafa, currently living in Spain.

"The Islamic Woman" instructs men to hit women "on their hands and feet, making sure to use a cudgel that is not too thick so as not to leave permanent scar tissue." Mostafa also warns his fellow Muslims to "inflict blows that are not too strong nor too hard, because the aim is to make them suffer psychologically."

Murder is also inflicted upon Muslim women by their husbands, fathers, and brothers. The practice is called "honor killings." A Muslim woman or young girl will often be killed by a male family member, after she is believed to have committed an act which defies Islam.

In 2003, a Jordanian man was sentenced to one year in prison, for the murder of his own sister. The young woman became pregnant as a result of being raped by a neighbor. Her family then decided that she must marry the rapist. Before the forced marriage could take place, word of the pregnancy spread throughout the community. The woman's brother returned from a trip to slurs and jeers, calling him the "brother of a silly sally."

According to the Jordan Times, the man was so angry with his sister over the fact that she had been raped and impregnated--he slipped into her room at night and strangled her with a telephone cord.

The Jordanian paper published excerpts of the court's rulings. They are as follows: "The victim's actions were an unlawful and dangerous act that brought disgrace and shame to her family. He (the brother) could no longer control himself and became very angry. It does not matter that the defendant killed his sister hours after returning from Aqaba. He was still under the influence of extreme anger, which caused him to lose his ability because of the unlawful act committed by his sister."

*Reporter’s note: It is a travesty beyond imagination that we have sent our young men to fight and die in a country which has established a government that condones rape and a medieval type of oppression against their women. It is also a travesty that American women’s rights groups such as NOW (National Organization for Women) spend their resources lobbying for the continuation of late-term abortions, rather than bringing attention to the plight of their counterparts throughout the Muslim world.

In my opinion, we should pull-out our troops and all forms of support to Muslim countries which condone such brutality upon women. The entire Western world lined-up against the government of South Africa and imposed harsh economic sanctions against that nation, until they ended the practice of Apartheid.

Are not the lives of mothers and daughters at least as important?

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Interestingly the newspaper "The Gaza Gajeera" does not appear to actually exist except in reference to this article. Google turned up nothing but the "MAINTAINING FAMILY HONOR" posted over and over to forums etc. I am willing to be proved wrong if someone can source the actual article.

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[quote name='bhrhrahraa' date='09 December 2009 - 10:09 PM' timestamp='1260414568' post='2017184']
First of all, the name is pathetic. I'm sorry but I don't think I can take this person seriously.
Secondly, is this person claiming to be a Muslim? If so, then his/her or whatever it is, it's beliefs do not represent the Islamic stance and therefore, this person most likely isn't a Muslim. Clearly, it's a brainwashed, unethical, profound writer and merely cannot accept Islam. If, on the other hand, it left Islam, then it's obvious why it is writing such articles: to provoke Muslims and out of rage.

It would be extremely funny if it's an apostate and it feels that way. It's typical to see such a behavior only after one leaves its own religion.
Also, there are quite a number of people who claim to be Muslims and preach false things about Islam just to gain supporters. Desperate much? If Islam was so bad, then why not leave it all together? No one's forcing anyone to remain a Muslim.

This person isn't a big deal. Just one view of a corrupted, wayward coagulated milk.

PS: Hookahs are disgusting, just like the writer itself.

I am sorry but I did ask for proof, not conjecture, you said 'he's' written other articles that you also have a problem with, so you would seem to know some history of this reporter. Can you provide a proof that 'he' is indeed fake?

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[quote name='Maggie' date='09 December 2009 - 10:10 PM' timestamp='1260414654' post='2017186']
Interestingly the newspaper "The Gaza Gajeera" does not appear to actually exist except in reference to this article. Google turned up nothing but the "MAINTAINING FAMILY HONOR" posted over and over to forums etc. I am willing to be proved wrong if someone can source the actual article.

I couldn't find anything on it, either. If it WAS a legit magazine/newspaper, it would surely have its own source/site etc or be cited by other sources. Sadly, this is not the case.
Seems again, like fraud despos trying to stir up some commotion.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' date='09 December 2009 - 10:14 PM' timestamp='1260414855' post='2017187']
I am sorry but I did ask for proof, not conjecture, you said 'he's' written other articles that you also have a problem with, so you would seem to know some history of this reporter. Can you provide a proof that 'he' is indeed fake?

Too bad, I wrote it anyhow.

Google took me to [url="http://www.bloggernews.net/112391"]this article.[/url] Thought it was by hookah maestro. [url="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=5Wu&q=Al+Skudsi+bin+Hookah&aq=f&oq=&aqi="]Look 3rd from the bottom.[/url] By a different author though. :S

Either way, seems like this reporter wrote only one article and it's the one you or someone else posted.
If this is a legit author, do you mind finding me more articles by her or whatever it is? Unfortunately, I couldn't find any.

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[quote name='bhrhrahraa' date='09 December 2009 - 10:14 PM' timestamp='1260414875' post='2017189']
I couldn't find anything on it, either. If it WAS a legit magazine/newspaper, it would surely have its own source/site etc or be cited by other sources. Sadly, this is not the case.
Seems again, like fraud despos trying to stir up some commotion.

Yet you have claimed to have read 'his' articles, because you stated "most of his articles deal with demonizing Islam." 'He' may very well be a fraud, however if there are indeed more articles by the reporter they would help shed light on this whole issue.

Edited by KnightofChrist
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[quote name='bhrhrahraa' date='09 December 2009 - 10:21 PM' timestamp='1260415313' post='2017196']
Too bad, I wrote it anyhow.

Google took me to [url="http://www.bloggernews.net/112391"]this article.[/url] Thought it was by hookah maestro. [url="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=5Wu&q=Al+Skudsi+bin+Hookah&aq=f&oq=&aqi="]Look 3rd from the bottom.[/url] By a different author though. :S

Either way, seems like this reporter wrote only one article and it's the one you or someone else posted.
If this is a legit author, do you mind finding me more articles by her or whatever it is? Unfortunately, I couldn't find any.

For the sake of the actual topic I concede this issue. The article in post [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=101099&view=findpost&p=2017185"]54[/url] is a reliable source.

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